Past Quiz/Test question from 3rd year Flashcards
During a pt interview, a pt ℅ pain down the long finger, and into the left interscapular area. Which positive special test would BEST indicate the source of symptoms?
Spurling’s test
Ipsilateral SB, ipsilateral rotation, extension, axial compression. Radicular symptoms = positive for nerve compression
A PT observes that a pt’s medial longitudinal arch is extremely depressed. Which of the following structures is most likely compromised?
Plantar calcaneonavicular ligament
A pt presents to the clinic w/ ℅ of a burning sensation in the anterolateral aspect of the thigh. A dysfunction of which of the following nerves would lead to these symptoms?
Lateral (femoral) cutaneous
Which of the following muscles contribute to a pes anserine tendonitis?
sartorius, semitendinosus, gracilis (SGT “sergeant”)
What role does the rotator cuff strengthening play in the rehab of GHJ impingement?
Provides an inferior pull on the humeral head
A pt presents w/ glenohumeral hypomobility in all directions of motion, pain w/ overhead reaching, and scapular winging. During treatment intervention in the following weeks which of the following is the BEST order of addressing the pt’s problem list?
Glenohumeral mobilization, scapular stabilizer strengthening, RTC strengthening
Which of the following diagnoses would general spinal flexion exercises and joint mobilization techniques be contraindicated as treatment interventions?
Which of the following landmarks are used to measure the Q-angle?
ASIS, midpoint of patella, tibial tubercle
A 16 y/o HS track athlete presents to PT w/ knee pain that is accompanied by limited ROM, popping, and clicking. Based only on this presentation, which of the following tests is the most appropriate test to use to confirm a diagnosis?
A positive step deformity would indicate involvement of which joint of the shoulder
A pt presents w/ shoulder pain that is accompanied by popping and clicking. He also notes the shoulder “pops out” when he tries to do a push-up. Which of the following is the MOST appropriate test to confirm the diagnosis?
Resisted bicep flexion in 90 deg shld abduction and full ER
During pregnancy, which of the following joints is most frequently affected by hypermobility due to the presence of the hormone relaxin?
SI Joint
A pt presents to PT w/ an x-ray report that indicates a problem w/ the R pars articularis of L5. Which of the following MOST accurately describes this condition?
(Bony defect in pars interarticularis)
Which of the following is a seronegative spondyloarthropathy?
Psoriatic arthritis
Ankylosing spondylitis
Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)
Reactive arthritis (reiters syndrome)
A pt presents to PT w/ progressive shoulder pain and weakness of the shoulder abductors and ERs. The PT notices muscle atrophy superior and inferior to the scapular spine. Which of the following is MOST likely to be injured?
Suprascapular nerve
A patient who has suffered a CVA is having significant perceptual deficits. What cortex is most likely involved?
R parietal
A PT asks a patient to count from 1 to 21 in increments of 3 during a cognition assessment. Which of the following cognitive functions does the task MOST accurately assess?
Attention - serial testing (counting by a certain number) tests attention and concentration
A patient presents with atrophy of the thenar eminence and aching in the palmar surface of the hand. Which of the following represents the nerve involved and the MOST appropriate diagnostic test to assess the condition?
Median nerve, NCV
A patient with C5 tetraplegia suddenly develops symptoms of autonomic dysreflexia. What is the MOST appropriate assessment to validate the presence of autonomic dysreflexia for this patient?
Blood pressure - mostly likely have increase in BP
During an evaluation of a patient with MS, the PT evalutes the patient’s stereognosis, vibration, and two-point discrimination. What type of receptor is primarily responsible for this type of information?
At the site of an accident, a patient exhibits no eye opening, no motor response, and no verbal response. What score should the patient receive on the GCS?
Which of the following presentations would indicate an impingement of the S1 nerve root in the lumbar spine?
⅗ ankle plantarflexion strength, 1+ achilles reflex
During an examination of a patient with a TBI, a PT notes the right elbow is lacking 15º extension with a hard end feel. Which of the following pathologies is the most likely cause of this presentation?
Heterotopic ossification
A patient with a SCI scores 5/5 on a bilateral MMT of elbow flexors, and ⅗ of bilateral wrist extensors, with no muscle strength below these levels. What is the correct motor level for this patient?
A patient with a brain tumor presents with an inability to see anything in the left visual field. Which of the following locations is most likely to be the site of the lesion?
Left optic radiation
A PT is treating a patient following a right CVA. The patient demonstrates the following deficits, bumping into walls during wheelchair mobility, lack of LLE advancement, and no awareness of pain in the LLE. What phenomenon is this patient demonstrating?
During an examination, a patient shows delayed (~5 seconds) upbeating torsional nystagmus with Dix-Hallpike testing on the left. What is the most appropriate treatment for this presentation?
Epley maneuver beginning with the head towards the left
What is the cranial-most level of complete SCI that would allow for a patient to use tenodesis grasp?
Which of the following interventions is the BEST example of functional training for a patient with neurological pathology?
Demonstration, instruction, and performance of bed mobility
The functional exercise….
A PT prepares to perform volumetric measurements as a means to measure edema. Which of the following conditions is most appropriate for this type of object measure?
Colles’ fracture
A PT examines breath sounds of a patient diagnosed with pulmonary disease. The therapist identifies crackles during inspiration and expiration. This finding is MOST indicative of which of the following?
Impaired secretion clearance
A PT needs to instruct a patient rehabilitating from a thoracic surgery on how to produce an effective cough. Which of the following positions would be the MOST appropriate to initiate the treatment.
A PT is treating a patient on the cardiovascular ICU and notices that the IV solution appears to be infusing the tissues surrounding the dorsum of the patient’s hand. Which of the following is the most appropriate action?
Contact nursing
A PT attempts to prevent alveolar collapse in a patient following thoracic surgery. Which breathing technique would be the most beneficial to achieve the established goal.
Incentive spirometer
Which of the following is the primary side effect associated with heparin? (because we are ignoring that c and d are also major side effects of heparin but whatever) - I know… again “primary”… the others are secondary.. well it’s still a big side effect.
Excessive anticoagulation
A PT is performing postural drainage to the anterior basal segments of the lower lobes of the lungs. The patient starts to suddenly ℅ dizziness and mild dyspnea. What is the therapists’ most appropriate action
Elevate the pts head
A PT is examining a patient that exhibits several signs and symptoms of anemia. Which question would be most useful to gather additional information related to anemia?
Do you have SOB at rest or with mild exertion
Which of the following is most appropriate hand placement to facilitate coughing in a patient with a mid-thoracic SCI?
Epigastric area
A physician orders a patient to have a lower extremity compression garment due to edema in his legs. How much pressure needs to be exerted by the garment to control the edema?
35 mmHg
Which of the following ECG changes could be facilitated by beta-blockers?
Sinus bradycardia
A patient who is 2 days s/p posterolateral thoracotomy procedure is complaining of ipsilateral shoulder pain. Which of the following is most likely a cause of the shoulder pain?
Diaphragmatic irritation referred by phrenic nerve
A PT is treating a patient diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis. The PT wants to improve ventilator volume during breathing. Which of the following is the MOST appropriate manual technique to encourage full expansion at the base of the lungs?
Applies pressure over the lateral borders of ribs/patient in supine position
A PT elects to use the 6MWT as a means to quantify endurance for a patient in cardiac rehab. Which variable would be most appropriate to measure when determining the patient’s endurance level?
Distance walked
Which of the following cardiac complications leads to death most often in patients with eating disorders?
Normal pH of body fluids
What represents ventricular Repolarization
T wave = ventricular repolarization
Congestive HF abnormal lung sounds
Cyanosis, peripheral edema, ascites, and fatigue is due to what?
Central cord cervical SCI will look like?
Weakness of UE>LE
What will cause central canal stenosis but NOT lateral
Ligamentum flavum
Closed pack position of the GHJ
Abduction and ER
Arthrokinematics of humerus on glenoid fossa during ABD
Superior roll, inferior glide
Arthrokinematics of the femoral condyle on tibial plateau from standing to sitting
Roll posterior, slide anterior
Osteokinematics of seated knee ext
Distal on proximal, OKC
Position of the subtalar joint when femur adduction in closed chain
What is an example of a transverse plane stability exercise?
Unilateral rows
Result of demyelination of neurons due to MS
Decreases the speed of impulses
Most beneficial initial exercises for CTS?
Tendon glides (unsure…)
Pt had a CVA 2 weeks ago and now has blurry vision, weakness, dizzy, nausea. What is most likely the cause?
Anemia (we think)
excessive CO2 in bloodstream caused by hypoventilation
A pt has increased shld girdle, horizontal ribs, cylindrical chest, and a flat diaphragm. What condition does this person have?
What is the most common cardiac arrhythmia
PVC (we think); but I think could also very well be Afib
A T1 SCI was have HTN, HA, and was diaphoretic. What is it likely that they are experiencing?
Autonomic Dysreflexia
What is a Modified Ashworth score of 3
Increase in spasticity
Pt with a C5 SCI what motion for highest level of function?
Elbow flexion
Pt presents with low level, constant dizziness with head movement and a (+) head thrust. What should be the treatment?
Habituation exercises
What is homonymous hemianopsia
Loss of 1/2 of visual field (loose vision out of the R half of each eye for example)
What intervention focus for GHJ impingement?
Do RTC strengthening
If they pt has scapular winging with shld elevation to 90 deg which exercise should be included?
Supine punches
What happens with B contraction of multifidi?
Trunk extension
You have been treating a patient with a 4cm stage 3 decubitus over the right heel. You note green/yellow, pungent exudate at the wound site and opt to use electrical stimulation. Your choice of electrode placement and polarity would be which of the following?
Negative electrode is placed in the wound
You are treating a patient admitted to an ICU 48 hours ago with an acute deep partial-thickness burn covering 25% of the total body. As a PT, what should be your major concern?
Initiating ROM
A 65 y/o patient has a wound on the medial malleolus of the left ankle. Upon inspection, you notice the ankle is swollen, red, and painful with moderate to high amounts of exudate. Which of the following would be the BEST for this wound?
You are instructed to provide electrical stimulation to a 65 y/o patient with a nonhealing stasis ulcer on the left lower extremity. Which of the following forms of electrical stimulation would be most suitable to promote wound healing?
Direct Current
A patient is referred to your clinic with a burn to the right hand. Upon examination, you find the majority of the wound is anesthetic, but that there is significant eschar formation over the dorsum on the involved hand with moderate subcutaneous tissue damage. What is the most likely classification of this burn?
Full thickness
A PT has been asked to estimate a percentage of burn on a patient that is 22 y/o, male, of normal size, and the burns are over the entire posterior surface of the head, the entire posterior surface of the LUE, and entire back. Which of the following would be accurate using the rule of nines to calculate the percentage burned?
A PT needs to wash their visibly soiled hands after treating a patient. Which of the following is the MOST accurate procedure for adequate hand washing?
Wet hands, apply soap, rub hands vigorously for 20 secs, rinse, dry
A PT instructs a patient’s spouse to remove and reapply a wound bandage. Which of the following instructional methods would be most appropriate to ensure the dressing is being applied correctly?
Instruct the spouse to perform the dressing change and observe the performance.
A LE amputation patient suffered cramping, burning in the limb, general fatigue, and pain prior to the surgery. Which of the following is the MOST probable cause of LE amputation based on these symptoms?
Peripheral Vascular Disease
A PT inspects a wound that has large quantities of exudate which require frequent dressing changes. The PT applies a dressing that cannot handle the drainage of the fluid. Which of the following would be the most likely outcome?
A LE wound has a mixed wound bed containing slough, eschar, and granulation tissue present. Which of the following would be the most appropriate to perform?
Enzymatic debridement
A patient suffering from an abdominal wound has clear exudate oozing from the site. Which of the following descriptors would be MOST accurate for the PT to use to describe the exudate?
Which of the following would be the correct order for describing phases of wound healing?
Hemostasis, Inflammation, proliferation, repair
A pressure ulcer is identified on the ischial tuberosity of a patient and the wound presents with partial thickness loss of the dermis. The wound bed is shallow with no slough present. What is the MOST accurate staging of this pressure ulcer?
Stage 2
A PT would like to minimize the likelihood of a burn when using iontophoresis. Which action would be most consistent with the PT’s objective?
Increase the size of the cathode relative to the anode
Which of the following medications would be the FIRST treatment of most inflammatory musculoskeletal conditions in patients with a healthy gastrointestinal system?
Which of the following medications is contraindicated in a pregnant patient?
You pt has a blood pH of 7.8 which is consistent with which of the following descriptions
A PT is seeing a patient in the hospital who underwent a THA 24 hours ago. At bedside the patient presents with sudden dyspnea, is diaphoretic, and tachycardiac. Which of the following conditions would be the most likely and must urgent concern?
Pulmonary emobli
Which of the following physical findings in a type 1 diabetic patient would be consistent with diabetic ketoacidosis?
Kussmal breathing
A hyper functioning tumor in which of the following locations would be the most likely to result in acromegaly?
Anterior lobe of the pituitary
Which of the following portions of a standard EKG corresponds to ventricular repolarization?
T wave
Which of the following events of the cardiac cycle causes the p-wave on the standard EKG?
Atrial depolarization
Which of the following anatomic changes to the heart is the most likely to be seen in a patient with aortic stenosis?
Hypertrophy of the L ventricle
Which of the following correctly describes diabetes insipidus?
May be caused by piuitary disease
A patient recently diagnosed with a lower extremity DVT is being treated with heparin. Which of the following is a potential adverse effect associated with heparin use?
Thrombocytopenia (excessive anticoagulation is the answer to another question)
A 63 y/o male patient presents with ℅ left calf pain with walking more than 50 feet. The pain is relieved with sitting or reclining but it takes about 10 minutes of rest from the activity for the pain to subside. Which of the following would be the most likely etiology of the patient’s pain?
L side foraminal stenosis at L1
Which of the following would not be considered an invasive diagnostic imaging technique?
A 53 y/o female has recently developed a non-productive cough. Which of the recent medication additions could be responsible for the cough?
Which of the following statements is true regarding orthotic devices such as the TOT collar?
It should only be used when the child is awake and supervised
Which of the following treatments are generally recommended for Congenital Muscular Torticollis during the first 12 months?
Active cervical ROM with subsequent strengthening; prolonged passive stretching of SCM through positioning; symmetrical developmental activities
Which of the following is an example of the malformation disorder of morphogenesis?
Septal heart defect
Which of the following measurements is used to determine rotational variation of the tibia and hindfoot?
Thigh foot angle (TFA)
A 5 y/o child with a diagnosis of CP is extending his right arm and flexing his left arm when turning his head to the right side. What is this child demonstrating?
Obligatory ATNR (this is ATNR however it is persistent past what is considered normal)
A PT has a referral to see a 3 month old baby with a diagnosis of osteogenesis imperfecta. What should be a paramount intervention in the treatment of this baby?
Caregiver instruction on proper handling and positioning to prevent fractures
During an evaluation of a 5 y/o boy, a PT notes weakness of the shoulder and hip girdles and decreased ankle ROM. The child’s mother states that he has been getting progressively worse with time and now requires both hands to pull himself up using handrails when ascending stairs at their apartment complex. Mom also states that her son started walking much later than his older brother did. What pathology should be suspected?
Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
What is the correct term describing the condition when a baby is born with a vertebral abnormality of the lumbar spine covered by a cyst which contains part of the baby’s spinal cord?
A 13 y/o girl is referred to PT for evaluation and treatment of acute-onset knee pain. There is no history of injury and she has not participated in any physical activity for the past week per her doctor’s instructions to restrict physical activity following recent removal of her wisdom teeth. During the evaluation, the PT notes localized erythema, tenderness above the patella, and localized edema. The patient has also been running a low-grade fever. What primary pathology may be causing her knee pain?
What is the best way to elicit a Babinski sign in an infant?
Stroke the lateral part of the sole of the foot from the heel to the ball and then across the ball of the foot
A newborn baby demonstrates physiological flexion. What is the next expected kinesiological movement that the baby should develop?
Antigravity extension
During an evaluation of a 4 month old infant, a PT elicits the STNR. When the infant’s head is flexed, what should the PT expect to observe?
Flexion of the UE and extension of the LE
In what direction does development tend to occur?
Cephalic control to caudal control, proximal to distal, and extensor antigravity control before flexor antigravity control
A PT is observing a typically developing full-term infant ring sit independently unsupported, creep forward a distance of 5 feet, and pull to stand at a couch independently. Based on this information, what is the most likely age of this infant?
10 months
Which of the following symptoms are associated with Chiari II malformation?
Apnea when crying, GI reflux, swallowing difficulty
A 70 y/o patient who is 2 weeks s/p transtibial amputation of the LLE is instructed by his physician to remain at rest for 2 days after developing pneumonia. Which of the following is the MOST appropriate position for the patient in bed?
Supine with legs extended
A 70 y/o male patient with muscle weakness and compromised balance uses a four-point gait pattern with 2 canes. The PT would like to instruct the patient to ascend/descend stairs according to the normal flow of traffic. Which of the following is the MOST appropriate method to instruct the patient in how to ascend the stairs?
Use the handrail in the R hand and place the 2 canes in the L hand
A patient presents to the clinic with a prescription from the physician for an “ankle brace” for walking. The patient reports to you that he had a “mild” stroke 4 months ago and that his only remaining complaint is that he is stubbing his right toes when he walks. The patient expresses to you that he must be able to return to his job as a roofer in order to provide for his family. During dynamic gait assessment the patient demonstrates moderate foot drop and excessive pronation (flexible) on the RLE. Dorsiflexion for the RLE is 3+/5. The patient has no spasticity and no ROM deficits including no plantar flexion contracture. Proprioception is intact. Given the information provided, which of the following is the BEST AFO option for the patient?
Thermoplastic articulating AFO with DF assist
An elderly patient is an acute rehab hospital confides to the PT that he no longer feels useful and has been thinking of committing suicide. What is the MOST appropriate action for the PT to take?
Discuss the situation with the pt case manager
A PT observes that his 68 y/o patient slightly vaults during gait as he moves through midstance and demonstrates an early toe off. The patient has normal strength bilaterally and equal leg length. Which of the following is the MOST likely cause of this gait deviation?
Limited DF
A 73 y/o male had a THA (posterior approach) on the LLE yesterday. He has had difficulty with alertness since coming to the room after surgery. The PT needs to transfer him from sitting at bedside to his wheelchair, but is concerned that the patient does not remember how to complete the maneuver while maintaining his hip precautions. What is the best way to ensure his understanding?
Ask him to repeat the steps back to you before you begin
Which of the following groups would have the highest risk for developing osteoporosis?
Caucasian females over the age of 60
A patient who is 100 years old refuses to participate in PT after being transported to the gym. The PT educates the patient about the importance of PT and the potential consequences of refusing treatment, however, the patient does not change her mind. Which of the following is the MOST appropriate initial PT action?
Document the incident in the medical record
Which of the following situations best represents when a person will most likely use a “hip strategy” to maintain balance?
They are standing on a BOS that is narrower than the length of the feet.
A PT examines a 70 y/o patient who fell and as a result fractured the right hip. The patient is 48 hours s/p ORIF of the right hip. The patient ℅ general malaise and reports a slightly elevated body temperature. Physical examination reveals an edematous right hip that is warm to the touch and a small amount of yellow fluid is observed seeping from the incision. Which of the following is the MOST appropriate action for the PT?
Communicate the information to the referring physician
A PT measures a 90 y/o patient for a straight cane prior to beginning ambulation activities. Which gross measurement method would provide the BEST estimate of cane length?
Measuring from the greater trochanter straight to the floor
A 70 y/o patient who is 48 hours s/p left THA loses his balance and falls to the ground during a PT session. The patient is visibly shaken by the fall, but insists that he is uninjured. The PT examines the left hip and finds AROM elicits pain. All other findings are inconclusive. Which of the following is the PT’s BEST course of action?
Document incident and contact physician to examine patient prior to continuing POC
A PT completes an examination on an 80 y/o patient with Parkinson’s disease. Results of the exam include ⅘ strength in LEs, 10º flexion contracture at the hips, and exaggerated forward standing posture. The patient has difficulty initiating movement and requires manual assistance for gait on level surfaces. Which of the following is the MOST appropriate priority activity to incorporate into an HEP?
Prone lying
Which of the following correctly describes the cardiovascular consequences of bed rest?
Increased venous compliance – venous pooling – poor venous return – decreased CO.
The PT has a physician’s order to evaluate and treat a patient who is receiving anticoagulant therapy due to chronic atrial fibrillation. The patient’s lab values state that his INR is 2.0. Which of the following is the most appropriate plan of action?
Perform evaluation and treatment of the patient as planned
(I think this was the right answer)
A patient presents to outpatient PT 1 week after a TKA. The PT inspects the post-op incision and finds that the area is slightly swollen and red with a trace amount of serous fluid leaking from the lower portion of the incision underneath the staples. How should the PT proceed?
Normal signs of healing and proceed with exam
Other answer choices:
Call the physician immediately
Clean site with soap & water, apply bandage, avoid ROM exercises
Delay starting treatment and reassess in 2 days
Which of the following should a PT perform if they are treating a patient who is on isolation precautions for chicken pox?
Rub the hands vigorously with an alcohol-based hand rub for 15 seconds followed by donning of N-95 respirator, gown, and gloves
A PT working in a hospital evaluates a patient with newly diagnosed COPD. At rest on room air, the patient’s O2 sat is 92%. His HR is 82bpm. BP 140/70. The patient ambulates 300’ with SBA. After this bout of ambulation, his vital signs are: O2 sat 86%, HR 90bpm, BP 148/70. The patient ℅ SOB. What is the PT’s next course of action?
Call physician immediately for O2 recommendations
Other answer choices:
Allow pt to use walker for ambulation
Apply supplemental O2 at 2L/min and recheck O2 saturation
Ambulate the patient back to his room quickly
What is the primary advantage of mid-wheel drive w/c over a rear-wheel drive w/c?
Small turning radius
Other choices:
Provides for pressure mapping
Better for navigating over obstacles
Cross brace is easily changed
Which of the following wheelchairs would be most appropriate for a patient with THA who is under hip precautions, demonstrates OH, and is unable to sit erect for prolonged periods of time?
Reclining-back 2/c with swing away, elevating leg rests
Your patient has had a THA. It is your responsibility to educate her regarding her total hip precautions. Which of the following contains the correct precautions for a patient with a THA?
No adduction past neutral, no IR past neutral, no hip flexion above 90 deg.
Other choices:
- No abduction past neutral, no IR past neutral, no hip flexion past 90º
- No abduction past neutral, no ER past neutral, no hip flexion above 90º
- No adduction past neutral, no ER past neutral, no hip flexion above 90º
During normal walking speed, what percentage of the gait cycle is double limb stance?
During normal walking speed, what is the percentage of the gait cycle is psent in the stance phase?
What level of Nagi’s disablement model describes an individual who cannot perform a socially defined role or task.
Other choices:
Functional limitation
A patient performs a sit<>stand transfer. The PT only holds onto the gait belt to provide safety during the transfer but does not provide physical assistance. Which of the following is the correct level of assistance needed by the patient?
Which of the following can occur due to poor patient positioning?
Muscle contraction
Other choices:
Bone regeneration
Joint hypermobility
Orthostatic hypotension
Which of the following methods places the least stress on the PT when ascending/descending curbs with a patient in a w/c?
Descending a curb backward and ascending a curb forwards
Other choices:
Descending a curb forward and ascending a curb backwards
Descending and ascending a curb forwards
Descending and ascending a curb backwards
According to ADA, the ratio of slope to ramps in inches should be no greater than which of the following?
1:12 (one inch of rise:12 inches of run)
Which of the following government agencies are primarily responsible for developing ADA rules and regulations and enforcing the law?
The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and the Department of Justice
Other choices:
- The Administration Committee of the Federal Register and the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
- The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality and National Institute of Health
- The Department of Justice and the Commission on Civil rights
What level of assistance would be documented if a patient requires 50% assistance to transfer from the w/c to the exercise mat?
Which of the following is the least appropriate use of peer-reviewed chart audit?
If the care will be reimbursed by a 3rd party payer
Other choices:
If the treatment was medically necessary
If the treatment was cost effective
Care was provided by appropriate personnel
When performing a chart audit, the PT realizes that the date was documented inappropriately. Which of the following is the correct response?
Put a single line through the date, initial, and provide the correct date
Which of the following provides the highest level of provider risk in reimbursement?
Capitated payment method
Other choices:
Fee for service plan
Fee schedule
Per diem payment method
A center that specializes in work conditioning would be accredited by which of the following agencies?
Commission on Accreditation of Rehab Facilities (CARF)
Other choices:
- Joint Commission on Accreditation of Health Care Organization (JACHO)
- Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
- Department of Health and Human Services (DHS)
A PT and PTA are conducting a cardiac rehab class for 20 patients, and the PT gets called out of the room. What is the MOST appropriate procedure in this situation?
Have the PTA supervise the class using the outlined protocol until the PT returns
Other choices:
-Terminate the session and have the patients monitor their pulse until the PT returns
-Have the patients perform a lower intensity exercise until the PT returns
- Have a PTA supervise the patients in a cool down activity
Which of the following best defines homebound status for Medicare patients receiving Home Healthcare?
Leaving the home requires considerable and taxing effort
Other choices:
Dependency on others for all transportation needs
All medical care must be received at home
Patient uses an assistive device
Which of the following topics should an interviewer refrain from asking about during an interview for a position at a hospital?
Other choices:
Reason for leaving last job
Gaps in work history
Salary requirements
Under HIPAA rules, which of the following entities would it be illegal to release a competent patient’s information to without written authorization?
The spouse
Other choices:
The insurance company paying for the services
Other healthcare workers involved in the case
Adult protective services (if abuse suspected)
A physician orders PT for a 69 year old Medicare patient who is in an acute care facility following a TKA. Which of the following would be the appropriate frequency and duration?
Other choices:
Every other day
2x/day for 4 days
The daughter of an elderly patient asks the PT if she can come by and read his chart so she can help her father at home. Which of the following is the appropriate response?
Tell her she must have her father’s written permission
Other choices:
Let her read the file since she is family
Tell her she can’t see it because it is in medical terms
Tell her to ask the physician
A 16 y/o patient with osteosarcoma presents to the clinic for crutch training. Her parents have decided not to tell her about her diagnosis, but she feels that something is wrong and asks the PT if she has cancer. Which of the following is the appropriate response?
Schedule a conference with the physician and parents about the question
Other choices:
Discuss her condition gently indicating her parent’s fears
Change the subject and talk about the day’s treatment
Tell the patient to ask her physician
A sports PT is working with a local football team and after a violent tackle, a player is left unresponsive. Which of the following is the most appropriate to complete first?
Summon EMS
Other choices:
Log roll the patient onto their back while supporting the neck
Open the airway using the chin-lift method
Stabilize the head and flip back the facemask
Which of the following typically funds long term care for institutionalized elderly who have exhausted their financial resources?
Other choices:
Social Security
Which of the following would NOT be included in the operating budget of a PT clinic for the upcoming fiscal year?
Treadmill purchase
Other options:
Therapy balls
Utility expenses
Lease of an offsite therapy pool
Which of the following would be considered unethical for a PT who sells custom made orthotic shoe inserts to patients?
The need for the inserts is exaggerated
Other options:
The PT realizes all of the profits made for the sale
The patient’s ability to pay is in doubt
The services are provided as part of pro bono services
If an investigator wants to establish the ability of a new piece of equipment to consistently produce the same result then which of the following types of reliability is the investigator seeking to establish?
Test-retest reliability
Other choices:
Internal consistency
Inter-rater reliability
Parallel forms reliability
A researcher wants to investigate the effects of one therapeutic exercise and two different joint mobilizations on knee ROM. How many independent variables are employed in this study?
A PT is assessing a patient using standard MMT with grades of poor, fair, average, good, and excellent. Which of the following measurement scales is the test using?
Other options:
Which of the following is the correct term for the outcome of interest in a study?
Dependent variable
Other options:
Extraneous interval
Independent variable
Multifactorial variable
Which of the following best describes the effect of a large sized randomized sample?
Increased power, decreased chance of type 2 error
Other options:
Decreased power, decreased chances of type 2 error
Decreased power, increased chance of type 2 error
Increased power, increased chance of type 2 error
Which of the following is a probabilistic sampling method?
Cluster sampling
Other options:
Purposive assignment
Random assignment by individual
Convenience sampling
Which of the following is an advantage of probabilistic sampling methods?
Reduces sampling error
Other options:
Ensure equal numbers and equal characteristics in each group
Less costly than non-probabilistic methods
More time efficient than non-probabilistic methods
A researcher conducts a randomized control trial in which patients are treated in the clinic by PTs. What concept is this researcher investigating?
Other options:
A researcher wants to know if a PT can consistently perform a clinical test several times and get the same result. What is the researcher investigating?
Measurement reliability
Other options:
Measurement plausibility
Measurement validity
Prospective validity
Which of the following is a retrospective design?
Case control study
Other options:
Cohort design
Methodological design
Single system design
Which type of hypothesis correctly describes the statement “subjects who perform sit-ups will increase abdominal strength more than subjects who perform push-ups”?
Directional alternative hypothesis
Other options:
Directional null hypothesis
Nondirectional alternative hypothesis
Nondirectional null hypothesis
Which of the following are combinations of clinical findings that provide meaningful predictions about an outcome of interest?
Clinical prediction rules
Other options:
Diagnostic factors
Prognostic factors
Self-report outcome measures
Which type of publication would be best suited to answer questions about the efficacy of a treatment?
Systematic review
Other options:
Cohort study
Expert editorial
Randomized clinical trial
Which type of study design manipulates the experimental technique but only has one subject group?
Other options:
Case control
Observational study
Single system design
What is the process by which research is appraised by one or more content experts prior to publication?
Peer Review
Other options:
Bias control
Critical appraisal
Literature review