Building Blocks in Life Science Chapters 13-19 Flashcards
Chemical evolution on earth is impossible; life was seeded here from outer space.
used as a code to “tell” the cell how to make proteins, including enzymes
The popular slogan “Evolution is science; creation is faith” is (obviously the absolute truth/nearly exactly the opposite of the truth) and is meant to (start/stop) discussion of scientific evidence.
nearly exactly opposite of the truth; stop
provides the motion that destroys structure and can bring death
Long ago, Miller accepted the evidence that his spark chamber experiment (did/did not) support chemical evolution. He tried other starting materials and conditions: these also seemed to (prevent/ promote) belief that chemicals produced life.
did not; prevent
Evolution became a scientific religion, and many scientists will bend their observations to fit with it.
pass hereditary instructions from one generation to the next
Using the many specific proteins in ribosomes and “translases” to establish DNA code for making specific proteins
Radically changed Earth’s weather and soil conditions, and mutations perhaps help explain why God allowed meat eating
provide energy to make “build up” reactions go faster than “break down”
Darwin’s “war of nature…famine and death”
consist of proteins in a phospholipid bilayer
provides the motion to molecules that make life possible
DNA’s base pair replication is the basis for all “reproduction after kind.” But is DNA truly a self- reproducing molecule? Explain.
No. DNA is NOT self-reproducing. Its replication requires lots of raw materials and energy. Its continuing replication requires a continuously renewed supply of “expensive” raw materials and energy, the complex and pre-energized single nucleotides.