test 1: lab 4 Flashcards
Two major ascending tracts in the brain stem, the medial lemniscus which is ___ and spinothalamic which is ___
touch and pressure
pain and temperature
__ regulates cardiovascular system control , respiratory control, pain sensitivity control, alertness, awareness, and consciousness.
reticular formation (in the brain stem)
medulla begins after the __ and includes the __
trapezoid bodies
the midbrain is between the ___ and the pons
mammillary bodies
vagal area
vestibular area
deep to this is the vestibular nuclei
area postrema
(no blood brain barrier → CVO)
reticular formation → arousal, respiratory, cardiac, vasomotor, gastric network
what is the red?
somatic sensory to trigeminal CN5
CN 8 vestibular cochlear
sensory for hearing/balance
sensory for taste and baroreceptors
nucleus( tractus) solitarius
where is CN3 nuceli
oculomotor → somatic motor
CN 4
somatic motor to trochlear
Trigeminal motor
motor to branchiomotor