Methods of Documentation - Documenting and Reporting Flashcards
Method traditionally used to record patient assessment and nursing care provided. It is simply the use of a storylike format to document information. In an electronic nursing information system, this is accomplished through use of free text entry or menu selections.
Narrative documentation
This documentation tends to be time consuming and repetitious. It requires the reader to sort through a lot of information to locate desired data. However, some nurses believe that in certain situations, use of this method provides better detail of individual patient assessment findings and/or complex patient situations.
Physicians and other health care providers r___ nursing documentation for details about changes in a patient’s condition.
One of the limitations of electronic documentation is the limited use of ___ documentation. Some areas of the EMR are designed to use multiple checkboxes or drop-down lists, which some believe may not adequately convey the details of significant events that result in a change in patient condition.
EMRs that incorporate options for ___ descriptions in a format that is easily retrieved and reviewed may enhance clinician communication and interdisciplinary understanding for patient care.
System of organizing documentation to place the primary focus on patients’ individual problems. Data are organized by problem or diagnosis. Ideally, each member of the healthcare team contributes to a single list of identified patient problems. This assists in coordinating a common plan of care.
Problem-oriented medical record (POMR)
Has the following major sections: database, problem list, care plan, and progress notes.
Problem-oriented medical record (POMR)
Section that contains all available assessment information pertaining to the patient (e.g., history and physical examination, nursing admission history and ongoing assessment, physiotherapist’s assessment, laboratory reports, and radiological test results).
Provides the foundation for identifying patient problems and planning care. As new data become available, it is revised. It accompanies patients through successive hospitalizations or clinic visits.
After analyzing data, healthcare team members identify problems and make a single ___ ___.
problem list
Includes a patient’s physiological, psychological, social, cultural, spiritual, developmental, and environmental needs. Team members list the problems in chronological order and file the list in the front of the patient’s record to serve as an organizing guide for patient care. Team members add and date new problems as they arise. When a problem has been resolved, the text of that problem is highlighted or lined out and the date is recorded.
Problem list
Disciplines involved in a patient’s care develop a ___ ___ or plan of care for each problem.
care plan
Nurses document the ___ of ___ in a variety of formats; generally, all of these formats include nursing diagnoses, expected outcomes, and interventions.
plan / care
Health care team members monitor and record the progress made toward resolving a patient’s problems in ___ notes. Health care providers write progress notes in one of several formats or structured notes within a POMR.
One method is the subjective–objective–assessment–plan (SOAP) note. The acronym SOAP stands for ___ data (verbalizations of the patient), ___ data (that which is measured and observed), ___ (diagnosis based on the data), and ___ (what the caregiver plans to do). In some institutions, an “I” and an “E” are added (i.e., SOAPIE), for ___ and ___.
subjective / objective / assessment / plan / intervention / evaluation
The logic of the SOAPIE note format is similar to that of the nursing ___. The nurse collects data about a patient’s problems, draws conclusions, develops a plan of care, and then evaluates the outcome(s). Each SOAP note is numbered and titled according to the ___ on the list that it addresses.
process / problem
A second progress note m___ is the p___–i___–e___ (PIE) format.
m-ethod / p-roblem / i-ntervention / e-valuation
It is similar to SOAP charting in its problem-oriented nature. However, it differs from the SOAP method in that PIE charting originated in nursing ___, whereas SOAP charting originated from medical ___. T
practice / records
The ___ format simplifies documentation by unifying the care plan and progress notes. ___ notes differ from SOAP notes in that the narrative does not include a___ information. A nurse’s daily a___ data appear on flow sheets, preventing duplication of data. The narrative note includes the ___, the ___, and the ___. The PIE notes are numbered or labelled according to the patient’s p___. Resolved problems are dropped from daily documentation after the nurse’s review. Continuing problems are documented daily.
PIE X2 / a-ssessment x2 / problem / intervention / evaluation
The third format used for notes within a POMR is f___ charting. It involves the use of ___–___–___ (DAR) notes, which include ___ (both subjective and objective), ___ or nursing intervention, and ___ of the patient (i.e., evaluation of effectiveness).
f-ocus / data / action / response / data / action / response