Developing Critical Thinking Skills - Critical Thinking in Nursing Practice Flashcards
Case-based learning, reflective writing, and concept mapping are examples of these type of strategies.
Critical thinking strategies
A strategy that helps to explore complex problems and engage in decision-making without the risk of harming a patient.
Case-based learning
It includes approaches such as case studies, problem-based learning, simulation, and virtual reality.
Case-base learning
Can be used to practise psychomotor skills to enhance knowledge base, respond to unanticipated events in a controlled environment, and receive immediate feedback on performance.
Simulation and virtual reality
Using these technologies can identify knowledge gaps, help in learning from mistakes in a safe environment, and enhance abilities to solve problems and make clinical judgements in increasingly complex scenarios.
Simulation and virtual reality
Help to prepare to apply diagnostic reasoning, inference, and clinical decision-making in real-life situations and are a valuable complement to clinical practice experiences.
Case-based strategies
A tool for developing critical thought that uses the process of reflection to purposefully recall a situation in order to discover its purpose or meaning.
Reflective writing
Opportunity to describe a clinical experience in words, explore perceptions and understanding of the experience, and become more aware of how to use clinical decision-making skills.
Reflective writing
Invites questions such as “what have I learned from this experience?” and “what could I have done differently?”
Reflective writing
Promotes knowledge transfer by enabling identification of how previously acquired knowledge can be applied in another situation.
Important component of monitoring competence in nursing practice.
Allows examination of assumptions about what it means to be of different age, race, or sexual orientation or to suffer from a mental illness.
Visual representation of patient problems and interventions that depicts their relationships to one another.
Concept map
Synthesizes relevant data about a patient, including assessment data, health needs, nursing diagnoses, nursing interventions, and evaluation measures.
Concept map
Moves beyond memorizing, recalling facts, and focusing on tasks that need to be done to organizing or linking information in a unique way so that the diverse information about a patient begins to connect to form meaningful patterns and concepts.
Concept map
When you see the relationship between the various patient diagnoses and the assessment data that support them, you gain a holistic understanding of a patient’s clinical situation.
Concept map