Test 4 - Chest Radiography Flashcards
What’s that is?

T1 vertebrae

The costodiaphragmatic recess is an anatomical location; on CXR, this space is referred to as the ________ ________.
costophrenic angle
Name this shit and tell me at what vertebral level it is found at.

The carina (bifurcation of the trachea) - T4/T5 level

- Trachea
- Left main bronchus

- Right hemidiaphragm
- Left hemidiaphragm
(the right one is higher!)
- Stomach bubble

Right bronchus

Where does this central venous catheter terminate?

Right atrium
Name the numbered things and also name the things colored yellow and blue, respectively. Also, what vertebral level is this?

Yellow thing is fat
Blue thing is the thymus
- Ascending aorta
- Left pulmonary artery
- Descending aorta
- Carina (T4/T5!)
- Esophagus
- Azygos vein

- Right major (oblique) fissure
- Left main bronchus
- Left fissure (oblique)

What happened?

What is your Dx? Name the stuff on the CT scan.

Mesothelioma - tumor of the pleura from asbestos exposure
- Tumor
- Fluid

What’s up wit it?

Empyema (pleural infection)

Which normally visible shadow edge is missing?

Right hemidiaphragm

What shadow edges are missing here?

Descending aorta, left heart border, and left hemidiaphragm

What’s up wit it?

Aortic aneurysm
Which side is showing enlarged hilar lymph nodes? What is visible in the hilum on the other image?

Left side shows hilar lymphadenopathy (potatoes), right side shows pulmonary arteries (turnips)

What is the approach to examining a film?
Labels, date, etc.
Breathing (lungs)
Everything else