Speedback Lesson 05 Flashcards
What is the purpose of the ministering of angels?
to perform a work that men cannot do
What is the offering that the sons of Levi will offer according to D&C 128:24?
a book containing the records of our dead
A person who repents does not need to suffer at all because the entire punishment and suffering is borne by the Savior. True or False
What is the meaning of the phrase “eternal punishment” according to D&C 19?
God’s punishment
What keys are inherent in the Aaronic Priesthood?
- gospel of repentance
- ministering of angels
- law of carnal commandments
4, preparatory gospel
At-one-ment means -
- to expiate
2, to reconcile or conciliate
3, to set at one with God
According to D&C 18:36, we testify we have heard the voice of the Lord
when we read the scriptures
What is the age of accountability?
generally the age of eight
The Smith family experienced the loss of the Spirit as described in D&C 19:20 when Martin Harris lost the 116 manuscript pages. True or False
Who was among the first apostles in this dispensation?
- Joseph Smith
2, Oliver Cowdery
3, David Whitmer
Who was to search out the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles?
- David Whitmer
- Oliver Cowdery
- Martin Harris
Where was the Melchizedek Priesthood restored?
between Harmony, Pennsylvania, and Colesville, New York
Getting out of debt and staying out of debt will make us financially as well as spiritually free. True or False
Which of the following is Joseph F. Smith’s definition of priesthood?
Priesthood is the power of God delegated to man.
According to D&C 13, when will the Aaronic Priesthood be taken from the earth again?
It will not be taken from the earth again because it continues forever.
Latter-day Saints know that much pain and suffering could be avoided if people would accept and follow the Savior. True or False
How does active repentance differ from passive repentance?
Active repentance is doing what we should do.
Why was John the Baptist chosen to restore the Aaronic Priesthood?
He was the last to hold that priesthood on earth.
What scripture prompted the restoration of the Aaronic Priesthood?
3 Nephi 11
What is the significance of the Atonement?
- It is the rock foundation upon which the gospel and all other things rest.
- It is the single most important thing that has ever occurred in the entire history of creation.
- It is the most transcendent of all events.