Describe the Genus Pasteurella according to oxygen requirement.
Aerobic to microaerophilic or facultative anaerobic
What is the type species of Genus Pasteurella?
P. mutocida
Species of Pasteurella that causes septicemia in ducks and fowl and is listed as species incertae sedis (correct affliation yet uknown)
P. anatipestifer
Based on DNA homology, the Genus Pasteurella comprises atleast how many species?
Genus Pasteurella is motile. True or False?
Genus Pasteurella is usually oxidase and catalase positive. True or False?
Species of Pasteurella that are important pathogens of domestic and wild animals
- P. multocida
- P. haemolytica
P. multocida causes what clinical disease in cattle and birds?
Causes primary septicemia in cattle and in domestic and wild birds, also an opportunistic invader of the respiratory tract of a variety of animals
Give the clinical diseases induced by P. haemolytica. (in cattle and in sheep)
- Primary and opportunistic respiratory pathogen of cattle and sheep, causing septicemia and mastitis in sheep
P. _____ and to a lesser extent, P. _____ are key constituent of shipping fever complex in cattle
haemolytica; multocida
Other name of P. multocida
P. gallicida
Give the morphology and staining features of P. multocida.
- Tiny, ovoid rods approx. 0.3 um x 0.4-0.8 um
- Stained films from tissue shows distinct bipolar appearance, not so with organism from culture
- Gram negative, non-sporeforming rods
- Many with capsular material when freshly isolated but quickly lost
- No flagella or pili
Describe the colonies of P. multocida.
- Colonies on BAP are smooth, butyrous, convex and about 1-2 mm in diameter with a characteristic “mousy” odor due to metabolic products
- Slight greenish haze on BAP
P. multocida does not liquefy gelatin. True or False?
P. multocida produces indole. True or False?
P. multocida reduces nitrate to nitrite. True or False?
The seven biotypes or biovars are based on ?
Fermentation of sugars
P. multocida strains from dogs constitute biotype characterized by ?
Inability to ferment mannitol but ferments maltose
Give the Carter’s biotype of P. multocida and their corresponding features.
- Mucoid
- Hemorrhagic septicemia
- Porcine
- Canine
- Feline
On agar, P. multocida has 3 principal colonial variants. Give the type of variant with the following data:
Large, flowing, moderately virulent for mice and not typable by usual serologic methods
Mucoid colonies
On agar, P. multocida has 3 principal colonial variants. Give the type of variant with the following data:
Medium sized, discrete, quite virulent for mice and typable
Smooth or fluorescent colonies
On agar, P. multocida has 3 principal colonial variants. Give the type of variant with the following data:
Small, discrete, low in virulence for mice and autoagglutinable
Rough or blue colonies
Mucoid and smooth colonies carry specific soluble Ags associated with _____ _____ _____, the basis of Robert’s (1947) and Carter’s (1955) classifications
capsular acidic polysaccharide
What is the most prevalent capsular type among P. multocida isolates from cattle, swine, poultry, and rabbits?
Type A
P. multocida is shown to carry somatic or O antigens of which there are at least ?
Transmission of P. multocida is via ?
Airborne droplets or by food or water contamination
P. multocida is a commensal of the _____ of mammals.
Describe and give the pathogenesis of hemorrhagic septicemia in cattle, buffaloes, sheep and goats induced by P. multocida.
- Serotype B2 in Asia and serotype E2 in Africa
- Disease occurs during rainy season
- Animals develop high temperature (41 to 42’C), dysentery, edema and in advance cases cyanosis of the mucus membranes; high mortality
- Hemorrhages of serous surfaces, blood-stained fluid in thorax and abdomen, enteritis and edema in the subcutaneous tissues
- Edema in less acute form; in subacute forms lesions confined to pectoral region which include fluid in pleural and pericardial sacs; pneumonia in lungs with greatly thickened septa
- Large numbers of organism in tissues and fluid
- In carrier animals organism in tonsils and pharyngeal mucosa
Describe and give the pathogenesis of fowl cholera in chickens and other birds induced by P. multocida.
- Wild birds become infected and maybe source of infection for domestic flocks
- O antigen ** types 1, 3, and 4 and capsular type A** are most prevalent
- Transmission by oral and respiratory routes, entry can be thru eye and skin
- Many cases peracute manifested by overwhelming bacteremia
- Mortality 10 to 75%
- Depression, sleepiness, inappetence and diarrhea, death within a few hours or 2 to 3 days
- P. multocida associated with chronic infections of the air sacs with accumulations of dry caseous material
- Inflammatory process in the wattle especially in males which causes necrosis; infection of the mucous membranes of the head -> colds
- Organisms found in peritoneal cavity of young layers mixed with the yolk from ruptured ova
- Fowl cholera serious economic loss in ducks and turkeys
- Few petechiae of heart, slightly swollen spleen, reddening of mucosa of the anterior part of intestines
Describe and give the pathogenesis of rabbit septicemia in rabbits induced by P. multocida.
- Very acute with hardly any premonitory sign
- Organisms found in film prepared from blood or spleen pulp after animal dies
- More common form is less acute; fever, seropurulent nasal discharge, inappetence and difficulty in breathing
- Fibrinous pneumonia with greater part of the lungs hepatized and pleura covered with fibrin deposit
- Animals may not die within a few days but become emaciated and worthless afterward
Describe and give the pathogenesis of snuffles in rabbits induced by P. multocida.
- Milder respiratory infection
- Involves only upper respiratory tract, mucopurulent exudate which occlude the nares and conjunctiva
- Difficulty in breathing with characteristic noise made by affected rabbits
- Fibrinous pneumonia and death in some
Describe and give the pathogenesis of shipping fever in sheep, swine, and goats induced by P. multocida.
- Contribute significantly in the morbidity and mortality
- Associated with activity of certain viral infections such as parainfluenza 3, infectious bovine rhinotracheitis, bovine respiratory syncytial virus and mycoplasma infection
- Begins a few days to a few weeks after transport
*Cough, fever, nasal discharge - Basic lesion bronchopneumonia with moderate amount of fibrin on lung surface
- Other organisms present P. haemolytica, H. somnus or later A. pyogenes
- Associated with fibrinous pneumonia in swine, 2ndary invader in SEP, CPP, influenza, low grade fever in hog cholera
- Same lung lesions seen in cattle and rabbits
- Other lesions ** vegetative endocarditis, arthritis, placentitis**
Describe and give the pathogenesis of atrophic rhinitis in sheep, swine, and goats induced by P. multocida.
- Capsular type D involved with Bordetella bronchiseptica
- A proteinaceous dermonecrotoxin produced by type D and Type A stimulate bone resorption
Other diseases: mastitis in ewes and cows, keratoconjunctivitis in cattle, purulent leptomeningitis in dogs, septicemia in horses and donkeys
What are the immunization methods against P. multocida?
- Fowl cholera 1st bacterial disease against which a successful vaccine was prepared by Pasteur in 1880, attenuated vaccines
- Protective antigen in capsule
- Bacterins effective against hemorrhagic septicelia and fowl cholera
- Live avirulent vaccines in drinking water in chickens, ducks and turkeys, oral and wing web
- Bacterins combined with B. bonchiseptica
What are the diagnostic methods for P. multocida?
- Smears from blood or spleen, pneumonic lesion
- Culture on BAP but not on MacConkey
- Counterimmunoelectrophoresis to identify Ags of types B and E
P. multocida is sensitive to what antibiotics?
Penicillin, ampicillin, cephalothin, chloramphenicol, gentamycin, etc
What are diseases induced by P. multocida in humans?
Animals most important source
* P. multocida, dogmatis and canis
* Meningitis, abscesses, septicemia and wound infection