test 1: lab 2 Flashcards
3 components of the brain
brain stem
2 cortex of the cerebrum
neocortex - gyri, sulci, lobes
paleocortex- olfactory bulb, olfactory peduncle, piriform lobe
part of the cerebrum with gyri, sulci and lobes
part of the cerebrum with the olfactory bulb, olfactory peduncle, piriform lobe
the neocortex and paleocortex are separated by the ___
rhinal fissure
how is cerebellum attached to the brain?
three cerebellar peduncles (caudal, rostral and middle)
attach it to the brain stem
transverse fibers into cerebellum by ___
middle cerebellar peduncle
cerebrum is attached to the brainstem by ___, which is continuous with the ___
internal capsule
cerebral peduncles
5 divisions of the brain
- *Telencephalon** = Cerebrum
- *Diencephalon** = Thalamus + Hypothalamus + Epithalamus + Subthalamus Mesencephalon = Midbrain = Tectum + tegmentum
- *Metencephalon** = Pons + Cerebellum
- *Myelencephalon** = Medulla
- *Brainstem** = diencephalon + midbrain + pons + medulla
pineal and mammary bodies are part of the ___
optic chiasm to mammary bodies
caudal mammary bodies to rostral pons
diencephalon, mesencephalon, metencephalon, myelencephalon
caudal cerebellar peduncle- holds cerebellum onto brain stem
Afferent axons to the cerebellum pass through all three cerebellar peduncles. The rostral peduncle contains mainly efferent cerebellar axons going to the more rostral brainstem. The caudal peduncle also contains efferent axons, going to the more caudal part of the brainstem.
inferior colliculus (IC)
part of the tectum of the mesencephalon → auditory system
cerebral hemispheres
telencephalon divided into right and left hemispheres
cerebral peduncles
axons form the internal capsule form together and move toward the medulla
found in the midbrain
contain descending axons from the cerebral cortex (Upper motor neurons)
descending tract for voluntary motor control
corticospinal tract
corticospinal tract
descending voluntary control of skeletal muscle
cerebral longitudinal fissure
decussation of the pyramids [DP] (fibers form an x)
decussation of the pyramids [DP] (fibers form an x)
in the caudal medulla
which includes the epithalamus, thalamus,
subthalamus and hypothalamus
third ventricle
pineal body is where?
in the epithalamus of the diencephalon
pineal body part of the epithalamus in the diencephalon
gyri on cerellebum
frontal lobe
primary motor cotex
bumps on the neocortex?
The hypothalamus forms the ventral portion of the diencephalon, below the interthalamic adhesion. It extends laterally from the lateral wall of the third ventricle to the internal capsule on each side. The optic chiasm, the infundibulum attaching to the pituitary gland (also called the hypophysis) and (most caudally) the mammillary bodies of the hypothalamus are located on its ventral surface.
The third ventricle extends into the infundibulum of the pituitary gland (hypophysis) as the infundibular recess (Fig. 8). The third ventricle is continuous caudally with the mesencephalic aqueduct.
infundibular recess
The third ventricle extends into the infundibulum of the pituitary gland (hypophysis) as the **infundibular recess**. The third ventricle is continuous caudally with the mesencephalic aqueduct.
lamina terminalis
The rostral boundary of the third ventricle, the paper-thin lamina terminalis, extends from the rostral commissure to the optic chiasm. This thin lamina (Fig. 8) represents the rostral end of the embryonic neural tube on the median plane.
mammillary bodies
Their caudal edge marks the boundary between the most caudal extent of the hypothalamus (and also the caudal most diencephalon) and the rostral boundary of the midbrain as seen on the ventral brainstem.
median sulcus of the 4th ventricle
The groove in the center of the floor of the fourth ventricle
cerebral aqueduct
connects 3rd to 4th ventricle found in the mesencephalon between the tectum and tegmentum
cerebral aqueduct
mesencephalon- midbrain
The tectum - rostral or superior colliculi, which function in the visual system. The caudal pair are the caudal or inferior colliculi, and function in the auditory system. The mesencephalic tegmentum lies ventral to the aqueduct. It is continuous with the tegmentum of the pons and medulla.
midbrain and diencephalon
(can see aquaduct)
pons and cerebellum
. The ventral surface of the pons includes the transverse fibers of the pons, bundles of decussating axons which course laterally and dorsally into the middle cerebellar peduncles on each side of the pons. Neurons of the pontine nuclei in the ventral pons are the source of the axons that make up these transverse fiber