Exploring Medicine Chapters 11-13 Flashcards
Lous Pasteur showed that fermentation is caused by
yeasts that are alive
Did Louis Pasteur reject the theory of evolution?
Lousi Pasteur proved that spontaneous generation __
never occurs
Spontaneous generation is the belief that microscopic life can
come into existence out of non-living matter
How did Lous Pasteur prepare his mind each morning?
By reading the Bible and praying
Did some doctors encourage infection to develop?
A compound fracture is one in which
a broken bone cuts through the flesh
Louis Pasteur claimed that ___ caused disease.
tiny germs
Carbolic acid is __
very weak
What does antiseptic mean?
anti - against
septic - to make rotten
Joseph Lister became what three things?
the first physician to belong to the House of Lords
president of the Royal Society
physician to the Queen
What did Robert Koch dream of being?
To rid their livestock of anthrax, farmers had to
kill them and burn or bury them
Did Robert Koch have a well equipped research laboratory to work on the problem of anthrax?
Was anthrax cared in spores?
At the university, Robert Koch proved his ideas by three days of
On the third day of Robert Koch’s demonstration, the professors told their students ___
go and watch the country doctor
Robert Koch proved what cause anthrax but could not do what?
find a cure for it