MSK Anatomy Flashcards
Passive Insufficiency
Inability of a 2-joint muscle to
passively extend across full ROM
of both joints (while stretching).
Typically will use the hamstrings
Active insufficiency
Inability of a 2-joint muscle to
actively contract across full
ROM of both joints (Active = movement)
Can’t make a fist as well when in wrist flexion
Convex on concave rule
Convex surface on fixed concave surface = opposite directions roll and slide
Concave surface on fixed convex surface = same direction roll and slide
All fingers and metacarpal phalangeal arthrokinematics
Concave on convex (same as the toes)
so they move in the same direction
Wrist arthrokinematics
Convex on concave
with exception of trapezoid which is concave on convex
Arthrokinematics of pronation/supination of radioulnar joint proximal
convex on concave
Arthrokinematics of pronation/supination of radioulnar joint distal
concave on convex
(so roll and glide in the same direction)
Arthrokinematics of flexion and extension of humeroradial joint
concave on convex
Arthrokinematics of flexion and extension of humeroulnar joint
Concave on convex
Glenohumeral joint arthrokinematics
All are convex on cave (if in OKC this reverses in CKC kinda)
Sternoclavicular arthrokinematics with elevation/depression and protraction/retraction
Elevation/depression = Convex on concave (chicken wing motion)
Protraction/retraction = Concave on convex
A/C joint arthrokinematics
All movement on concave on convex
Toes flexion/extension and abduction/adduction arthrokinematics
concave on convex (same as the fingers)
Ankle arthrokinematics
Tibiofibular arthrokinematics
All motions are concave on convex
Knee arthrokinematics
Concave on Convex
Hip arthrokinematics
Convex on concave
TMJ arthrokinematics
Convex on concave
Open packed position; closed pack position; capsular pattern of restriction of vertebrae
OPP: Midway between flexion and ext
CPP: Maximal extension
Cap pattern:
Upper c-spine: OA - forward flexion limited > ext; AA - limited rotation
Lower c-spine and thoracic spine: limitations in ALL MOTIONS EXCEPT FLEXION (SB and rotation equally limited > extension)
Open packed position; closed pack position; capsular pattern of restriction of TMJ
OPP: Jaw slightly open
CPP: Maximal retrusion or anterior position mouth open fully
Cap pattern: limited opening
Open packed position; closed pack position; capsular pattern of restriction of Sternoclavicular
OPP: arm resting by side
CPP: Arm maximally elevated
Cap pattern: full elevated limited; pain at extreme motions
Open packed position; closed pack position; capsular pattern of restriction of Acromioclavicular
OPP: Arm resting by side
CPP: arm abduction to 90 deg
Cap pattern: full elevated limited; pain at extreme motions
Open packed position; closed pack position; capsular pattern of restriction of Glenohumeral
OPP: 40-50 deg of abduction, 30 deg of horiz. adduction (scapular plane)
CPP: Max abduction and ER
Cap pattern: ER>abduction>IR (most to least)
Open packed position; closed pack position; capsular pattern of restriction of Humeroulnar
OPP: 70 deg of flexion and 10 deg of supination
CPP: full extension and supination
Cap pattern: Flexion > extension (limited)
Open packed position; closed pack position; capsular pattern of restriction of Humeroradial
OPP; full extension and supination
CPP: 90 deg flexion and 5 deg of supination
Cap pattern: flexion> extension (limited)
Open packed position; closed pack position; capsular pattern of restriction of Proximal radioulnar
OPP: 70 deg of flexion and 35 deg of supination
CPP: 5 deg of supination
Cap pattern: pronation=supination (equal limitation)
Open packed position; closed pack position; capsular pattern of restriction of distal radioulnar
OPP: 10 deg of supination
CPP: 5 deg of supination
Cap pattern: pronation=supination (equal limitation)
Open packed position; closed pack position; capsular pattern of restriction of Radio/ulnar carpal
OPP: netural with slight ulnar deviation
CPP: full extension with radial deviation
Cap pattern: flexion=extension (limitation)
Open packed position; closed pack position; capsular pattern of restriction of midcarpals
OPP: Neutral or slight flexion with slight ulnar deviation
CPP: extension with ulnar deviation
Cap pattern: equal all directions
Open packed position; closed pack position; capsular pattern of restriction of carpometacarpal (2-5)
OPP: midway between abduction/adduction and flexion extension (for thumb); midway b/n flexion and extension (fingers)
CPP: full opposition (thumb); full flexion (fingers)
Cap pattern: thumb restricted equal in all directions; fingers flexion > extension
Open packed position; closed pack position; capsular pattern of restriction of Metacarpophalangeal (MCP)
OPP: slight flexion
CPP: full opposition (thumb); full flexion (fingers)
Cap pattern: ?
Open packed position; closed pack position; capsular pattern of restriction of Interphalangeal (IP)
OPP: slight flexion
CPP: full extension
Cap pattern: tend toward extension restrictions
Open packed position; closed pack position; capsular pattern of restriction of Hip
OPP: 30 deg flexion, 30 deg abduction, and slight lateral rotation
CPP: full extension, abduction, IR
Cap pattern: limited flexion/IR; some limitation of abduction; no or little limitation of adduction and ER
Open packed position; closed pack position; capsular pattern of restriction of Knee
OPP: 25 deg flexion
CPP: full extension and ER
Cap pattern: flexion grossly limited; slight limitation of extension
Open packed position; closed pack position; capsular pattern of restriction of Ankle/Foot (Talocrural)
OPP: Mid inversion/eversion and 10 deg PF
CPP: full DF
Cap pattern: Loss of PF>DF
Open packed position; closed pack position; capsular pattern of restriction of Ankle/Foot (Subtalar)
OPP: midway between ROM
CPP: full inversion
Cap pattern: Increasing limitations of varus; joint fixed in valgus (inversion>eversion)
Open packed position; closed pack position; capsular pattern of restriction of Ankle/Foot (Midtarsal)
OPP: midway between ROM
CPP: Full supination
Cap pattern: supination>pronation (limited DF, PF, add, and medial rotation)
Open packed position; closed pack position; capsular pattern of restriction of Ankle/Foot (Tarsometatarsal)
OPP: midway between supination and pronation
CPP: Full supination
Cap pattern: ?
Open packed position; closed pack position; capsular pattern of restriction of Toes (metatarsophalangeal)
OPP: neutral - extension 10 deg
CPP: full extension
Cap pattern: variable; tend toward flexion restrictions
Open packed position; closed pack position; capsular pattern of restriction of Toes
OPP: Slight flexion
CPP: Full extension
Cap pattern: Tend towards extension restrictions.
What is the SCM innervated by?
C1-4 cord segment
C3-4 posterior rami; spinal accessory (CN XI)
What muscles does medial/lateral pectoral nerve innervate and what is the muscle action?
Pec major/minor
shld horizontal adduction
What muscles does the long thoracic nerve innervate, muscle action of the muscle, and the nerve root?
Serratus Anterior
Shoulder protraction, scapular upward rotation
What muscles does the Dorsal scapular nerve innervate, muscle action of the muscles, and the nerve roots?
Levator scapula (scapular elevation, downward rotation) - C5
Rhomboids (scapular adduction, elevation, downward rotation) - C4-5
What muscles does the Suprascapular nerve innervate, muscle action of the muscle, and the nerve root?
Supraspinatus (shld abduction) - C4-6
Infraspinatus (shld lateral rotation) - C4-6
What muscles does the Thoracodorsal, upper/lower subscapular, and medial/lateral pectoral nerves innervate, muscle action of the muscles, and the nerve root?
Shoulder medial rotation, adduction
Latissimus dorsi, teres major, subscapularis, and pectoralis major.
Lats (Thoracodorsal C6-8) - IR, adduction, ext
Teres Major (Lower subscapular n C5-7) - IR, adduction, and extension
Subscapularis (subscapular C5-6) - IR
Pectoralis Major (medial and lateral pectoral n C5-T1) - adduction and IR
What muscles does the axillary nerve innervate, muscle action of the muscle, and the nerve root?
Deltoid ( shld abduction, flexion, extension)
Teres minor (shld lateral rotation)
What muscles does the musculocutaneous nerve innervate, muscle action of the muscle, and the nerve root?
Biceps Brachii (elbow flexion, forearm supination) - C5-6
Coracobrachialis (shld flexion, adduction) - C6-7
Brachialis, biceps brachii (elbow flexion) - C5-6
What muscles does the Ulnar nerve innervate and nerve roots?
The Ulnar Nerve is the MAFIA (C8-T1)
M = medial lumbricals (3rd&4th lumbrical of the 4th and 5th fingers)
A = Adductor pollicis (tested with froment sign)
F = flexor group
I = dorsal interossei (help with finger abduction)
A = abductor digit minimi
Flexor digitorum profundus - C7-T1
Flexor carpi ulnaris - C7-T1
Abductor digiti minimi (deep ulnar) - C8-T1
Opponens digiti minimi (deep ulnar) - C8-T1
Flexor digit minimi brevis (deep ulnar) - C8-T1
Interossei of the hand (deep ulnar) - C8-T1
What muscles doe the Median nerve innervate and nerve roots?
The Median Nerve is a 1/2 LOAF
1st and 2nd lumbricals, opponens pollicis, abductor pollicis brevis, flexor group (also the pronators)
Pronator teres, pronator quadratus (anterior interosseous) - C6-7
flexor carpi radialis - C6-7
palmaris longus - C7-T1
flexor digitorum superficialis - C7-T1
flexor pollicis longus (anterior interosseous) - C7-T1
Flexor digitorum profundus (radial part)(anterior interosseous) - C7-T1
abductor pollicis brevis - C8-T1
opponens pollicis - C8-T1
Which muscles are innervated by both ulnar and median nerves?
Flexor pollicis brevis - C8-T1
Lumbricals - C8-T1
Also flexor digitorum profundus
What is the difference between the flexor digitorum profundus and the flexor digitorum superficialis
profundus - means “top of”….so this is the top part of the finger….so the DIP
superficialis - the PIP joint
Which muscles are innervated by radial nerve?
BEAST (brachioradialis, extensors, anconeus/abductor pollicis longus, supinator, triceps) - C6-T1
Brachioradialis - (elbow flexion in neutral) - C5-6
Triceps brachii - C6-8
extensor carpi radialis longus - C6-C7
extensor digitorum - (2-5th MCP, IP extension) - C7-C8
Extensor carpi ulnaris - C7 -C8
Supinator - C7-8
Abductor pollicis longus (thumb MCP abduction) - C7-8
Extensor pollicis longus/brevis (thumb extension) - C7-8
Extensor indicis - C7-8
Sensory region of the median nerve?
lateral hand and thumb, index and middle finger
What is innervated by the Anterior Interosseous Nerve (AIN)?
A branch of the median nerve
Flexor digitorum profundus of first finger
Flexor pollicis longus
Pronator quadratus
How to test the anterior interosseous nerve?
Test tip to tip pinch (median nerve, AIN). If they can’t do it they will resort to pad to pad pinch grip (innervated by ulnar nerve)
Which muscle(s) are innervated by the anterior rami and what is their function and nerve roots?
Iliopsoas (hip flexion) - L1-3
Which muscle(s) are innervated by the femoral nerve and what is their function and nerve roots?
Sartorius (hip flexion, abduction, lateral rotation) - L2-3
Quadriceps femoris (knee extension)- L2-4
Also includes the iliopsoas and pectineus (what the atlas says)
Which muscle(s) are innervated by the obturator nerve and what is their function and nerve roots?
Pectineus, adductor longus (hip adduction) - L2-3
Adductor brevis (hip adduction) - L2-4
Adductor magnus (hip adduction)
Gracilis (hip adduction (with slight hip flexion), also knee flexion/IR) - L2-4
Which muscle(s) are innervated by the superior gluteal nerve and what is their function and nerve roots?
Gluteus medius, minimus (hip abduction, flexion, medial rotation…FADIR) - L4-S1
Tensor fascia lata (hip flexion, abduction, medial rotation) - L4-L5
Which nerves are innervated by the sacral plexus nerve and what is their function and nerve roots?
Superior gluteal nerve (L4-S1) - Glut med, min, TFL
Inferior gluteal nerve (L5-S2) - Glut max
Sciatic n (branches to common fibular and tibial n)
Pudenal n. (S2-S4)
Direct branches too - piriformis, obturator internus (and gemelli), quadriceps femoris
From atlas book
Which muscle(s) are innervated by the inferior gluteal nerve and what is their function and nerve roots?
Gluteus maximus (hip extension, lateral rotation) - L4-S2