The Genesis of Germs Chapters 8-11 Flashcards
The bacterium that appears to have picked up a pathogenicity island and causes a common food-borne illness is:
E. coli O157H7
E. coli 0157:H7 was first discovered in _________.
The fourth horseman of the apocalypse represents:
pestilence and disease
While the Egyptians were experiencing plagues, why were the Israelites protected?
because they obeyed the health principles in Levitical law.
Mycobacterium leprae has a generation time of:
12 days
Why do hospitals seem to be hotbeds for resistant MRSA
because so many different strains are being thrown together with so many doses of antibiotics.
A 1993 outbreak of cryptosporidiosis in Milwaukee was caused by:
contaminated drinking water
Has the reason for the increase of flesh-eating bacteria been established.
The origin of infectious disease can be explained by:
man’s defenses. mobile genes, and the microbe
Bovine spongiform encephalopathy, better known as “mad cow disease,” is one of a handful of diseases caused by an infectious__________ called a prion:
The increasing incidence of new plagues indicates that infectious diseases are not only not disappearing, but also seem to be: ______________.
re-emerging and increasing
Do microorganisms found on healthy skin make it vulnerable to pathogens?
Bird flu is caused by what strain?
The fifth horseman is:
Jesus Christ
Is the presence of E. coli 0157:H7 in the human intestine a normal occurrence?
Livor mortis is:
when the skin shows signs of blood build up, part of the physical death process, when skin color progressively changes from green to blue to purple then finally black
What does Jehovah Rapha mean?
The God who heals
Where was the West Nile encephalitis (WNE) first diagnosed in ___ in 1937.
West Nile Region of Uganda
As few as ___ bubonic plague cells can cause death.
Many people were proclaiming victory over germs; however, new ones emerge due to:
large urban areas, blood banks, jet planes
Over 30 new or emerging diseases have occurred since the
The word infection is derived from Latin, meaning:
“to mix with” “full of poison”
What fraction of the earth’s population will see incredible devastation when the fourth horseman completes his ride?
Medical principles of washing of hands, quarantines, and facemasks were first recorded in:
the Bible
Is COVID19 virus is the most common viral infection in humans of all time?
Do comparisons of Hantavirus genes suggest that this is a new virus.
plague in Scripture denotes:
pestilence and other calamities in nature
What did researchers notice about people with Lyme disease?
They all lived in the same area.
They were more likely to own pets.
When did bacteria and other microbes undergo mutation and other degenerative processes?
after man chose to sin
Is Influenza A virus is as virulent in birds as it is in humans?
The plague bacillus is known as:
Yersinia pestis
The number one hospital-acquired infection is ___.