Speedback Lesson 13 Flashcards
When a sin is of major proportions, we need confess it only to God. True or False
FALSE - Where the sin is of major proportions, there are two forgivenesses which the unrepentant should obtain – the forgiveness of the Lord and forgiveness of the Lord’s Church through its proper authorities.
The best definition of Zion in the scriptures as it applies to us today is..
the pure in heart. Zion has many different meanings, but the ultimate meaning is in D&C 97:21 – the pure in heart
Forsaking involves a fundamental change in the individual. True or False
TRUE - Forsaking sins is more than resolving not to repeat them. Forsaking involves a fundamental change in the individual.
The Lord said he was pleased with the missionaries who had not yet arrived in Zion when most were on their way home because they
bore their testimonies.
Sometimes we forget the principle in D&C 127:6-7 and D&C 128:7 that what is recorded on earth is also recorded in heaven. Therefore, the Lord is pleased when we bear our testimonies, for they are recorded in heaven for angels to look upon. See D&C 62:3.
Match the person with description - Levi Hancock…
delayed his arrival in Zion because of many baptisms. He was delayed from arriving in Independence because he and Zebedee Coltrin had done as they were commanded in D&C 52:10; they were preaching, baptizing, and confirming new members on their way to Zion
Match the person with description - Joseph Smith…
dedicated the temple site in Independence. He dedicated the temple site in Jackson County, Missouri, while Sidney Rigdon dedicated the land of Zion.
Match the person with description - Sidney Rigdon…
dedicated the land of Zion. He dedicated the land of Zion while Joseph Smith dedicated the temple site in Jackson County.
Match the person with description - Sidney Gilbert…
the bishop’s agent who established a store in Independence. He was called as the bishop’s agent to establish a store in Independence
Match the person with description - W. W. Phelps…
Church printer. He had been called in D&C 55:4 to assist Oliver Cowdery to do the work of printing. In D&C 57:11, he is called to be the Church printer.
The Saints were in Jackson County for the purpose(s) of…
- bearing testimony to the world - -being obedient to the Lord’s commandments
- laying the foundation of Zion
Self-reliance and dependence upon the Lord for spiritual direction is not critical. True or False
One of the important principles of the Gospel is becoming self-reliant and yet depending on the Lord for spiritual guidance.
What was not a reason the Saints were to go to Zion?
To prepare for the Second Coming.
The Lord gave six reasons for the brethren going to Independence, Missouri. They were to demonstrate their obedience, to bear testimony, lay the foundation of Zion, bear record of the land of Zion, prepare for the Marriage Feast of the Lamb, and that their testimonies might go forth from Zion.
Zion is more of an environment established by godlike individuals than a geographical location. True or False
According to D&C 59, what kind of sacrifice does God expect us to make in righteousness?
A broken heart and a contrite spirit.
Although we sometimes think that missionary work, service, and tithing are sacrifices, these are really great blessings in our lives. A broken heart and a contrite spirit is the sacrifice we give to the Lord.
Who made the statement - We are under obligation to make Christ our ideal.
David O. McKay
One of President McKay’s constant themes as prophet was to make Jesus Christ our ideal.
Who made the statement - Keeping the law of God is the principal thing we must learn.
Marion G. Romney -
Tribulation will precede the promised blessings of Zion. But the principal I think we must learn to claim the blessings of Zion, is to keep the laws of God.
Who made the statement - We are committed to uphold our governments and to obey the laws.
Dallin H. Oaks - Church members cannot seek to use LDS doctrine as a basis for concluding that government infringements upon inalienable rights have excused them from obeying the law. Elder Dallin H. Oaks has reminded us that we remain committed to uphold our governments and obey their laws.
Who made the statement - What is like unto adultery if it is not petting?
Spencer W. Kimball - Some people excuse themselves in the practice of petting, but President Kimball asked what is like unto adultery if it is not petting.
Who made the statement - When we dedicate a building, we turn ownership over to the Lord.
Boyd K. Packer - he stated that even though we contribute our money to build temples and chapels, once they are dedicated we turn ownership over to the Lord.
In the scriptures, Zion refers to…
- stakes in Zion
- Jerusalem
- Jackson County, Missouri
- Enoch and his city
According to the Prophet Joseph Smith, where was the location of the Garden of Eden?
Independence, Missouri
We refer to this continent as the New World, but in reality, it could properly be called the Old World. The place that was then called Independence was once called the Garden of Eden. D&C 57:3
According to D&C 61, what matters to the Lord?
if we fulfill our missions.
We frequently spend too much of our lives worrying about things that don’t matter. But the Lord taught early members of the Church that what matters most is when we do what He asks of us. In their case, it was to fulfill the mission He had called them to.
President Kimball taught that a generous fast offering when we are affluent could be
ten times the cost of the meals.
He taught that when we have the means we should give much more, up to ten times the cost of our meals.
In D&C 60, why is the Lord unhappy with some Church members?
Though the Lord frequently rebukes us for our pride, in D&C 60 He says He is not pleased when we do not open our mouths to teach the Gospel or when we hide the talents He has given us.
In the last days, the Lord has cursed the water and blessed the land. True or False
abortion is
like unto killing.
homosexuality is
Homosexuality is like unto adultery because like adultery, it is a serious moral transgression.
stealing is
Dishonesty comes in many forms. “Stealing” means taking commodities of employers, falsifying accounts, or giving less than a full day’s labor.
fasting is
Rejoicing. So often when we see people who are fasting, they wear long faces. As the D&C states, fasting should be associated with rejoicing.
ingratitude is
One of the greatest sins is the sin of ingratitude. Whenever we sin, we show our ingratitude and disregard for the suffering of the Son of God.