Stages of Anesthesia (Kane's lecture) Flashcards
What are the three stages of Anesthesia?
- Beginning of induction of general anesthesia to loss of consciousness
- Loss of consciousness to onset of automatic breathing
- Onset respiratory paralysis (surgical plane)
What characterizes stage 1 of anesthesia?
Stage 1:
- 1st plane - no amnesia or analgesia
- 2nd plane - amnestic but only partial analgesic
- 3rd plane - complete analgesia & amnesia
What characterizes stage 2 of anesthesia?
Stage 2
- eyelash reflex disappears
- coughing, N/V, struggling may occur
- irregular respirations
What planes characterize stage 3 of anesthesia?
Stage 3
- 1st plane - automatic respiration → eyeball movement stops
- 2nd plane - ocular cessation → intercostals start to paralyze & tear secretion increases.
- 3rd plane - pupillary dilation, desired plane prior to muscle relaxants
- 4th plane - complete intercostal paralysis → diaphragmatic paralysis (apnea)
What characterizes stage IV of anesthesia?
- Death (via medullary paralysis)
In what stage and/or plane of anesthesia would one expect to see lacrimation?
Stage 3 / 2nd plane
In what stage and/or plane of anesthesia would one expect to see onset of diaphragmatic paralysis?
Stage 3 / 4th plane
In what stage and/or plane of anesthesia would one expect the beginning of total amnesia/analgesia to occur?
Stage 1 / 3rd plane
In what stage and/or plane of anesthesia would one expect for the eyelash reflex to disappear?
Stage 2
In what stage and/or plane of anesthesia would one expect to see total and complete intercostal paralysis?
Stage 3 / 4th plane
In what stage and/or plane of anesthesia would one expect to see pupillary dilation?
Stage 3 / 3rd plane
In what stage and/or plane of anesthesia would one expect to see amnesia but only partial analgesia?
Stage 1 / 2nd plane