Speedback Lesson 15 Flashcards
The most important of the Lord’s work we will ever do will be within the walls of our own homes. True or False?
A literal descendant of Aaron can serve as the Presiding Bishop if
…he is so designated by the First Presidency.
All calls to presiding councils, including that of Presiding Bishop, must be approved by the First Presidency.
The Lord commended William E. McLellin for…
receiving the fulness of the gospel.
McLellin was not commended by the Lord for being without guile or for serving a faithful mission. He certainly was not without sin, nor did the Lord commend him for giving to the poor. He is commended for receiving the fulness of the gospel. See D&C 66:2.
Who was not given stewardship over the revelations? Martin Harris Joseph Smith, Jr. David Whitmer Sidney Rigdon Oliver Cowdery
David Whitmer
At the October 25, 1831 Conference at Orange, Ohio, what important thing did the eleven witnesses of the Book of Mormon do?
They bore solemn testimony of the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon.
This conference was very important for several reasons. One was that this was probably the last time the eleven witnesses together bore solemn testimony of the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon.
What other events took place at this important conference?
- Joseph Smith stated it was not intended to tell the world all the particulars of the coming forth of the Book of Mormon.
- Joseph Smith said that God had often sealed up the heavens because of covetousness in the Church.
- Hyrum Smith asked Joseph to detail the coming forth of the Book of Mormon.
- Joseph Smith taught that if the Church didn’t receive the Joseph Smith Translation, the Church would fall.
Elder M. Russell Ballard stated that families that limit television viewing to a maximum of _____ hours a day of carefully selected programs may see . . . significant changes in family relationships.
Necessities, not wants, are considered when putting surpluses in the storehouse. True or False
False -
One of the important aspects of the Lord’s law of consecration is that not only are our necessities taken into consideration but also our wants. See D&C 70:7
The Lord has commanded that we should not be equal in temporal things.
False -
We are commanded to be equal not only in spiritual but also in temporal things.
What was a guideline for writing Church history that was given to John Whitmer?
Go from place to place and from church to church to obtain a knowledge of the history.
Adultery is…
the harvest of an impure thought that has developed into lust.
Adultery never comes as an act of a single thought, nor is it just a sin against the world. As great as this sin is, it still can be repented of. But when a thought is sown, it develops into lust, and the harvest will be adultery.
Who asked the Lord five questions privately and received answers from the Lord to all five questions through the Prophet Joseph?
William E. McLellin received, through the Prophet Joseph Smith in D&C 66, the answer to the five questions he had asked the Lord.
What is the section’s major theme - D&C 66
William E. McLellin is commended and rebuked.
What is the section’s major theme - D&C 67
The wisest is challenged to duplicate the least of the revelations.
What is the section’s major theme - D&C 68
The words of elders when moved upon by the Holy Ghost are scripture.
What is the section’s major theme - D&C 69
John Whitmer is to preach and collect and write historical data.
What is the section’s major theme - D&C 70
Saints should be equal in temporal things.
Why did William E. McLellin fail in his attempt to write a revelation?
He lacked divine spirit.
It is not so easy to put the spirit of life into things.
If parents don’t teach their children properly, the sin of the children is upon the heads of the parents. True or False
No man has seen God at any time in the flesh. True or False
Contrary to what many Christians believe, it is not true that no man has seen God at any time in the flesh. But the Doctrine and Covenants adds this important qualification, “except quickened by the Spirit.” See D&C 67:11.
Who was asked to accompany Oliver Cowdery to Missouri with the revelations because of the dangers involved?
John Whitmer
It was not because of a lack of trust that John Whitmer was asked to accompany Oliver Cowdery to Missouri, but for his protection. See D&C 69:2
How do we magnify our offices?
..by doing more than is expected or asked of us.
Parents are commanded to teach their children which of the following prior to age eight?
- to observe the Sabbath to keep it holy
- to pray
- the doctrine of repentance
- faith in Jesus Christ, the Son of God
All of the above.
What happens to all people who enter the Church?
They enter the new and everlasting covenant.
What is scripture?
- revelation which comes to the bishop of a ward
- revelation which comes to the father of a family
- the mind and will of the Lord revealed to his children here on earth
- whatsoever is spoken when moved upon by the Holy Ghost