TEXT 11 (HT 8.1) Flashcards
Zilu asked Confucius,
“How should we govern a state?”
孔子曰 “在於尊賢而賤不肖”
Confucius said, “The key resides in honoring the worthies and despising the incapable.”
子路曰 “范、中行氏尊賢而賤不肖
Zilu said, “The Fan and Zhonghang clans honored the worthies and despised the incapable, so why did they perish?”
曰 “范、中行氏尊賢而不能用也”
Confucius said, “‘The Fan and Zhonghang clans honored the worthies but were unable to make use of them.”
“They despised the incapable but were unable to get rid of them.”
“The worthies knew that they weren’t being used and resented it.”
“The incapable knew they were held in low esteem and hated the leaders.”
“賢者怨之 不肖者讎之”
“The worthies resented them, while the incapable hated them.”
怨讎並前 中行氏雖欲無亡 得乎?
“With such resentment and hatred come to fore all at once, even if the Zhonghang clan had wished to avoid destruction, how could they obtain it?”