History- Chapter 1 Flashcards
Humans belong to the _____
Primate order, which includes lemurs, tarsiers, monkeys, and apes.
The ape family is split into two branches that are?
tree dwelling acres and ground dwelling apes ( HOMINIDS)
Homo sapiens
thinking man
Homo habilis
skillful man, first tool maker
Homo erectus
learned to control and use fire
The swiss army knife was created by who
the Homo Erectus
What was the first species to live its life primary on ground rather than in trees and to demonstrate the ability to adapt to varied environments?
Homo Erectus
What is the subspecies of the Homo Erectus?
The neanderthals
Theories state that Homo Sapiens originated from?
Why did the Cro-Magnon species take over the neanderthals?
They were believed to be more skillful and had an advanced culture.
Why are humans forging ahead of all other species?
Erect posture, opposable thumbs, tools, color vision, visual attention, and meaningful responses to the environment.
Human mankind has created patterns of behavior and learning that can be termed as…
An era associated with the early stone age and the use of simple stone implements and weapons.
What were the steps in tool making?
Eoliths- bits of stone used to preform an immediate job, fashioning- the haphazard preparation of a tool as need arose, and standardization- making implements according to certain set traditions.
the fashioning of small, specialized flints, represents a compact use of materials.
What did the women and men do in the paleolithic culture?
Men- hunted, fished, and protected the group. Women- picked wild plants, fruits, and nuts. men and women shared tasks such as building wells, making ornaments, and tools.
Paleolithic culture was known for what?
their art
Fertile Crescent
a geographic region that stretches in a semicircular arc from the eastern mediterranean to the persian gulf
a time period associated with the later stone age and the use of polished stone implements and weapons.
Neolithic people preformed what tasks?
they grounded and polished axes, and chisels along with drilling holes in stones and grounded grain. The women were responsible for cultivating the fields.
Elementary Family
parents and their offspring
Extended family
was an individual family together with a circle of related persons who usually traced their descent through their mothers and were bound together by mutual loyalty .
a group of extended families that believed that they had a common ancestor.
an animal or other natural object that was revered is used to identify their clan.
comprised a number of clans, characterized by a common speech or distinictive dialect, common cultural heritage, specific inhabited territory, and tribal chief.
Societies believed that…
correct behavior is to not violate custom and the saying “ an eye for an eye”, also that witchcraft was dangerous
What role did men play in the government?
They took control, was of a democratic character.
generally the belief that everything in the world is endowed with its own spirit.
The worship of fertility diety was common in neolithic cultures , the mother or goddess was called..
the earth mother
The practice of magic was used to..
ward off droughts, famines, floods, and plagues.
Astronomy and the complex knowledge of geometry through stone hokes and mounds was created by ..
Neolithic structures
Neolithic communities had..
food producing communities in the fertile crescent
is a culture that has attained a degree of complexity, characterized by urban life and the interdependence of its urban residents
Mesopotamia is known as ..
the first civilization
What are the characteristics of civilization?
system of writing, monumental, permanent architecture in place of simple buildings, and art that is not merely decorative but represents peoples activities.
Sumer is..
the southern part of mesopotamia
Neolithic farmers made their homes where?
the valleys of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers themselves
What is Babylonia? What are the two georgraphical areas?
The lower section of the plain, where the two rivers nearly converge. Akkad is the north and Sumer, the delta of the river system is the south
The sumer often flooded and was believed to be caused by the Gods because they would sometimes bring destruction down on them, this was thought by the …
The bronze age was started by…
The sumerian metal workers put together copper and tin and produced an alloy called bronze.
What were two other inventions made by the mesopotamians?
the wheeled vehicles if forms of chariots drawn by donkeys and the potters wheel.
Meaning “early beginnings of literacy”; the period in society’s development that witnesses the development and use of a written language.
A group of related languages that include Akkadian, Arabic, Aramaean, Cannaite, and hebrew. The presumptive source language of these languages is thought to have originated in the Arabian Peninsula, from whence, beginning about 2500 BCE, Semtic speaking tribes migrated to the Mediterranean coast, Mesopotamia, and the Nile Delta. The term Semitic also refers to the cultures of those who speak Semitic languages.
A family of languages that descended from a single unrecorded language spoken in the Caucasus region more than 5,000 years ago. Carried by migrating tribes to Europe and Asia, dialects of the source language eventually evolved into such varied languages as English, German, French, Latin, Spanish, Greek, Persian, and Hindi.
Sumerians experienced the first stage of..
writing which started civilization, also known as the protoliterate period
The sumerians invented..
the potter’s wheel, wheeled vehicles, and pictographic writing (was soon adopted by many others) .
The old sumerian period was classified by what…
constant warfare, each state having a theocracy
What is the Ensis
The god’s earthly representative, the high priest and city governor, very powerful and acted as autocratic rulers.
ruler of Uruk, extremely powerful ruler,could be opposed by some of the people on city’s council.
Land was collectively owned by clans and were becoming private property of great landowners called what?
Legal is translated as..
Sumerians used slaves for..
farmers and urban laborers, servants, and civic positions. They accounted for 40 to 50 percent of the population.
People became enslaved in order to
pay off their debt
Akkad is inhibited by the
Sargon 1
The first Akkadian ruler, conquered Sumer and went on to establish an empire that extended from the Persain gulf almost to the mediterranean sea- the first empire in history.
Sargon promised to look after the welfare of the lower class but his dynasty collapsed because..
His successors were unable to repel the attacks of hostile mountain people.
The kings of Ur. call themselves
vigilant sheperds
Semitic Amorites
produced one dynasty that based its power on its control of the city of Babylon.
an extremely successful warrior who succeeded in expanding and securing Babylons military power north into Assyria and south into Sumer and east into Elam.
Hammurabi was best known for the Code of Hammurabi which is
a compilation of laws covering a wide variety of topics, such as property disputes, adultery, slavery, prostitution, inheritance, and public order.
Hammurabi’s code was based off of
” an eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth”
Babylonian law privileged the____ when it came to punishments.
upper class
Hammurabi’s code tried to
attempt to reduce interest rates and prices, limit slavery for debt to three years, and provide more care for widows and orphans.
The Babylonians made advancements in..
arithmetic, geometry, and algebra. They knew how to solve linear and quadratic equations, used place value, and created the Pythagoras (the square of the right angle is equal to the other two sides).
The Babylonians believed what about the sun, moon, and the five visible planets?
That they were able to be influenced by human lives, and that they could predict the future if interrupted correctly.
The Babylonians borrowed teachings of heroic epics from the ?
The Sumerian Epic of Gilgamesh
Records the great adventures of the heroic ruler of Uruk who supposedly lived about 2700 BC. The poem reflects the value of the heroic age, in which heroes seek fame and glory.
Gilgamesh fears death the most because..
It replaces a glorious life on earth with a dismal existence in the House of Dust.
(Sought out by Gilgamesh, he then realizes he must die like all other mortals. )Who was granted eternal life because he saved all living creatures from a great flood.
Sought after a good life after death as a reward for their good behavior.
Believed that all rewards for good behavior were to be given in this life .
The Babylonians believed that the way to view the future was by..
Dreams, movement of birds, internal organs of sacrificed animals, oil poured on water, casting of dice, and astronomical phenomena.
After the fall of Hammurabi’s death the ____ empire collapsed.
Babylonian Empire
The ___ went down the Euphrates sacking the weakened Babylonian dynasty by the use of chariots.
Egypt is known as the
Gift of the Nile river
Large waterfall or a series of rapids on a river such as the Nile
What did the Egyptians call the Nile River
kemet ( “ the black land”)
Egypt’s First Dynasty
When King Menes incorporated upper and lower Egypt and was known as the longest-lasting civilization in history, lasting for 3000 years.
A series of rulers who belong to the same family or line
Truth, order, and justice. A goddess who represented the balance and harmony of the universe as well as a set of ethical concepts that encompassed the truth, order, and cosmic balance. one’s life and personal behavior should contribute to universal order. Hence, a pharaoh maintained maat by ruling justly and serving the Gods.
Old Kingdom or Pyramid Age
established order and stability.All power went to the king. Egyptians felt a sense of security in this era.
Egyptians built temples for their kings to be mummified in, and brought them …
They brought them food because of the crops that the king provided them with in hopes they too will have a great after life. allowed them to have security and prosperity.
The First Intermediate Period in Egypt
The time when the kings central authority weakened as civil war raged among contenders for the throne.
Twelfth Dynasty
Restored stability and created a canal called the marshy fayum .
Thirteenth Dynasty
The Hyksos of western Asia assumed most of the power over Egypt.
Second Intermediate Period
Hyksos took advantage of the weakness in the Egyptian state and gradually took over all of lower Egypt and many parts of upper Egypt. They adapted to the existing Egyptian government structures. They introduced new weaponry to the Egyptians such as shields, curved swords.
System of writing, and incorporated Egyptian cults into their religious pantheon.
Eighteenth Dynasty
reunited Egypt and founded the New Kingdom, made Phoenicia the nucleus of an egyptian empire in western Asia and conquered Nubia to the south.
Thutmose III
led his army on 17 campaigns as far as Syria. Set up boundary markers on “ the river that runs backwards”. He erected obelisks- tall, pointed shafts of stone- to help his name be remembered forever.
A minister of state
Amenhotep III
When the roman empire reached its peaked, the capital of Thebes.
Amenhotep IV
Empire reached its decline, went to a new city and changed his name then his son king tut took over.
Founded the nineteenth dynasty, agreed to a treaty.
The Third Intermediate Period
Amon priesthood at Thebes became so strong that the high priest was able to found his own dynasty and to rule over upper egypt.
Twenty sixth dynasty
expelled the Assyrians with the aid of Greek mercenaries
Pharaoh Necho II
Created the first egyptian navy, created a canal
Made up of hunters, fishermen, and farmers. Egypt most enduring relationship, nile played a big role in this relationship
Twenty-fifth Dynasty
Kush and Egypt were forced to retreat following an Assyrian invasion
Hieratic Script
A cursive form of hierographics
Used by well educated people, recored important info on this.
Egyptain Women
Attained more power in their marriages and property
Egypts primary imports
Timber, Copper, tin, olive oil, which was paid for by Papyrus rolls-a writing material
Egypt most popular cult, devoted to the fertility God of the Nile
Egyptians mathematics
They knew very little, mainly basics
The solar kingdom produced the very first
Solar calendar-divided into three season-flooding, planting, and growing crops, and harvesting
Third Dynasty
Stone replaced brick, “father of architecture in stone”, constructed the first pyramid
Egyptians made the..
Alphabetical characters for 24 consonant sounds
Established a kingdom that became a great rival with the Egyptian empire. Reflected traditions of info-european traditions. prescribed more humane punishments. The migrations of the sea people and attacks resulted in the fall of this empire.
Iron Age
Iron was used to replace bronze for weapons
The name the Greeks gave to those Semitic people’s called the Cananites, who lived along the Mediterranean coast of Syria.
Became the greatest traders, ship builders, and navigators.
Phoenicians Accomplishments
They perfected the alphabet
Started Judism, Christianity, and Islam.
The israelites formed a confederacy and fought off the Cannanites. Created a strong centralized monarchy
Hebrew Bible
Content approved by a council of rabbis. Tells how Abraham led his clan out of Ur in Sumer. Jacob then led them to Cannan- but there is no proof of this.
“Father rule”, of or relating to a social system in which familial and political authority is wielded exclusively by men.
Babylon Captivity of the Jews
The jews were free people while in Babylon, created first synagogues. Jews later fueded with the Roman rulers and destroyed the temples and history.
“Human shaped”, Endowed with human characteristics
Belief in many Gods. Through Judaism, christianly, and islam are monotheistic, most religions throughout history have been polytheistic. The numerous gods may be dominated by a supreme god or a group of gods.
Hebrew Religion
God named Yahweh, animism, worship of anthropomorphic gods.
Moses Religion
Belief that there is one god for that god’s select people, but that there may exist other gods for other peoples.
Dominated the camel caravan trade
Assyrian Empire
Weak regions developed a strong region that took control over neighboring states. Masters over the entire fertile crescent. Army, and political administration was strong. The empire ended because of unreliable troops after many wars.
Lydians and Medes
Followed after the Assyrian Empire
Chaldean Empire
Nebuchadnezzar-ruler-last great Mesopotamian ruler
Made the largest and most impressive urban center.
Persian Empire
Cyrus ended Persian subjugation to the Medes by capturing the Ecbatana and ending the median dynasty. His son Cambyses conquered Egypt. Government-built on the Assyrian model. Started the postal service, taxes, and satrapies.
Theologicla doctrine of the “last things”, or the end of the world.