What is calcium for?
Making healthy bones and teeth,Muscle contraction
Where can you get calcium from?
Milk,dairy products(fish veg)
Why is iron needed?
needed to make haemoglobin(pigment in red blood cells that transports 02)
Where are some iron rich foods?
red meat, spinach
What happens if your calcium deficient?
weak bones and teeth, poor clotting of the blood and muscle spasms.
+osteoporosis later in life
What happens if your iron deficient?
ANEMIA: tired and weak because BLOOD does not transport enough oxygen.
Vitamin A
Needed for vision, (needed to make a light sensitive chemical in the retina)
Deficiency =night blindness
Carrots,fish, egg
Vitamin C
Healing skin,preventing colds
Deficiency =SCURVY(wounds don’t heal,gum damage)
Citrus fruit, green vegetables
Vitamin D
Helps body absorb calcium, required for strong teeth and bones
Deficiency =RICKETS(bone deficiency)
Milk and sunshine
What is water needed for?
needed for chemical reactions to take place in cells Deficiency dehydration (symptoms dark urine,headaches)
What is dietary fibre for?
Provides roughage for the intestine to push food through the intestine
and waste material out of the body