The Genesis of Germs Chapter 6 Flashcards
What is the best example of variation that we have?
colds and flu
How would you best describe the shape of a helical virus?
It resembles long rods that may be rigid or flexible
Do photomicrographs of the virions of tobacco mosaic virus and an animal virus show that the architecture of virions is vastly different between the two?
Can viruses can be classified as prokaryotes or eukaryotes?
AIDS is ___________ a severe HIV infection.
a continuum of
Describe the structure of a virus.
helical, complex, icosahedral or polyhedral, enveloped
Viruses change quickly because of their RNA genome instead of ___.
DNA genome
Viruses with the icosahedral shape have ___ equilateral triangular faces that provide a stable protein structure consistent with long-term survival
What are some characteristics of a virus?
relies on a host-cell metabolism, has a nucleic acid core surrounded by protein, contains only one or a few enzymes, relies on the host’s reproductive capabilities to spread
A structural property of HIV is ____________.
it contains reverse transcriptase
The size of the smallest viruses can be said to be _________.
not much larger than the diameter of a double-stranded DNA helix
Once the HIV virus infects CD4+ T-cells (often called T-4 lymphocytes) in large numbers, it leads to a destruction of ___.
the immune system
Since viruses require living host cells in order to multiply, they are considered to be _______.
Are dental cavities the most common viral infection in humans?
Are viruses adequately described as poisonous fluids?
Bacterial viruses were first named ____ by ___.
bacteriophages, D’Herelle