Exploring Medicine Chapters 16-18 Flashcards
invented a barium sulfate milk shake to show soft body parts by x-rays
Walter Cannon
Christian Eijkman concluded that beriberi could be prevented by
eating brown rice
Pitchblende is an ore of
Did Christian Eijkman first believe beriberi to be a dietary disease?
discovered x-rays
Wilhelm Roentgen
X-rays are actually streams of
high-power light rays
The year 1895 marked the first year of the
second scientific revolution
warned about the dangers of x-rays
Thomas Edison
Is a radioactive element used to coat bullets?
The one who coined the name radioactivity
Marie Curie
was the first to experiment with high-voltage electrical discharge in a vacuum tube
William Crookes
The one who discovered x-rays
Wilhelm Roentgen
Becquerel’s film was exposed by
an ore on his desk
Cathode rays are actualy streams of
high speed electrons
What are some ways x-rays can be used?
find bullets in a body
tell if a leg is broken
find decayed spots on teeth
The one who discovered that pitchblend is radioactive was
Henri Becquerel
Iodine in the diet prevents what?
Can a lack of vitamins and minerals in the diet cause serious ilnesses?
Has the study of x-rays had an impact on the world today?
Roentgen called his discovery x-rays because they were
Beriberi means
I cannot
Christian Eijkman went to ___ to treat beriberi
Java in the Pacific