The impact of physical activity on physical, emotional and social health. Flashcards
Increase cardiovascular fitness. Improve strength Improve muscular endurance Increase flexibility Improve body composition Improve performance
Mix with others
Make new friends
Develop teamwork/co-operation skills
Work with others
Relieve or prevent stress and tension. Psychological challenge (can i do it) Increase self esteem and confidence Help the Individual feel good Appreciate a improved body shape/composition Contribute to the enjoyment of life.
How does Cardiovascular Fitness benefit you?
Improving cardiovascular fitness will reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, coronary heart disease and a stroke.
How does body Composition benefit you?
It helps prevent obesity and type 2 diabetes by maintaining a healthy body weight.
How does Muscular strength and endurance benefit you?
It can prevent osteoporosis (where done density etc goes brittle).
What are additional health benefits ?
The more physically fit you are you may be able to fight off illness more effectively then someone who is unfit.
What are the impacts of physical activity on emotional health?
You feel good, relieves stress and tension, increases self esteem and confidence, provides a physical challenge that gives you a sense of achievement if you overcome. Body produces serotonin which is a feel good chemical in your body, aesthetic appreciation means enjoying something because it is enjoying to look at, e.g a observer rather than a participant.
What are the impacts of physical activity on social health?
Co-operation, developing friendships and mixing socially, gaining a good attitude to competing, learning how to win and lose, build friendships and relationships that can help you with everyday life.
Whats the impact of fitness on well-being?
Fitness is our ability to meet the demands of the environment, while well-bring can be defined as being comfortable, helathy and happy, so impacting on emotional/psychological health and happiness.
Whats Health ?
Health is not as simple as being well, health is the complete emotional, psychological, social well being of a person and not just the absence of disease.