Non-Systems (Research) Flashcards
A physical therapist searches the literature for a reliable and valid questionnaire to measure quality of life in patients with heart disease. The therapist plans to use the questionnaire to assess changes in quality of life before and after participating in a cardiac rehabilitation program. Which questionnaire property is MOST critical to achieve the therapist’s objective?
What is sensitivity?
- Measure of validity of a diagnostic or screening test based on the probability that someone with a disease will test positive on the test.
- Proportion of people with a dz who have a positive test.
Correctly identifies true (+)
SnOut - if you give a highly sensitive test and it comes back negative you can rule out the dz because it is really good at finding (+).
What is specificity?
- Measure of validity of a diagnostic or screening test based on the probability that someone who does not have a disease will test negative on the test.
- Proportion of people without a dz who have a negative test.
** Correctly identifies (-) **
SpIn - if highly specific test and get a positive then you rule in the likelihood of dz because this test is really good at finding negatives
What is responsiveness?
ability of the instrument to detect change over time. This is an essential attribute when the goal is to assess changes in quality of life before and after participating in cardiac rehabilitation. If the questionnaire is being used to assess the effectiveness of an intervention, the score should change as the patient’s status changes and stay the same if the patient is unchanged.
What is linearity of change?
Refers to the magnitude of the change with respect to the starting score. The extent to which a score changes is a function of the starting score. For example, patients may experience substantial changes in joint ROM if their initial ROM is limited because there is more to be gained.
Reproducibility or repeatability of measurement
Overall consistency of the measurement. This determines the reproducibility of a study.
Test-retest reliability
How likely are you going to get the same result on the same test performed again?
IntERrater reliability
Consistency or equivalence of measurements made by more than one person.
Indicates the agreement of measurements taken by DIFFERENT examiners
What is the homogeneity of ratings among various researchers?
IntRArater reliability
The consistency or equivalence of repeated measurements made by the SAME person over time.
How likely is a single researcher going to get the same result?
Degree to which a useful or meaningful interpretation can be inferred from a measurement.
The ability to come as close the truth as possible
How closely does the result match the known truth or Gold standard test?
Internal validity
Focus on cause and effect relationships
Specifically on is there evidence that given a statistical relationship between the independent variable and dependent variable in a experiment, one causes the other.
External validity
Extent to which results of a study can be generalized beyond the study sample to persons, settings, and times that are different form those employed in the experimental situation.
Concerned with the usefulness of the information outside the experimental situation
Level of evidence
Listed best to least good
1A – Systematic review of RCTs
1B – Individual RCT (narrow confidence interval)
2A – Systematic review of cohort studies
2B – Individual Cohort study
2 C – “Outcomes” research (ecological studies)
3A – Systematic review of case-control studies
3B – Individual case-control study
4 – Case series
5 – Expert opinion
Qualitative vs Quantitative
Qualitative - pertaining to a targets behavior or characteristics (case study)….not necessarily testing something more just describing.
Quantitative - numeric analysis of relationships and test results
- statistical analysis
- suggesting correlation
Quantitative Studies (Research design)
numeric analysis of relationships and test results
- statistical analysis
- suggesting correlation
- Descriptive design - observation data collection
- Correlation design - observation data collection relates several variables
- Quasi-Experimental Design - Seeks causality (doesn’t manipulate variable)
- Experimental design - classic RCT where the independent variable is manipulated
Null Hypothesis
“there is no relationship among the groups” or “any relationship is due to chance”
Most studies try to disprove the null hypothesis
Alternate Hypothesis
“there IS a relationship among the groups”
typically what the research is trying to prove
Independent vs dependent variable
Independent variable -
Input the characteristic of the person you are looking at
Dependent variable -
Result of the test or measure that is performed
Does does strengthening exercise (independent variable) have any effect on performance on the 6MWT (dependent variable)
Level of Measurement scale in research
Nominal - attributes are named
(numbers on soccer jersey, nationality, clinical diagnosis, blood type, occupation)
Ordinal - attributes are ordered
(Borg RPE scale, MMT, pain)
Interval - distance is meaningful. equal distance between numbers with no known zero point
(temperature scale, age)
Ratio - Absolute zero exists. Equal distance with known zero (no negatives)
(weight, number of pts, weight, distance)
Nominal and Ordinal - non parametric
Interval and Ratio - parametric
degree to which data sets are different from each other.
The different between the means/variability of the groups
Chi-squared test
assess the goodness of fit between the observed values and expected values.
Correlation coefficient
quantifies the strength of relationship between the different variables
(-)1 - (+)1
(-) 1 = negative relationship (walking speed dec. as age increases)
(+) 1 = positive relationship (infant age increases weight increases
0 = no linear relationship
Closer to either end shows the strength of the relationship….closer to 0 is a weaker strength
Standard deviation
- represents the amount of variance from the mean
In a normally distributed curve
68% of data points are 1 SD from mean (above or below mean is 34%)
95% of data points are 2 SD from mean
99.7% of data are 3 SD of the mean.
- typically data that is more than 2 SD outside of the norm is considered significant
z score
indicates how far an item deviates form the mean in terms of SD
Type I Error
Reject null hypothesis when the null hypothesis is true
Type II Error
Accept the null hypothesis when it is false
Minimally Clinically Important Difference (MCID)
smallest change in a test that would be important to a pt.
6MWT MCID is 50 meters
Number needed to treat (NNT)
Number of pts who need tx to prevent 1 bad outcome. Ideal number is 1 (so each tx is effective at preventing negative outcomes)
closer to 1 is better (and further away from 1 is worse)
What are considered the best/strongest level of evidence?
Systematic reviews!
Systematic review of the randomized control trial is the most.