Technology-Chapter 9 Flashcards
The device that does the actual computing by its technical name, other common names are computer, microprocessor, central processor, CPU (central processing unit)
operating system (OS)
makes a computer a useful device, preforms: loading programs, sharing memory with multiple apps..
programs- for our phones, laptops, tablets, and other devices.
The fetch/execution cycle
process of executing an instruction, gets program and data bits from the memory and puts data bits back into the memory
is the proper term for what processors do
memory stores millions of
bits, bits are the medium of information , referred to as 0’s and 1’s, programs and data are encoded into bits
splash screen
is an image that displays before an application starts running, and this one fades in, fades out, and then goes on the actual application,
opacity of the screen
how transparent it is
if the opacity is 1.0 or greater, it is not transparent at all
software stack
already been produced and then implemented in to the program , range from lower levels to higher levels
Fetch/Execute Cycle
implemented in hardware
consists of getting the next instruction, figuring out what to do, gathering the data needed to doit, doing it, saving the result, and repeating the cycle again and again.
All computers have atlas five basic parts:
the memory, control unit, arithmetic/logic unit (ALU), input unit, and output unit
Memory has the following properties
Discrete locations- memory is organized as a sequence pf discrete locations
Addresses-every memory location has an address- starting at 0
Values- Memory locations record or store values
Finite Capacity- (limited size), programmers must keep in mind that the data may not “fit” in the memory location
memory words
blocks of 4 bytes
The fetch/execute cycle steps
instruction fetch ( IF) instruction decode (ID) data fetch (DF) instruction execute (EX) result return (RR)
Random access memory, the computer can refer to the memory locations in any order, measured by megabytes or gigabytes
Control Unit
Is the hardware implementation of the Fetch/Execute cycle, its circuitry fetches an instruction from memory and preforms the other operations of the cycle on it. has two registers
first register of the control unit
instruction register; which is where the control unit keeps the instructions that it’s working on
second register of the control unit
program counter, gives the memory location of the next instruction that the control unit will work on
Arithmetic/ Logic Unit (ALU)
is the part of the computer that does the actual computation during the Instruction Execute step of the F/E Cycle.
Data fetch gets the values from memory for the ALU so it can preform operations like add and multiply , these values are called this.
connect to the processor’s input/output ports, providing it with input or receiving its output.
Device driver
gives the keyboard its standard meaning and behavior
Indirect reference
referring to a value by referring to the address in memory where it is stored-is fundamental to a computers versatility
Program counter
computers keep track of which instructions to execute next by its address
the reason processors run faster than the five ticks per cycle is computer engineers do this to the fetch and execute cycle
is the program that creates binary memory words by replacing our symbolic letters , like add, with binary equivalent
Integrated circuits
are important because the technology allows extremely complex devices to be made cheaply and reliably.
microchip technology bc of this
integrated circuits are made by this, a printing process.
light sensitive material and a mask is over it
field effect
that charged objects have on each other without actually touching is called this