TEXT 12 (HT 8.1) Flashcards
A high official of Chen was on a diplomatic visit to Lu.
He privately had an audience with Shusun.
叔孫氏曰 “吾國有聖人”
Shusun said, “We have a sage in our state.”
曰 非孔丘邪?
The Chen official said, “Isn’t he Confucius?”
曰 “是也”
Shusun said, ‘Yes.’
‘How do you know he is a sage?’
叔孫氏曰 “吾常聞之顏回曰
Shusun said, “I once heard Yan Hui say that Confucius is able to discard his mind and use his body.”
陳大夫曰 “吾國亦有聖人”
The Chen official said, “We also have a sage in our state.”
“Don’t you know about him?”
曰 “聖人孰謂?”
Shusun said, “Which sage do you mean?”
曰 “老聃之弟子有亢倉子者
得聃之道 能以耳視而目聽”
The Chen official said, “Among the disciple of Laozi, there is a certain Kangcangzi who grasped the Way of Laozi and is able to look with his ears and listen with his eyes.”
When the Marquis of Lu heard this, he was astounded.
He sent a great noble to bring him lavish gifts and invite him to Lu.
Kangcangzi arrived in response to the invitation.
The Marquis of Lu asked in the humblest language to question him.
亢倉子曰 “傳之者妄”
Kangcangzi said, “The rumor is false,”
“I can look and listen without using eyes and ears.”
“I cannot exchange the functions of eyes and ears.”