Self Check Lesson 5 Flashcards
What keys are inherent in the Aaronic Priesthood?
The Aaronic Priesthood holds the keys of the ministering of angels, the gospel of repentance and of baptism by immersion for the remission of sins.
Who are the “Sons of Levi” and what is the nature of the “offering” they will make?
The “Son’s of Levi” are the branch of the house of Israel that held the priesthood and made the blood sacrifices in the temple. It is believed/speculated that there will blood sacrifices again, of animals, to complete the fullness of the restoration in this dispensation. This is because EVERYTHING will need to be restored since the beginning.
Following Joseph and Oliver’s baptism, what spiritual experiences did they have? How can those experiences apply to us?
After they were baptized they began to prophecy concerning the rise of the church and the they had meanings of scriptures opened to them. We too can have similar experiences if we prepare ourselves and ask of the Lord about those things that we have questions, then read our scriptures.
What do we learn from Oliver Cowdery’s description of the restoration of the Aaronic Priesthood? Why do you think Oliver is much more descriptive of this event than Joseph?
We learn from Oliver that he and Joseph had questions concerning baptism that they had translated in the Book of Mormon, so they went to inquire of the Lord. They then received the answers they sought. I think Oliver was more touch by this experience because Joseph had had many visitors already and this was Oliver’s first time.
Why was John the Baptist the one who came to restore the Aaronic Priesthood?
Because John was the last one that held the keys to the Aaronic priesthood.
What is the significance of the word “until”?
The word “until” was used to indicate continuance as in the line of “God be with you until we meet again”. It is unending…
How did the Savior demonstrate that souls are precious to him?
Man is the offspring of God in the spirit, and it is the privilege of those who are faithful to become like God; joint heirs with Jesus Christ to become immortal. Man’s possibilities as a son of God are unlimited.
What is meant by the phrase, “years of accountability”? Is there a scriptural definition?
The years of accountability is 8 but it wasn’t given until D&C 68:25 – it is also mentioned in JST Genesis 17:11 which was received sometime between December 1830 and April 5, 1831.
In verses 2–3, what things had Oliver written that were true and that he was to rely upon?
Oliver had written what Joseph had translated and he wanted to know that what he had written was true. The Lord had told him that he(Oliver) already knew that they were true and that he was rely on the things he had written.
Verses 31–36 are directed to whom? What is the essence of the message?
These verses are directed to the Twelve apostles that were called and they were instructed to go forth and testify of what they were taught and what they felt because of the spirit.
What is the significance of the name by which we are called?
We are called to be called by the name Jesus Christ, and take the name upon ourselves, because in the last days that will be the name by which we will be called and if we don’t know it we will have no place with the Father.
What will the Holy Ghost do for us?
If we ask in faith the we shall have, by the Holy Ghost, which manifested all things which are expedient unto the children of men.
Who restored the Melchizedek Priesthood and the office of Apostle?
Peter, James, and John came to Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery and restored the Melchizedek Priesthood and ordained them apostles (D&C 18:9)
Who was to select those to be the first Quorum of Twelve Apostles in this dispensation? Who did select them? When? What criteria were they to use in the selection?
Oliver Cowdery and David Whitmer were to seek out the twelve and then six years later when they did seek them out, Martin Harris was also asked to help. They would be known “by their desires and their works” and they were to be shown the words that the Lord had dictated to JS.
In view of the fact that the world is ripening in iniquity, what were Oliver Cowdery and David Whitmer to do?
They were to preach to all the world to “repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ”
How do we demonstrate that souls are precious to us?
We but labor all our days to bring save one soul unto Christ, then great would be our joy. We need to share the gospel with everyone we get the chance to talk with.
Why is prayer so important in our lives?
If we neglect our prayers the spirit of darkness will overcome us. “We are happier and better person if we pray.”
What insights concerning Martin Harris may be gained from D&C 19? What was he struggling with? What cautions and counsel was he given?
Martin seems to have been asking for more reassurances form the Lord, and not remembering what the Lord had already told him and forgiving him about. He was to stop coveting his neighbor’s wife and life. He was to stop fighting and arguing. He was to pay the debt he had promised to pay for the printing of the BoM. He was told to PRAY always.
“And of tenets thou shalt not talk” (D&C 19:31). Explain.
Martin appears to have been asking questions that were not relevant to what the Lord was asking him to do and to preach. He was to preach repentance, baptism and the gift of the Holy Ghost.
How are the Lamanites a remnant of the Jew?
Lehi was a citizen of Jerusalem, on the kingdom of Judah and his family was there for many generations, thereby making him a Jew.
What instructions have the Lord and the Brethren given us concerning debt?
We are told to avoid debt, live within our means.
What are the meanings of and difference between “eternal punishment” and “endless punishment”?
Eternal punishment refers to “God’s punishment, because God is eternal. Everlasting punishment refers to God who is everlasting – so the law will always be there for those who break it and need to pay.
Why is the Atonement of Jesus Christ the greatest event in the history of the world?
“The Atonement is the rock foundation upon which the gospel and all other teaching rest.”
“And surely every man must repent or suffer” (D&C 19:4, 16). Explain.
There is always a price to pay for every sin. When we repent we also suffer but not as much as Christ suffered on our behalf. That is why he sacrificed himself, so that we would not have to pay the FULL price.
What rights and powers did the Savior accrue to himself by virtue of the Atonement?
As the first born of the Father in the flesh and by the rights of his sacrifice he is to sit on the right hand of God, and rule as his Father has. He received the great joy of knowing that he had obeyed his father and save those of us that have chosen to obey the commandments and be baptized.