Communication Within the Nursing Process - Communication and Relational Practice Flashcards
___ of a patient’s ability to communicate includes gathering data about the many contextual factors that influence communication.
The word ___ refers to all the parts of a situation that help determine its meaning. A ___ includes all the environmental factors that influence the nature of communication and interpersonal relationships. This includes the participants’ internal factors and characteristics, the nature of their relationship, the situation prompting communication, the environment, and the sociocultural elements present. Understanding these ___ factors helps you make sound decisions during the communication process.
context x2 / contextual
This refers to the internal factors that influence communication:
- Physiological status (e.g., pain, hunger, weakness, dyspnea)
- Emotional status (e.g., anxiety, anger, hopelessness, euphoria)
- Growth and development status (e.g., age, developmental tasks)
- Unmet needs (e.g., safety or security; love or belonging)
- Attitudes, values, and beliefs (e.g., meaning of illness experience)
- Perceptions and personality (e.g., optimistic or pessimistic, introverted or extroverted)
- Self-concept and self-esteem (e.g., positive or negative)
Psychophysiological context
This refers to the nature of the relationship between the participants:
- Social, helping, or working relationship
- Level of trust between participants
- Level of caring expressed
- Level of self-disclosure between participants
- Shared history of participants
- Balance of power and control
Relational context
This refers to the reason for the communication:
- Information exchange
- Goal achievement
- Problem resolution
- Expression of feelings
Situational context
This refers to the physical surroundings in which communication takes place:
- Privacy level
- Noise level
- Comfort and safety level
- Distraction level
Environmental context
This refers to the sociocultural elements that affect the interaction:
- Educational level of participants
- Language and self-expression patterns
- Customs and expectations
- Media influences
Cultural context
True or false: assessing the psychophysiological factors that influence communication is especially important.
Many altered health states and human responses limit communication. People with hearing or visual impairments have ___ channels through which to receive messages.
People with ___ after a stroke or in late-stage Alzheimer’s disease often cannot understand or form words.
A patient who is unable to speak is at risk for injury unless the nurse identifies an ___ communication method.
May support the nurse in assessment and communication more generally. Some of these tools involve assistive technologies, whereas others may be more simplistic, for example, nonverbal techniques such as simple sign language, lip reading, and so on. If barriers make it difficult to communicate directly with the patient, then family or friends become important sources of collateral information about the patient’s communication patterns and abilities, as well as for general assessment.
Assistive communication tools and devices
___ of the patient’s medical record helps provide relevant information about the patient’s ability to communicate. Through the health history and physical examination, the nurse documents physical barriers to speech, neurological deficits, and pathophysiological conditions that affect hearing or vision.
Communication with children and their parents requires special considerations. It is important to include the parents, child, or ___ as sources of information about the child’s health, depending on the child’s age.
Although some older persons have varied communication barriers, nurses need to avoid the patronizing tone of what is referred to as “___,” or condescending baby talk. Rather, nurses should communicate simply, clearly, and with respect to provide humanistic care for the unique needs of their older patients.
Tips for Improved Communication With Older Persons Who Have Communication Needs or Barriers:
- Capture the patient’s attention before speaking.
- ___ for hearing aids and glasses.
- Introduce yourself.
- Choose a quiet, well-___ environment, and minimize visual and auditory distractions.
- ___ the patient, and use facial expressions and gestures as needed.
- Amplify your voice if necessary, but do not ___ because it distorts sound and your facial expression could be misinterpreted. Speak clearly at a moderate rate.
- Allow ___ for the patient to respond. Do not assume the patient is being uncooperative if the patient makes no response or a delayed response.
- Give patients time to ask questions and clarify responses.
- Whenever possible, ask a family member or caregiver to join you and the patient in the room. Such people are usually most familiar with the patient’s communication patterns and can assist in the communication process.
Check lit Face shout time
Nurses can communicate in what is considered culturally safe relational ___ by responding to their patients and families, following their lead, appreciating their unique contexts, acknowledging differences, and engaging with the relational capacities mentioned earlier.
Males tend to use ___ verbal communication but are more likely to initiate conversations and address issues directly. Females tend to ___ more personal information, use more active listening, and respond in ways that encourage continued conversation.
less / disclose
Conversations with sexual overtones, gender-denigrating jokes, and male-female stereotyping communicate a lack of ___.
The primary nursing diagnostic label used to describe a patient with limited or no ability to communicate verbally is ___ verbal communication. This is the state in which the ability to receive, process, transmit, and use symbols is decreased or absent. Defining characteristics include the inability to articulate words, inappropriate verbalization, difficulty forming words, and difficulty in comprehending, which the nurse clusters together to form the diagnosis.
This diagnosis is useful for a wide variety of patients with special problems and needs related to communication, such as impaired perception, reception, and articulation. Although a patient’s primary problem may be ___ verbal communication, the associated difficulty in self-expression or altered communication patterns may also contribute to other nursing diagnoses:
- Anxiety
- Social isolation
- Ineffective coping
- Compromised family coping
- Powerlessness
- Impaired social interaction
Contributing and contextual factors for a nursing diagnosis focus on the ___ of the communication disorder. In the case of impaired verbal communication, these are physiological, mechanical, anatomical, psychological, social/cultural, or developmental in nature. Accuracy in the identification of related factors is necessary to selecting interventions that can effectively resolve the problem. For example, the diagnosis of impaired verbal communication related to cultural diversity would be managed very differently than the diagnosis of impaired verbal communication related to deafness.
Once you have identified the origins and context of the patient’s communication impairment, you must consider several factors as you design a responsive approach and nursing care plan.
__ is a factor in improving communication; patients often must be encouraged to try different approaches. It is especially important to involve the patient and family in decisions about the plan of nursing care to determine whether suggested methods are acceptable.
Communication ___, such as a writing board for a patient with a tracheostomy, an electronic communication device for a patient with autism, or a special call system for a patient with paralysis, may enhance communication.
The primary goal of nursing ___ is to facilitate the development of trust between the patient and members of the health care team. It is important to identify expected ___ for all patients, particularly when impaired communication is a concern.
interventions / outcomes
Specific and measurable and provide the means to determine whether the broader goal is met. For example:
- The patient initiates conversation about diagnosis or health care problem.
- The patient is able to attend to appropriate stimuli.
- The patient conveys clear and understandable messages with family members and members of the health care team.
- The patient expresses increased satisfaction with the communication process.
Role playing helps patients ___ situations in which they have difficulty communicating.
When you plan to have lengthy interactions with a patient, it is important to address physical care ___ (i.e., pain or elimination needs) first, so that the patient is comfortable and the discussion is uninterrupted.
o ensure an effective care plan, you may need to collaborate with other members of the interprofessional team who have expertise in communication strategies. Speech therapists help patients with aphasia; interpreters may be of use to communicate with patients who speak a diversity of languages; and psychiatric nurse specialists support communication with patients in crisis, or those who may be experiencing altered moods, behaviours, anxiety states, or disordered thoughts and perceptions.
Continuity of care
In carrying out any care plan (___), nurses use communication techniques that are appropriate for the patient’s individual needs.
Specific responses that encourage the expression of feelings and ideas and convey acceptance and respect.
Therapeutic communication techniques
Means being attentive to what the patient is saying both verbally and nonverbally. It enhances trust and facilitates patient communication because it demonstrates acceptance and respect for the patient.
Active listening
Several nonverbal skills facilitate active listening. They can be identified by the acronym SOLER:
S: ___ facing the patient. This posture indicates that you are there to listen and are interested in what the patient is saying.
O: Keep an ___ posture (i.e., keep arms and legs uncrossed). This posture suggests that you are receptive (“open”) to what the patient has to say. A “closed” position may convey a defensive attitude, possibly invoking a similar response in the patient.
L: ___ toward the patient. This posture indicates that you are involved and interested in the interaction.
E: ___ and maintain intermittent eye contact. This behaviour conveys your involvement in and willingness to listen to what the patient is saying. Absence of eye contact or shifting of the eyes indicates that you are not interested in what the patient is saying.
R: ___. It is important to communicate a sense of being relaxed and comfortable with the patient. Restlessness communicates a lack of interest and also conveys a sense of discomfort that may extend to the patient.
Sit open Lean Establish Relax
___ observations often helps the patient communicate without the need for extensive questioning, focusing, or clarification. This technique helps start a conversation with quiet or withdrawn people.
Do ___ state observations that might anger, embarrass, or upset the patient, such as telling someone “You look a mess!” Even if such an observation is made with humour, the patient may be offended or feel belittled.
Sharing observations differs from making ___, which means drawing unwarranted conclusions about the patient without validating them.
Making ___ puts the patient in the position of having to contradict the nurse.
Examples might include the nurse interpreting fatigue as depression or assuming that untouched food indicates lack of interest in meeting nutritional goals. Making observations is a gentler approach of simply witnessing, without judgement about what might be happening: “You look tired” is very different from the attached judgement of “You look tired. Were you up all night?”; “You seem different today” is different from “You seem much better today” and simply stating “I see you are wearing lipstick today” conveys something quite distinct from “You look very beautiful.”
Making assumptions
The ability to emotionally and intellectually understand another person’s reality, to accurately perceive unspoken feelings, and to communicate this understanding to the other person.
Expressed when you seek to explore the perspective of another person.
Cultivating an ability to ___ requires patience, a sense of curiosity, and a willingness to understand a patient’s context and viewpoint.
Empathy can also be expressed in relational communication through strong intentionality, or a consciousness of the purpose and intention of one’s communication, and ___ which is an attention to one’s responses and feelings as they influence communication and decision making.
Statements reflecting ___ are highly effective because they indicate you heard the emotional content, as well as the factual content, of the communication.
Empathic statements are ___ and nonjudgemental and help to provide validation to the patient and establish a trusting relationship. For example, to an angry patient who has limited mobility after a stroke, you might say, “it must be very frustrating to know what you want to do and not be able to do it.”
It is important to recognize that ___ is essential for healing, thus nurses need to learn to communicate a “sense of possibility” to other people.
Appropriate encouragement and positive feedback—without minimizing the reality of an illness situation or instilling false ___—are important in fostering ___ and self-confidence. This can encourage people to take the steps necessary in order to reach their goals.
hope x2
As a nurse, you can instill ___ by commenting on the positive aspects of the other person’s behaviour, performance, or response.
Sharing a vision of the future is a way of reimagining their situation, which can foster ___fulness and creativity through communication. Reminding patients of their internal resources and coping abilities also conveys a sense of ___ as a way to establish action and build relationships.
hope-fulness / hope
You can also reassure patients that many kinds of ___ exist, and that meaning and personal growth can arise from illness experiences. For example, you might say to a patient discouraged about progressive changes in mobility: “I have seen your courage and creativity in the past and am curious about how you might be preparing for the changes in your abilities now.”
An important but underused resource in nursing communication.
Research suggests that a sense of ___ is a useful coping strategy for patients, health care providers, and families and an essential communication tool for nurses, as it can strengthen the helping relationship.
Has been shown to have positive effects on both a person’s emotional and physiological state.
When nurses interact with patients who communicate in languages other than their own, it is important to acknowledge that nuances of jokes and humour can be ___.
misunderstood /
Health care providers sometimes use ___ humour to deal with extreme tension and stress in the workplace, but this can be problematic. This style of humour has a ___ potential to be perceived as tasteless and lacking in caring by people uninvolved in the situation. When nurses use humour judiciously and c___, however, in communication with patients, it can be a highly therapeutic strategy.
negative / high / c-arefully
Subjective feelings that result from thoughts and perceptions. Feelings are not right, wrong, good, or bad, although they may be experienced as pleasant or unpleasant.
Nurses can gently help patients express their ___ by making observations, acknowledging feelings, encouraging communication, giving them permission to express “negative” feelings, and modelling healthy emotional self-expression. At times, patients direct anger or frustration prompted by their illness toward nurses, who should not take such expressions ___.
emotions / personally
Acknowledging patients’ feelings demonstrates ___ and communicates that you have listened to and understood the emotional aspects of their situation.
When you care for patients, you must be ___ of your own emotions because strong feelings may be difficult to hide. Sharing emotion makes nurses seem more human and often brings people closer. It is appropriate to share feelings of caring, or even cry with other people, as long as you are in ___ of the expression of those feelings and do so in a way that does not burden the patient or break confidentiality.
aware / control
It is usually inappropriate and may interfere with assessing and caring for the patient, to discuss one’s negative ___ emotions, such as anger or sadness, with patients.
A social support system of colleagues is helpful, as are strategies for supervision and debriefing; employee assistance programs, peer group meetings, and the use of interprofessional teams such as social work and pastoral care may provide avenues for nurses to safely express ___ away from patients.
___ is an important element of communication that conveys many messages, such as affection, emotional support, encouragement, tenderness, and personal attention.
People have unique perspectives on ___ based on their past experiences and health conditions. For instance, patients in psychosis may misinterpret touch as ___; patients who have experienced abusive or violent contact from others may be fearful of even well-intentioned touch from a nurse.
touch / threatening