What are memory cells?
To prevent the body being infected by the same pathogen again
=Lymphocytes produce memory cells= which can ‘remember’ the antigens from an infection by a previous pathogen and can produce antibodies
What are memory cells usefull for?
If the same pathogen reinfects=
The memory lymphocytes start to produce antibodies so the pathogen can be easily dealt with quickly
What is this response called?
This response to a known antigen is called the secondary response
What is a secondary immune response?
(antibody production increases ⇱dramatically and in a much shorter time period
—) Killing the microbes before they have time to multiply
–)To a point where they couldn’t cause disease
What is a primary immune response?
1st immune response The antibodies slowly increase, peak at around ten days and then gradually decrease.
What is active immunity?
where the body is actively producing antibodies to fight infection
What is an example of active immunity?
Vaccinations,=an injection of a weakened strain of an infectious pathogen that causes the body to undergo ACTIVE IMMUNITY(produce antibodies)
What is passive immunity?
where antibodies are given to a person via the blood of another person or animal
What is an example of passive immunity?
Breastfeeding mothers pass antibodies to their children through the milk