Teaching and Learning - Patient Education Flashcards
Interactive process that promotes learning.
These two generally begin when a person identifies a need for knowing or acquiring an ability to do something.
Teaching and learning
Provides information that prompts the patient to engage in activities that lead to a desired change.
Most effective when it addresses the learner’s needs, learning style, and capacity.
Involves creating or adapting the environment to facilitate learning, using a patient-centred approach in assessing the learning needs of the patient, and using the most appropriate educational strategy.
Role of nurse in patient education
enable patients to self-manage their health.
Nurse-patient teaching
States that patients have the right to make informed decisions about their care. The information that patients need to make such decisions must be accurate, complete, and relevant to their needs.
Canadian Nurses Association’s Code of Ethics
The Canadian Nurses Association’s
To be an effective nurse educator, you must do more than just pass on facts; you must determine what patients need to know, find time when they are ready to learn, and evaluate the impact of patient education on patient ___.
Effective teaching depends on effective ___.
To be a good teacher, you must listen empathetically, observe astutely, and speak clearly. Many intrapersonal variables—including attitudes, values, culture, emotions, and knowledge—influence both the nurse’s and patient’s styles and approaches. Both you and the patient are also affected by the patient’s motivation and ability to learn, which depend on physical and psychological health, education, developmental stage, and previous knowledge.f