Spinal Cord Tracts and Injuries/Syndromes Flashcards
Dorsal Column
(Posterior Column - Medial Lemniscus)
fine touch (ipsilateral) - 2 point discrimination
Fasciculus cuneatus - trunk, neck, and UE
Fasciculus gracilis - trunk and LE
Posterior Spinocerebellar
lower extremity proprioception
ipsilateral subconscious proprioception, tension in muscles, joint sense, and posture of trunk and LEs
upper extremity proprioception
ipsilateral subconscious proprioception of the neck and UEs
Anterior Spinocerebellar
unconscious coordination of activities
Anterolateral spinothalamic tract
crude touch from contralateral side of body
(ascends 2 levels as it decussates)
awareness and localization of pain
influences level of attention to pain
influences levels of consciousness
modulates pain
fine movement of distal muscles
Giles Book:
Anterior - ipsilateral voluntary, discrete, and skilled movement
Lateral - contralateral voluntary fine movement
Reticulospinal tract
facilitation or inhibition of voluntary and reflex activity (through alpha and gamma motor neurons)
Rubrospinal tract
motor input of gross postural tone, facilitating activity of flexor muscles, and inhibiting the extensor muscles
contralateral postural muscle tone associated with auditory/visual stimuli
ipsilateral gross postural adjustments subsequent to head movements,
facilitates activity of extensor muscles and inhibits flexors m.
Damage to the extrapyramidal tracts can result in…
Damage can cause:
significant paralysis, hypertonicity, exaggerated DTR, and clasp-knife reactions
these include reticulospinal, rubrospinal, tectospinal, vestibulospinal
Damage to the corticopsinal (pyramidal) tracts results in…
Positive Babinski signs
Absent superficial abdominal reflexes and Cremasteric reflex,
Loss of fine motor or skilled voluntary movement
Brown-Sequard Syndrome
loss of 1/2 of cord
ipsilateral loss of proprioception, vibration, and fine touch (dorsal column)
contralateral loss of pain, temperature, and crude touch (spinothalamic)
ipsilateral initial decrease in reflexes the increase (corticospinal)
Anterior Cord Syndrome
loss of motor function
loss of pain and temperature below level of lesion
worst prognosis due to anterior spinal artery (supplies the anterior 2/3 of the SC)
Occurs from cervical flexion
Central Cord Syndrome
impacts UEs > LEs
Occurs from hyperextension injuries to the cervical region.
Posterior Cord Syndrome
bilateral loss of vibration, proprioception, and fine touch below level of lesion
Posterior Cord Syndrome
bilateral loss of vibration, proprioception, crude touch below level of lesion
Which reflex acts to keep the eyes in the horizontal plane despite the patient’s altered posture?
- Optical righting reflex acts to keep the eyes in a horizontal plane through alterations in cervical spine positioning.
- Activates the muscles of the posterior neck to prevent the head from falling forward as the shoulders become more rounded.
What is the vestibuloocular reflex?
coordinates head and eye movement to support gaze stabilization.
What coordinates head and eye movement for gaze stabilization?
vestibuloocular reflex
What stabilizes the body and controls movements while the head is moving?
Vestibulospinal reflex