test 1: lab 3 Flashcards
three regions of white matter in the spinal cord
dorsal funiculus
ventral funiculus
lateral funiculus
___ septum divides the white matter in the spinal cord
dorsal median septum (in the dorsal funiculus)
___ fissure divides the white matter on the ventral side
ventral median fissure
___ is where the rootlets enter the spinal cord
dorsolateral sulcus
divisions of the spinal grey matter
dorsal horn
intermediate zone
ventral horn
___ contains sensory inputs (somatic and visceral afferents)
dorsal root
___ contain somas of sensory afferents entering the spinal cord
___ motor outputs (somatic and visceral efferents)
ventral root
___ - mixed sensory and motor
spinal nerve
spinal cord ends below L1 vertebrae as the ___
conus medullaris
lumbar and sacral nerves after L1 form the ___
cauda equina
ventral horns have info about ___
motor to muscles
C8 ( large ventral horn sorta oval)
where are preganglionic sympathetic axons found in the spinal cord?
lateral horn (T1-L2)
where do you find the preganglionic parasympathetic in the spinal cord?
what kind of cells are in the intermediolateral cell column?
cells of the ANS
- Preganglionic sympathetic (lateral horn; T1-L2)
- Preganglionic parasympathetic (S1-S3)- rest and digest
what is in the dorsal column of the spinal cord?
- Fascicululs gracilis (hindlimb)
- Fasciculus cuneatus (forelimb) (above T5)
___ part of the dorsal column of the spinal cord that controls the frontlimb is found ___
Fasciculus cuneatus (forelimb)
(above T5)
what kind of axons in white matter
motor→ down
sensory →up
ascending tracts in the spinal cord
spinothalamic tract→ pain and temperature
anteriolateral tract