Taste Flashcards
Taste sense are is under what sense
Chemosensory receptors there are five primary sense of tastes umam, sweet, sour, bitte, salty
Tasting involves the
Combination of all the number of the receptors that are stimulated
Acid in food give off the
Sour taste
Salty tastes
Is due to positive ions like Na Ca
Sweet taste is
Group of organic substance like aldehyde, ketones, ester, sugars in food
Foods that contain nitrogen, alcolody, nicotine
Give off the bitter taste
Glutamate is associated with
For the substance in the mouth to make contact with receptor
The substance must be dissolved in water or saliva
Taste bud
Contain the receptor or house the receptor
The taste bud
Are house in large papillae on tongue, has fungi form circumvallate form , and foliate form
Gustatory cell
Where the receptor for taste are located on the microvilli named gustatory cell, which is synaptically linked to nerves fiber , sensory fiber, cranial nerve where signal is carried to the sensory cortex partial lobe for interpretation…..and this are not fixed they’re placed
Sustentacular cells
These are supportive cells and anchoring cells, these hold the gustatory cell in place to maximize their exposure to the substance. These are specialized for various chemoreceptors
Describe the signal transduction of salt and sour
The chemical will bind to its receptor, which will lead to ionization effect, ionotropic causes a channel to open that are previously closed of Na or hydrogen, and pumps Na out thus causing depolarization of the cell causing the influx of ca to have a voltage effect of ca, ca acts a secondary messenger trigger excocytosis of serotonin and the signal is carried away by cranial fiber
The neurotransmitter release for umami is
Describe the sweet and bitter transduction
The stimulant bind with a G protein called gusducin similar to transducin which leads to the activation of the secondary messenger cAMP and IP3 that can trigger the elevation of ca, where the the SER release more ca causing the release of neurotransmitter thus depolarization the cranial nerve depending on the side of the tongue
Cranial nerve 7
Front of the tongue (facial)
Cranial nerve 9
Back of the tongue glosopharingia
Cranial nerve 10
Vagus base of the tongue
Cranial nerve 7, 9,10 house
The afferent fiber
Taste preference
It is base on need and experience and it is controlled by the nervous system