MM actions and innervations Flashcards
GHJ motions and innervations
-medial/lateral rotation
-suprascapular, axillary, and lateral pectoral nerves
Anterior GHJ capsule ligaments
- Superior
- Middle
- Inferior - consists of anterior band, a posterior band, and an axillary recess
Coracohumeral Ligament
Coracoid process - greater and lesser tubercles
Strengthens anterior capsule
Contains rotator cuff interval
Transverse ligament
Runs from greater to lesser tubercle
Covers LHB tenson
Coracoacromial Ligament
Consists of 2 bands that join near acromion
Provides stability for scapula
I: Axillary N (C5-6)
- Anterior - flexes and medially rotates arm
- Middle - ABD arm
- posterior - extends and laterally rotates arm
Teres Major
I: Lower subscapular N (C5-C6)
A: ABD and medially rotates arm
Rotator Cuff Mm
Teres Minor
I: Suprascapular n (C4,5,6)
A: assist in ABD of arm
I: Suprascapular n (C5-6)
A: Laterally rotates arm
Teres Minor
I: Axillary n (C5-6)
A: Laterally rotates arm
I: Upper and lower subscapular n (C5, 6, 7)
A: Medially rotates arm
- suprascapular n
- axillary n
- lat. pectoral n
- Medial suprascapular n
- Subclavian n (C5,6,7)
- elevation/depression
- protraction/retraction
Pec Major
Clavicular head innervation: Medial pectoral n C5-7
Sternocostal head innervation: Medial pectoral n C8-T1
Innervation: Lateral and medial pectoral n C5-T1
I: Subclavian n C5-6
A: to protect subclavian vessels and superior trunk of brachial plexus if clavicle fx
Serratus Anterior
I: Long thoracic n (C5,6,7)
A: Protracts scapula and holds against thoracic wall
I: Musculocutaneous (c5-6)
A: flexes forearm in all positions
Biceps Brachii
I: Musculocutaneous n (C5-6)
A: supinates forearm and flexes forearm when supinated
- long head can contribute to shoulder flexion when elbow extended
Pronator Teres
I: median (C6-7)
- pierces this mm to innervate others in anterior compartments of forearm -> can lead to pronator teres syndrome
A: pronates forearm, assists in flexing forearm
I: deep branch of radial n (C7-8)
A: supinates forearm
Flexor carpi radialis
I: median C6-7
A: flexes and abd hand, assist in flexing forearm
Palmaris longus
I: median C7-8
A: flexes hand, assists in flexion of forearm
flexor digitorum superficialis
I: median C8, T1
A: flexes middle and proximal phalanges of medial 4 digits, aids in flexing hand and forearm
Flexor carpi ulnaris
I: ulnar C7-T1
A: flexes and ADD hand, assists in flexing forearm
Flexor Digitorum Profundus
I: medial portion to 4th and 5th digits by ulnar n (C8-T1) and lateral portion to 2ns and 3rd digits by AIN of median n (C8-T1)
Flexor Policis Longus
I: anterior interosseous branch of median n C8-T1
A: flexes distal phalanx of thumb and by continued action, flexes proximal phalanx
Pronator quadratus
I: AIN C8-T1
A: pronates forearm
- median n: lateral 2 mm
- deep palmar branch of ulnar: medial 2 mm
- flex fingers at metacarpophalangeal jts
- extends fingers at interphalangeal jts
Abductor pollicis brevis
I: recurrent branch of median (C8-T1)
A: ABD thumb at CMC & MCP jts; helps oppose thumb
Opponens Pollicis
I: recurrent branch of median (C8-T1)
A: Draws 1st metacarpal bone forward, and medially, opposing
Flexor pollicis brevis
I: recurrent branch of median n (C8-T1)
- flexion of MCP of thumb
- assist in ABD of the thumb
Abductor digiti minimi
I: deep branch of ulnar C8-T1
A: ABD 5th finger; assists in flexion of its proximal phalanx
Flexor digiti minimi brevis
I: deep branch of ulnar C8-T1
A: assist in flexion proximal phalanx of 5th finger
Opponens digiti minimi
I: deep branch of ulnar C8-T1
A: draws 5th metacarpal anterior and rotates it bringing it to face thumb (opposition)
Adductor pollicis
I: deep branch of ulnar n C8-T1
A: ADD thumb; aids in opposition
Palmar Interossei
I: deep branch of ulnar n C8-T1
A: ADD digits 2, 4, and 5
Dorsal interossei
I: deep branch of ulnar n C8-T1
A: ABD digits 2-4 from mid axis of middle finger
I: radial n C5-7
A: flexes elbow
Extensor carpi radialis longus
I: deep branch of radial n C6-7
A: extends and radially deviates wrist
Extensor carpi radialis brevis
I: deep branch of radial n (C7-8)
A: extends and radially deviates
Extensor digitorum
I: Posterior interosseous n, from radial n C7-8
A: extends digit 2-5 primarily at MCP and secondarily at IP jts
Extensor digiti minimi
I: PIN C7-8
A: extends digit 5 primarily at MCP and secondarily at IP jts
Extensor Carpi Ulnaris
I: PIN C7-C8
A: Extends and ulnarly deviats (also activates during fist clinching)
Abductor pollicis longus
I: PIN C7-C8
A: ABD thumb at CMC jt
Extensor pollicis longus
I: PIN C7-8
A: extends distal phalanx of thumb (IP jt)
Extensor pollicis brevis
I: PIN C7-8
A: extends distal phalanx of thumb (IP jt)
Extensor Indicis
I: PIN C7-8
A: extends 2nd digit
LE Anterior Compartment Mm
Psoas major
quadriceps femoris
- rectus femoris
- vastus lateralis
- vastus intermedius
- vastus medialis (VMO)
Psoas major
I: ventral rami L1-3
A: with iliacus flexes and stabilizes hip
- can also act as an ER of thigh
- stabilizes lumbar spine and increases lumbar lordosis
I: femoral (L2-L3)
A: with psoas flexes and stabilizes hip
- also act as ER of thigh
I: femoral (L2-3)
A: flexes, ABD, and ER thigh; flexes leg
Rectus femoris
N: femoral L2-4
- flex thigh at hip
- extends leg at knee
Vastus lateralis
I: femoral L2-L4
A: extends leg at knee
Vastus intermedialis
I: femoral L2-4
A: extends leg at knee
Vastus medialis (longus)
I: femoral L2-4
A: extends leg at knee
Vastus medialis oblique (VMO)
I: femoral n L2-4
A: extends leg at knee
-fibers slope at 50-55 deg medial to femoral shaft and therefore help keep patella tracking appropriately
Medial (ADD) Compartment of thigh
Adductor longus
Adductor brevis
Adductor magnus
Adductor minimus (superior portion of adductor magnus)
I: Obturator L2-3
-ADD thigh
-flexes and IR knee
Pes anserinus
- Sartorius
- Gracilis
- Semi-tendinosus
I: femoral (L2-4); sometimes branch of obturator
A: ADD, flexes, and ER thigh
Adductor longus
I: Obturator L2-4
A: ADD and assists in flexing thigh
Adductor brevis
I: obturator L2-4
A: ADD and helps flex thigh
Adductor magnus
- Adductor (upper/deep) part - obturator n L2-4
- HS (lower/superficial part) - tibial division of sciatic n (L4)
Adductor minimus
I: Obturator n L2-4
A: ADD thigh; slight flexion
Obturator Externus
I: Obturator n L3-4
A: laterally rotates thigh
Iliofemoral ligament
“Y ligament of Bigalow”
Located along anterior and superior surface of jt capsuls
** Limits hip extension, ADD, and ER
Pubofemoral ligament
Anterior, medial, and inferior part of capsule
** Prevents hyperextension and ABD
Ischiofemoral Ligament
Posterior part of capsule
** Prevents hyperextension of the hip, IR, and ADD (when hip is flexed)
Gluteus maximus
I: inferior gluteal (L5-S2)
A: extends thigh and assists in ER
Gluteus Medius
I: Superior gluteal (L4-S1)
A: ABD and IR thigh
Gluteus minimus
I: Superior gluteal (L4-S1)
A: medially rotates and some ABD of thigh
Tensor fascia latae
I: Superior gluteal (L3-S1)
A: ABD, medially rotates, and flexes thigh
I: branches of ventral rami of S1-2
A: laterally rotates thigh;; ABD flexed thigh
Obturator Internus
I: Nerve to obturator internus and gemellus superior (L5-S2)
A: Laterally rotates thigh; ABD thigh when flexed
Obturator externus
I: Obturator (L3-4)
A: laterally rotates thigh
Superior gemellus
I: nerve to obturator internus and gemellus superior (L5-S2)
A: laterally rotates thigh
Inferior gemellus
I: nerve to quadratus femoris and gemellus inferior (L4-S1)
A: laterally rotates thigh
Quadratus femoris
I: nerve to quadratus femoris and gemellus inferior (L4-S1)
A: laterally rotates thigh
- motor fibers: spinal accessory n (CNXI)
- pain and proprioception: C3; C4
- Upper: elevates shoulder; upward rotation of scapula
- middle: Adducts (retract) scapula
- Lower: scapular depression; upward rotation of scapula, scapular ADD
Latissimus Dorsi
I: Thoracodorsal N (C6-C7)
A: extends, ADD, and medially rotates humerus
Rhomboid major and minor
I: Dorsal scapular n (C4-5)
A: retracts and rotates the scapula to tilt the glenoid cavity inferiorly
Levator scapula
I: Dorsal scapular n (C5) and C3-4 spinal nerves
A: elevates and rotates the scapula to tilt the glenoid cavity
I: tibial division of sciatic (L5-S2)
A: flexes leg, extends femur at high, and rotated flexed leg medially
I: tibial division of sciatic L5-S2
A: flexes leg, extends thigh at hip, and rotates flexed medially
Biceps femoris (Long head)
I: tibial division of sciatic L5-S2
A: flexes and laterally rotates flexed leg; extends thigh
Biceps femoris (short head)
I: Peroneal division of sciatic (L5-S2)
A: flexes and laterally rotates flexed leg
**Long head extends thigh
I: branch of tibial nerve (L4-S1)
- flexes and medially rotates leg
- functionally helps to unlock the extended knee jt.
- knee is WB, it rotates femur laterally on tibia to “unlock” knee jt.
- Open chain, rotates tibia medially to “unlock” extended knee
I: tibial n S1-S2
A: weak flexor of leg and PF of foot/ankle
I: Tibial n S1-2
A: PF foot; flexes leg and supinates foot
I: tibial S1-2
A: PF ankle
Flexor hallucis longus
I: tibial n L5-S2
- flexes distal phalanx of big toe
- PF and supinates foot
- helps push off during walking and running
Tibialis Posterior
I: Tibial n L4-L5
- non-WB: PF, inverts, and ADD foot
- WB: helps distribute weight and maintain balance
Flexor Digitorum Longus
I: Tibial L5-S2
- flexes distal phalanges of toes 2-5
- allows them to grip the ground
-PF and supinates foot at ankle jt
Peroneus longus (fibularis)
I: superficial peroneal L5-S1
- everts and ABD foot (pronation)
- weak PF
Peroneus Brevis (fibularis)
I: superficial peroneal N L5-S1
- evert and ABD foot
- pronates
- PF
Tibialis anterior
I: Deep peroneal L4-5
- DF at ankle
- Inverts and ADD (supinates)
Extensor hallicus longus
I: deep peroneal L4-5
- extends big boe
- DF and supinates foot
Extensor digitorum longus
I: deep peroneal L4-5
- extends toes 2-5
- DF and everts ankle
Peroneus tertius
I: deep peroneal L4-5
A: DF and eversion of foot
Extensor digitorum brevis
I: deep peroneal L5-S1
A: extends phalanges of toes 2-4
Extensor hallucis brevis
I: deep peroneal N (L5-S1)
A: extends proximal phalanx of big toe
Abductor digiti minimi
I: lateral plantar (S1-S3)
A: ABD and flexes 5th digit
Abductor hallucis
I: medial plantar (S1-2)
A: abducts and flexes great toe
Flexor digitorum brevis
I: medial plantar (S1-2)
A: flexes lateral four digits
Quadratus plantae
I: lateral plantar (S1-3)
A: assist flexor digitorum longus in flexing lateral four digits
Lumbrical muscles of foot
- 1st lumbrical: medial plantar
- 2-4th: lateral plantar (S2-3)
A: flex MTP jts and extend IP jts of lateral four digits
Flexor hallucis brevis
- medial head: medial plantar S1-2
- lateral head: lateral plantar (S1-2)
A: flexes 1st MTP jt
Flexor digiti minimi brevis
I: lateral plantar (S2-3)
A: flexes MTP of 5th digit
Adductor hallucis
I: lateral plantar S2-3
- adducts great toe
- assists in maintain transverse arch of foot
Dorsal interossei (of foot)
I: lateral plantar (S2-3)
A: ABD digits 2-4 and flexes metatarsophalangeal jt
Plantar interossei
I: Lateral plantar (S2-3)
A: ADD digits 3-5 and flexes metatarsophalangeal jts