Self Check Lesson 2 Flashcards
What is the meaning of the phrase “after the manners of their language” (verse 24)?
The phrase ‘after the manners of their language” refers to not only the contents, but also the historical context in which the revelation was given.
What is the meaning of the “only true and living Church”?
The “only true and living Church”, is the living church because we have a living prophet that continues to receive revelation. The “only true” comes through the gift and witness of the Holy Ghost.
What results did the Lord expect from calling upon Joseph Smith and giving him commandments?
The Lord except Joseph to publish the commandments for the world to read and to restore the Lord’s truths and powers.
What will happen to those who do not heed the voice of the Lord nor his servants?
For those who do not heed the warnings shall be cut off from among the people. They will be pierced with much sorrow and their secret acts shall be revealed.
Why was (is) the anger of the Lord kindled?
The Lord’s anger is kindle because “For they have strayed from mine ordinances, and have broken mine everlasting covenant;”
To whom is the D&C addressed?
The D&C was address to ALL of the inhabitants of the world.
Who gave Joseph Smith this revelation?
The angel Moroni appeared to Joseph Smith and gave him this revelation.
Compare the wording in the D&C with Malachi 4:5–6; 3 Nephi 25:5–6. What are the differences? What is the significance of those differences? (See D&C 128:17–18.)
The Doctrine and Covenants states that the priesthood would be revealed by Elijah. And that he shall PLANT in the hearts the promises made to our ancestors that we would be together forever.
The whole earth would be wasted if he didn’t come, refers to the sealing powers being restored, If Elijah hadn’t return the keys then none of us would be sealed to one another.
The explanation of why Elijah was to come helps us to know the true purpose of the full gospel – that baptism for the dead is the link to our past.
Elijah the Prophet lived about 900 BC according to D&C 2, when was he to return? Why? Has he come?
Elijah was to return on the 3rd day of the Passover, he was to be the fore runner of the Messiah. He returned on 3rd day of April 1836 in the house of the Lord in Kirkland Temple, to restore the Keys to the Kingdom- the sealing powers or the authority to administer in ALL THE ORDINANCES of the priesthood.
Who are the children? Who are the fathers? What promises were made? When?
We are the children, but so are our own children. We should be just as concerned about our children and what we have taught them as we should be about our “fathers” that have gone before us with the gospel.
The fathers that are involved are Abraham, Isaac and Jacob – they received the promise that through celestial marriage they and their seed would have posterity as numerous as the sands and that the sealing powers would be restored to the earth.
Why would the “whole earth be wasted at His [Christ’s] coming” if Elijah did not come?
It is our responsibility to seek after our dead and provide service to those that have gone before us. We will have no peace, nor harmony, nor salvation - unless we learn to love one another.
What basic message and feeling do you receive as you read D&C 10:55–70?
The message about belonging/believing in the church that the Lord established and those that “repent and come unto him” will be saved. The next important information is about the Book of Mormon and its purposes.
What are Satan’s motives? What are his methods?
Satan wants to destroy the work of the Lord. He motivated men to alter the original manuscript in order to prove that Joseph was a fraud. By doing this if Joseph re-translated the pages they would show their copy and it would be different.
How did the Lord prepare for the mistake of Joseph and Martin Harris? How does this show God’s foreknowledge?
The Lord had commanded Nephi to make two separate records: the large plates, primarily a political history, and the small plates, a religious history.
The existence of the second record made it possible for the Prophet to “repent of that which thou hast done which is contrary to the commandment” of God
Who was the wicked man referred to in D&C 3:12? What wickedness was he guilty of?
Martin Harris is the wicked man in D&C 3:12. Martin was wicked because he persisted in asking Joseph to ask the Lord for the pages. He also did not keep his promise to show the pages to only a few people. He also depended on his own judgment and boasted in his wisdom.
What principle is taught in D&C 3:4–11 which applied to Joseph Smith in 1828 and is still valid for us today?
These verses teach us about trusting in the Lord and not men. And when we have transgressed we need to repent.
How were the 116 manuscript pages lost?
Martin asked Joseph if he could take 116 pages of translated material home to show his family members to prove to them the validity of the work they were doing. Joseph asked the Lord for permission, but the Lord’s answer was no. Martin pleaded for Joseph to ask again, which Joseph reluctantly did two more times and finally received permission. Martin made a covenant to show the manuscript only to certain people, but he broke his promise, and the pages of manuscript were stolen.
Read D&C 10:20–29, 63 and identify nine ways that Satan works in our lives.
- He stirreth them up to iniquity.
- He leadeth their souls to destruction.
- He laid up a cunning plan thinking to destroy the work of God.
- He stirs up hearts of individuals to anger against this work.
- He deceives.
- He flatters them and tells them it is no sin to lie.
- He leads them down to hell and causes them to catch themselves in their own snares.
- He tries to get individuals to tempt the Lord.
- He stirs up hearts of people to contention concerning points of doctrine.
How do the events surrounding the loss of the 116 pages of manuscript illustrate fulfillment of the principle stated in D&C 3:1?
The Lord has a plan and a design and Satan cannot change it or stop it.
What do you learn about the love of God from D&C 3 and 10?
God loves us even when we make mistakes and if we repent and go a different path, one of righteous choices then we will be forgiven. He is a merciful God.