Exploring Medicine Chapters 6-9 Flashcards
referred to God as the Maker of the Great All
Did William Morton earn a good income as a dentist?
Leeuwenhoek wrote about his discoveries in___
said, “No, it didn’t hurt at all.”
Gilbert Abbott, a patient at the Massachusetts General Hospital
What does pneumatic mean?
wrote a poem about Leeuwenhoek’s discoveries
Jonathan Swift
What did Charles Jackson claim to invent?
James Simpson experimented with ether and had
limited success
Did the Royal Society refuse to read Leeuwenhoek’s letters?
Vacca is a word meaning
said, “We beseech the Great Spirit to take care of you.”
The chiefs of the Five Indian Nations in Canada
invented the printing press
By the start of the 1800s, the skill of a surgeon was judged by
how fast he worked
said, “I was wrong. The little animals do exist.”
Christiaan Huygens
said, “Shut your doors against your friends.”
the town leader when the Black Death struck
Leeuwenhoek worked as a ___ of the city hall.
The word micro means
to cook
said, “I know there is not way to prevent the disease [smallpox].”
The head doctor at London Smallpox Hospital
Can a person get small pox time and time again?
coined the word anesthetic
Oliver Wendell Holmes
Before his medical studies began, who did William Morton receive private instruction from?
Charles Jackson
Did Humphry Davy use laughing gas during a hospital operation?
What does the word anesthetic mean?
no feeling
ordered his soldiers to be vaccinated
Why did William Morton attend medical school?
to learn how relieve pain
Chloroform does not explode and has a
sweet smell
James Simpson became the personal physician to
Queen Victoria
was the first person to be vaccinated against smallpox
Jamie Phipps
said, “It’s a silly superstition.”
Dr. Daniel Ludlow
The Black Death was caused by
a certain type of bacteria
How did Davy take care of the large family debt?
by paying it back
said, “We suffer from disease while he plays with a useless hobby!
the local people
said, “Your patient is ready, doctor.”
William Morton
William Morton tried ether first on
his pet dog
said, “Gentlemen, this is no humbug!”
Dr. Warren, a surgeon at Massachusetts General Hospital
Was the British Royal family vaccinated?
The two most common gasses in the earth’s atmosphere
oxygen and nitrogen
said, “It [cowpox] is a harmless disease and protects me from smallpox.”
The milkmaid
Did David share his discoveries or keep them secret?
shared them
invited Jenner along as his ship’s natural scientist
James Cook