Parameters Flashcards
Estim: goal strength pulse frequency
35-80 Hz
Estim: goal strength pulse duration
150-350 ms
Estim goal muscle re-education pulse frequency
35-50 Hz
Estim: goal muscle re-education pulse duration
150-350 ms
Estim goal spasm reduction pulse frequency
35-50 Hz
Estim goal spasm reduction pulse duration
150-350 ms
Estim goal edema reduction pulse frequency
35-50 Hz
Estim edema reduction pulse duration
150-350 ms
Estim goal of pain control with high rate TENS pulse frequency
100-150 pps
Estim goal of pain control with high rate TENS pulse duration
50-80 ms
Estim goal of pain control with high rate TENS amplitude
comfortable sensory
Estim goal of pain control with low rate TENS pulse frequency
2-10 pps
Estim goal of pain control with low rate TENS pulse duration
150-300 ms
Estim goal of pain control with low rate TENS amplitude
visible contraction
Estim Acute inflammation with HVPC polarity