Test 2: Lecture 17 Auditory Flashcards
higher air pressure creates ___
lower air pressure creates ___
change is pitch changes ___
change in loudness changes
the amplitude (magnitude of the wave)
the peak to peak variation in pressure gives impression of ___
the frequency of the sinusoidal pressure wave will change the ___
cycles per sec = Hertz
sound is measured in
dB (decibels)
Bel is one log unit
measurement relative to 20 microPascals
0 dB is threshold for humans at 1-4 kHz
complex sound leads to the ___
combination of all sound waves into a sum sine wave that can be understood by the brain
auditory transduction
sound waves into electrical signals that can be interpreted by the brain
bones of the inner ear
auditory ossicles
malleus, incus and stapes
___ hold the inner ear bones in place
anterior malleal ligament
posterior incudal ligament
tendon of the tensor tympani muscle
footplate of the stapes sends vibrations into the ___
oval window of the bony labyrinth
bony labyrinth is filled with a fluid called ___
flexibility of the ___ allows vibrations of the stapes to move the perilymph
round window
corridor to the round window is found in the spiral portion called the ___
vibrations ascending to the apex of the cochlea by the
scala vestibuli
vibrations descending from the apex of the cochlea to the round window by the
scala tympani
___ is in between the scala vestibuli and the scala tympani
cochlear duct