Test 2 The Appendicular Skeleton Flashcards
Scapula and clavicle
pectoral girdle
Articulates with the manubrium
Sternal end of the clavicle
Articulates with the scapula
Acromial end of the clavicle
At the superior end of lateral border of scapula
glenoid cavity
Anterior projection from the lateral scapula
coracoid process
Prominent posterior projection of the scapula
Extension of the spine on the scapula
Fossa inferior to the spine of the scapula
infraspinous fossa
Fossa superior to the spine of the scapula
supraspinous fossa
Fossa on the anterior (rib) surface of the scapula
Sub scapular fossa
Wrist and hand
Only bone of the brachial region that articulates proximally with the scapula and distally with the radius and ulna
Rounded proximal end of the humerus
Constriction just distal to the head of the humerus
Anatomical neck
Prominent protrusion lateral to the anatomical neck of the humerus
Greater tubercle
Smaller protrusion medial to the greater tubercle on the humerus
Lesser tubercle
Groove in between the two tubercles of the humerus
Inter tubercular groove/sulcus
Area just distal to the tubercles of the humerus
Surgical neck
Rough area about halfway down the shaft of the humerus on the lateral side
Deltoid tuberosity
Medial projection at the distal end of the humerus that articulates with the ulna
Trochlea/medial condyle
Lateral projection at the distal end of the humerus that articulates with the radius
Capitulum/lateral condyle
Proximal to trochlea on the humerus
Medial epicondyle
Proximal to capitulum on the humerus
Lateral epicondyle
On the posterior surface of the humerus and proximal to trochlea
Olecranon fossa
On anterior medial surface of the humerus
Coronoid fossa
On anterior lateral surface of the humerus
Radial fossa
Ante brachial region
Olecranon process
proximal portion of the elbow
Other half of the “U” that fits into coronoid fossa of the humerus during flexion
Coronoid process
Separates the olecranon from the coronoid process of the ulna
Trochlear notch
Lateral portion of the proximal end where the head of the radius articulates with the ulna
Radial notch
Distal end of the ulna
Medial projection on the distal end of the ulna
Styloid process
First row of the carpals (from right to left)
Second row of the carpals (right to left)
Bones of the palm that are numbered I-V from lateral to medial
Bones of the fingers numbered I-V
Provides attachment point for lower limbs
pelvic girdle
Consists of ilium, ischium, pubis
The socket on the lateral surface of the pelvis for articulation with the head of the femur
Forms the superior portion of the innominate bone
Anterior termination of the iliac crest
Anterior superior iliac spine
Posterior termination of the iliac crest
Posterior superior iliac spine
Deep indentation just inferior to the PIIS for passage of the sciatic nerve
Greater sciatic notch
Ridge for attachment of gluteal muscles
Anterior gluteal line
Posterior gluteal line
Concave region making up most of the “wing” of the pelvis
Iliac fossa
Separates true pelvis from false pelvis
Arcuate line/Brim
the posterior inferior os coal bone
Lies posterior to the acetabulum and projects medially
ischial spine
Inferior to iliac spine
Lesser sciatic notch
Rough thick area on the inferior aspect of the ischium
ischial tuberosity
Anterior portion of pelvis
superioanterior projection
public tubercle
The articulation of left and right pubic bones with fibrocartilage in between
pubic symphysis
inverted “v” formed just inferior and lateral to the pubic symphysis
pubic arch
large opening between the pubis and the ischium
obturator foramen
What are the bones associated with the leg
What are the bones associated with the heel, foot and toes
Rounded proximal end of the femur that articulates with the acetabulum
Pit in the center of the head for ligament attachment
Fovea capitis
Narrow portion just distal and lateral to the head
Ridge on proximal end of the femur that is proximal and larger
Greater trochanter
Ridge on the proximal end of the femur that is distal and smaller
Lesser trochanter
Between the two trochanters on the posterior surface
Intertrochanteric line
Ridge between the two trochanters on the posterior surface
Intertrochanteric crest
Rough area distal to intertrochanteric crest on posterior surface-where gluteus maximus inserts
Gluteal tuberosity
Vertical ridge distal to the gluteal tuberosity
Linea aspera
Rounded portion on distal end for articulation with tibia
Medial condyle
Rounded portion on distal end- for articulation with tibia
Lateral condyle
proximomdial to medial condyle
Medial epicondyles
Bump on proximal aspect of medial epicondyle
adductor tubercle
Smooth area in between the condyles on the anterior aspect for articulation with patella
Patellar surface
Deep groove in between the condyles on the posterior surface
Intercondylar foss
Sesamoid bone anchored within the quadriceps tendon
Patella (knee cap)
Crural region
What connects the two bones in the crural region?
interosseous membrane
Shin bone
On proximal end, articulates with medial condyle of femur
medial condyle of the tibia
On proximal end, articulates with lateral condyles of femur
lateral condyle
upward protrusion in between the two condyles on the tibia
intercondylar eminence
Distal to the condyles on the anterior surface of the tibia
Tibial tuberosity
Attachment site of the patellar ligament
Tibial tuberosity
Ridge on the anterior portion of the shin
Anterior border/margin/crest
Projection on distal end of bone
medial malleoulus
Distal end that forms the outer ankle
lateral malleolus of the fibula
Forms ankle joint with tibia and fibula
Heel bone
Lateral cube-shaped bone
Anterior to talus
Bones forming the arch of the foot