Exploring Medicine Chapters 16-19 Flashcards
Roentgen called his discovery x-rays because they were
Gerhard Domagk studied uses of dyes in
Has the study of x-rays had an impact on the world today?
developed vaccination
Edward Jenner
The one who discovered that pitchblend is radioactive was
Henri Becquerel
The treatment of President Franklin Roosevelt’s son
made newspaper headlines
Christian Eijkman went to ___ to treat beriberi
Java in the Pacific
discovered x-rays
Wilhelm Roentgen
was the first to experiment with high-voltage electrical discharge in a vacuum tube
William Crookes
fought infection by keeping bacteria out of the body
Joseph Lister
The year 1895 marked the first year of the
second scientific revolution
Pitchblende is an ore of
Did Christian Eijkman first believe beriberi to be a dietary disease?
Is a radioactive element used to coat bullets?
warned about the dangers of x-rays
Thomas Edison
the first person to glimpse bacteria
Antoni van Leeuwenhoek
Becquerel’s film was exposed by
an ore on his desk
What are some ways x-rays can be used?
find bullets in a body
tell if a leg is broken
find decayed spots on teeth
X-rays are actually streams of
high-power light rays
Christian Eijkman concluded that beriberi could be prevented by
eating brown rice
The one who coined the name radioactivity
Marie Curie
Beriberi means
I cannot
Why did Dr. Domagk refuse the Nobel Prize?
Hitler ordered him to turn it down
invented a barium sulfate milk shake to show soft body parts by x-rays
Walter Cannon
The one who discovered x-rays
Wilhelm Roentgen
served as a medic during World War I
Gerhard Domagk
brought news of sulfa drugs to America
Perrin H. Long
Iodine in the diet prevents what?
Can a lack of vitamins and minerals in the diet cause serious ilnesses?
Cathode rays are actualy streams of
high speed electrons