Corynebacterium is pleomorphic and does stain irregularly. True or False?
Corynebacterium occur in what arrangement?
Angular and palisade arrangements (fence of stakes)
Corynebacterium produces spores. True or False?
Corynebacterium is acid-fast. True or False?
Corynebacterium is motile. True or False?
Classify the pathogenic species of Corynebacterium based on oxygen requirement.
Facultative anaerobes
Corynebacterium equi is reclassified as ?
Rhodococcus equi
Corynebacterium pyogenes is reclassified as ?
Corynebacterium suis is reclassified as ?
Other term for C. diphteriae
Diphteroid bacilli
Corynebacterium renale type 1 is also called as ?
C. renale
Corynebacterium renale type 2 is also called as?
C. pilosum
Corynebacterium type 3 is also called as ?
C. cystidis
Specie of Corynebacterium that is most frequently isolated from bovine mastitis, ureteritis, and pyelonephritis.
C. renale
C. renale is predominant in female or male?
Give the morphology and staining of C. renale.
- Large diphteroid bacillus, 0.5 x 1.3 to 2.6 um
- Short stumpy rods that are a little thicker at one end than at the other
- In exudates and cultures, organism in clumps
- Non-motile, non-sporeforming, non-capsulate
- Strongly gram-positive, with bars and granules when stained with methylene blue
- Pili present but fewer in C. renale
Describe the colonies of C. renale.
Colonies opaque, ivory-colored and dull with uneven margins
Describe the colonies of C. pilosum.
Cream colored to pale yellow, circular; Opaque above 1 mm in diameter
Describe the colonies of C. cystitidis.
White, entirely circular, semitranslucent and pinpoint
Describe C. renale in litmus milk.
Reduction in the bottom of the tube then formation of soft curd which is slowly digested; medium alkaline at all times; medium separates into dark red fluid and heavy sentiment
Between the three types, which produces caseinase?
C. renale
Choose between the three: (1) C renale, (2) C. pilosum, and (3) C. Cystitidis.
*Most frequently isolated from cases of pyelonephritis
C. renale
Choose between the three: (1) C renale, (2) C. pilosum, and (3) C. Cystitidis.
*Occurs in urine and vagina of healthy cows causing cystitis and vaginitis occassionaly.
C. pilosum
Choose between the three: (1) C renale, (2) C. pilosum, and (3) C. Cystitidis.
*Causes severe hemorrhagic cystitis followed by pyelonephritis; commensal on prepuce of bulls; disease involves urinary bladder including one or both ureters and one or both kidneys
C. cystitidis
_____ _____ believed to be caused by irritating effect of ammonia released by urease from C. renale in the prepuce.
Ovin posthitis (pizzle rot)
How can you be immunized against all three types of C. renale?
- Serum antibody response in cows with pyelonephritis and urethritis but not with cystitis alone
- Protective response of host ineffective and untreated animals seldom recover
What are the diagnoses for C. renale?
- Characteristic symptoms
- Blood clots and bits of necrotic tissue in urine - Gram stain
Give the antimicrobial susceptibility of C. renale. (sensitive to?)
Sensitive to:
1. Penicillin
2. Streptomycin
3. Kanamycin
4. Erythromycin
5. Polymyxin B
The antibiotic of choice of C. renale is ?
Penicillin in large doses
Other term for C. pseudotuberculosis.
- C. ovis
- Preisz-Nocard bacillus
C. pseudotuberculosis causes ______ ______ prevalent in sheep, goats, horses, camels, mules, and rarely in cattle and humans.
Caseous lymphadenitis