Focuses mainly on keypoints. Please refer on PPT for complete understanding of pathogenesis.
T. equigenitalis is formerly known as ?
Haemophilus equigenitalis
T. equigenitalis causes what disease in swine?
Contagious equine metritis (CEM) - inflammation of uterus
T. equigenitalis can be found in what body parts of equine?
- Urethral fossa in males
- Clitoral sinuses and fossa in females
T. equigenitalis is transmitted by mare. True or False?
False, stallion.
T. equigenitalis requires X but not V factor. True or False?
False, does not require both
Describe the morphology and staining reactions of T. equigenitalis.
- T. equigenitalis: short, Gram-negative rod
- Frequently described as a coccobacillus
- Cultures from carrier mares have filaments 5-6 um long
- May stain in a bipolar fashion
- No flagella (Non-motile) or pili
- Has a thin thread-like capsule
It takes how many days for T. equigenitalis to grow on chocolate agar?
2-5 days
What are the requirements for T. equigenitalis incubation?
Incubate at 37 C and must be performed in 5% CO2 atmosphere
Describe the T. equigenitalis depending on O2 requirement.
Facultative anaerobe; Excellent growth in an atmosphere of 90% H2 and 10% CO2
Describe the colonies of T. equigenitalis.
Colonies are raised, shining, smooth, butyrous, gray pinpoints
Prolonged incubation of T. equigenitalis may lead to ?
larger and more opaque colonies
T. equigenitals grows well in what different mediums?
- Brain-heart infusion
- Thiol and cystine trypticase broths
- Roberston’s cooked-meat medium
T. equigenitalis is oxidase negative. True or False?
T. equigenitalis is catalase positive. True or False?
False, negative
T. equigenitalis is phosphatase negative. True or False?
False, positive
Some strains of T. equigenitalis respond to X factor. True or False?
Describe the antigens present in T. equigenitalis.
- 11 separate antigens, 2 of w/c located at cell surface
- Surface antigens made of polysaccharide and lipopolysaccharide protein
- Surface protein binds equine IgG but uncharacterized
- Cattle and humans have serum antibodies to T. equigenitalis
—- Occurence may reflect exposure to organisms with cross-reacting antigens, since organism has never been isolated from these hosts
In infected horses, T. equigenitalis is carried as obligate parasite in?
- Stallions: urethral fossa & terminal fossa
- Mares: clitorial sinuses and fossa of mares
T. equigenitalis infection can induce what clinical signs in mares?
Can develop profuse vulvar discharge with evidence of metritis, cervicitis, or vaginitis 2-12 days after being breeding with a carrier stallion
Antibodies against T. equigenitalis can both be detected in mares and stallions. True or False?
False, only mares
What is the main immunization method against T. equigenitalis in mares?
Humoral immunity
_____ have been shown to reduce clinical severity of experimental infection.
What are the diagnostic methods for T. equigenitalis?
- Presence of neutrophils in profuse exudate
→ produces pus - For barren, maiden, or postparturient mares: collect swabs during estrus; swabs from uterus, cervix, clitoral fossa and sinus, and any discharge present
- For stallions: collect swab at urethral fossa, terminal urethra, prepuce, and from pre-ejaculatory fluid
- All swabs should be brought to the laboratory in Amie’s or Stuart’s transport media and must be shipped frozen or refrigerated
- Bacterial specimen must be plated out on chocolate agar or Eugonagar w/ atmosphere of 5% CO2
Colonies of T. equigenitalis are usually visible by ___ or ___ day of incubation
2nd or 3rd day
Plates should be regularly examined for ____ days since the organism is very slow-growing.
7-10 days
T. equigenitalis is sensitive to wide range of antimicrobial agents including?
- Penicillin
- Ampicillin
- Neomycin
- Chloramphenicol
- Nitrofurazone
- Gentamicin
- Tetracycline
- Chlorhexidine
_______ has shown to be very effective in treating and bacteriological cure of naturally occurring cases of CEM.