Genus Pseudomonas is commonly found in ?
- Aquatic habitats
- Soil
Pseudomonas ______ and Pseudomonas ______ are occasional parasite in animals
pseudomallei, aeruginosa
Pseudomonas _____ is specialized mammalian parasite.
All species of Pseudomonas are motile by means of polar flagella except?
P. mallei
What is the shape of Genus Pseudomonas?
Pseudomonas spp. are generally oxidase negative. True or False?
False, positive.
What are the other names of P. aeruginosa?
- Bacillus of green pus
- Pseudomonas pyocyaneus
P. aeruginosa causes ____ ____ on sheep, associated with wetting of the fleece.
green wool
P. aeruginosa has low or high virulence?
Low; but causes suppurative infections in domestic animals
Describe the morphology and staining features of P. aeruginosa.
- Straight, slender rod about 2.5 x 0.4um
- Motile by one to three polar flagella
- Spores not formed
- Capsule sometimes present
- Gram negative (-)
- Stains easily with ordinary dye
What are the distinguishing characteristics of P. aeruginosa?
Recognized by bright green pigment and grape like-odor (** aminoacetophenone ** - aromatic ketone with multiple isomers) it produces
A yellow-green pigment that is produced by P. aeruginosa that becomes oxidized to yellow.
A bluish-green pigment that is produced by P. aeruginosa that becomes oxidized to brown.
Fluorescein and pyocyanin are both water-soluble. Which one is soluble in chloroform?
Upon prolonged culture, some strains lose ability to form pigment. True or False?
______ strains fairly in common and identified by their mucoid growth on ** potassium gluconate medium **.
Describe the P. aeruginosa according to its oxygen requirement.
Obligate aerobe that uses oxygen as terminal electron receptor
Describe the colonies of P. aeruginosa.
Produce smooth, shiny, moist, fimbriate and spreading colonies
P. aeruginosa produces ______ sheen that appears on the surface of growths on solid media.
P. aeruginosa grows on wide range of incubation temp. from ?
4 C to 42 C
P. aeruginosa can ferment carbohydrates. True or False?
False, (but some strains produce acid from some sugars)
Most strains of P. aeruginosa are hemolytic. True or False?
True; most strains from lesions liquefy gelatin and are hemolytic
P. aeruginosa produces what enzymes?
- Catalase
- Oxidase
- Urease
P. aeruginosa is indole positive but negative in MRVP. True or False?
False, all negative
What are the antigens present in P. aeruginosa?
- 17 O antigens
- 6 H antigens
What are the toxins produced in P. aeruginosa?
- Toxin A
- Proteases
- Elastase
Proteases and elastase produced by P. aeruginosa induces ?
Destruction of elastin in lung parenchyma which is important virulence factor in experimentally induced pneumonia
Toxin A produced by P. aeruginosa induces?
Inhibition of protein synthesis and contributes significantly to lesion development in burn infections
A protein, which is used in typing by testing extract of an unknown organism against indicator strains or by testing sensitivity of unknown organism to known _____.
______ and ______ are important in production of edema, induration, hemorrhage, and necrosis observed in skin lesions.
Toxin A and protease
P. aeruginosa produces slime layer. True or False?
True; makes it antiphagocytic
Between strains from lesions and strains from environment, which one is hemolytic?
Strains from lesions
P. aeruginosa is found in what conditions of swine?
- Necrotic pneumonia
- Enteritis
- Rhinitis
- Lesions associated with traumatic reticulopericarditis (hardware disease)
What are the clinical signs/diseases does P. aeruginosa induces in cattle?
- Lesions associated with traumatic reticulopericarditis (hardware disease
- Bovine mastitis involving 4 quarters exhibiting endotoxemia leading to death
- Cause of bovine infertility, uteritis, cervicitis, vaginitis
- Sporadic abortion
- Balanoposthitis
Stallions and mares can be both infected by P. aeruginosa. True or False?
False; Stallions transmit but only mares show symptoms or are infected
What are the clinical signs/diseases does P. aeruginosa induces in horse?
- Metritis
- Infertility
- Opportunistic invader of traumatized cornea in racing horses resulting in opacification and ulceration that is difficult to treat (results from activity of toxin A, proteases, and elastase production)
What are the clinical signs/diseases does P. aeruginosa induces in dogs?
Suppurative otitis externa in dogs as complication of injury, mange, bacterial and fungal infection.
Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection is most devastating in minks and chinchillas causing ______ ______.
hemorrhagic pneumonia (organism enters when animal sniffs food)
What are the clinical signs/diseases does P. aeruginosa induces in sheep?
Green wool or fleece rot in sheep results from growth of the organism in fleece subjected to prolonged wetting favored by protein that leaks out of macerated skin.
→ dermatitis results and wool fiber separate
→ protein degrades resulting in odor that stimulates oviposition by flies (maggots feed on flesh of the animal) predisposing to development of strike.
What are the immunization methods against P. aeruginosa?
- Protective abs may be opsonizing and directed against cell wall lipopolysaccharide which is strain specific, or the endotoxin-associated protein (OEP) which is not.
- Vaccination of mink with bacterins and toxoids successful.
- In horses, lesions in vaccinated animals are severe and heal more rapidly
Multiple resistance against P. aeruginosa is mediated by ?
R factors
What are the antibiotics used against P. aeruginosa?
→ Gentamicin
→ Tobramycin
→ Carbenicillin
→ Polymyxin B
→ Amikacin
→ Colistin
→ Silver sulfadiazine
On bases of RNA homology, genus Pseudomonas was divided into how many groups?