The Genesis of Germs Chapters 1-3 Flashcards
How long did it take to solve the mystery of Legionnaires’ disease?
6 months
The cell wall of a bacterium is best described as
rigid with some elasticity
New diseases are the product of
variation, or change within “kinds”, not evolution
What are microbes that thrive in hot springs called?
Does bacteria need cold temperatures to thrive?
Does the process of nitrification involve nitrifying bacteria that brings about the oxidation of ammonia to nitrites and of nitrates to nitrites?
The technique of Gram-staining allows a what?
a clearer view of the cell wall
Is it necessary to master Latin when classifying bacteria?
What has internalized flagellum that lie beneath the cell wall?
Which scientist devised the theory of spontaneous generation by boiling plant infusions in swan-necked flasks that maintained ther sterility for long periods of time?
Louis Pasteur
Does the flagellum act like an anchor
___ may be the only organisms that can live in extreme habitats like thermal vents or hypersaline water.
Are the eukaryotic cells of bacteria generally smaller and simpler in structure than prokaryotic cells?
Which scientist first observed and described some of the larger bacteria?
Anton van Leeuwenhoek
Name some characteristics for prokaryotes
They lack a true nucleus.
They usually divide by binary fission.
Their DNA is not associated with histones.
Their cell walls almost always contain peptidoglycan.
In hospitials, does Serratia marcescens, tend to colonize the gastroinstestinal track of adults?
Koch discovered which species to be susceptible to cholera?
The Archaean known as Halobacterium is characterized by _______
it’s red light-sensitive pigment
The microorganisms of the hot springs at Yellowstone are:
bacteria, protozoa, algae
Robert Koch developed a logical series of observations and experiments that would prove the specific element of what?
infectious diseases
Anthrax is known as a zoonotic disease because …
people catch it from animals
What percentage of bacteria is pathogenic?
Give the name of the pigment responsible for the bright red color in the bacteria that appeared as “blood.”
Name the microbiologist who first described synthesis of the red pigment found in bacteria that often cause bread and communion wafers to have blood on it.
Robert P. Williams
The idea that microbes “pop” into existence from substances less complex than a living cell is termed:
spontaneous generation
Is disease the result of bacterial mutation and evolution?
To develop his famous postulates, Robert Koch first studied what disease?
Does the news media frequently write about the evolution of new microbe strains that can cause disease?
In his book, Darwin’s Black Box, Dr. Michael Behe describes flagella as
having irreducible complexity
The fastest growth of bacteria happens in which phase?
logarithmic phase
Are pure culture grown artificially in a liquid medium unpredictable
The word bacteria comes from the Latin word meaning:
staff or rod