Self Check Lesson 3 Flashcards
What is promised to those who accept the testimony of the witnesses?
And behold, whosoever believeth on my words, them will I visit with the manifestation of my Spirit; and they shall be born of me, even of water and of the Spirit—
What did Martin Harris want? What did Joseph tell him?
Martin Harris wanted to be one of the three witnesses spoken of in the Book of Mormon; he wanted to SEE the plates.
Joseph was to tell him – “that he shall say no more unto them concerning these things, except he shall say: I have seen them, and they have been shown unto me by the power of God; and these are the words which he shall say.”
What is the “first gift” of Joseph Smith referred to in verse 4?
The Gift of Translation was the 1st gift that Joseph received.
What principle is taught in D&C 5:7–10? Compare Luke 16:19–31.
The principle taught is that people are not converted by miracles; they are converted by their hearts being penetrated by the Spirit of the Lord. (In Luke they wanted one of the dead prophets to come back and testify – they were told that it not persuade them to believe.
What was required of Martin Harris to be a witness?
This is what the Lord required of Martine Harris; he needs to “bow down before me (the Lord), and humble himself in mighty prayer and faith, in the sincerity of his heart.
What were the three witnesses promised they would see? What is the significance of the Sword of Laban?
The three witnesses told that they would see the Breastplate, The Plates, the Urim and Thummin, the miraculous directors, the Brass plates, and the sword of Laban.
The sword of Laban represents the strength to do what the Lord has asked us to do.
Were the three witnesses faithful to their trust? Did they keep their promises?
Were the three witnesses faithful to their trust? Did they keep their promises?
What was each of the witnesses’ responsibility, having seen the gold plates?
The Lord commanded us that we should bear record of Book of Mormon, and have seen the plates which contain this record, which is a record of the people of Nephi.
Did Oliver translate at all?
Oliver did translate a small portion of the plates.
Identify the gift promised to Oliver Cowdery. What will it allow him to do?
Oliver is promised the gift of revelation, and the gift of Aaron. The gift of revelation will enlighten his mind and keep him safe from those that would seek to destroy him.
What gift does Oliver have and what knowledge will he gain by means of this gift?
Revelation is the gift and it will do the following - to receive knowledge of whatsoever thing he would ask, in faith, with an honest heart and believing that he would receive the knowledge.
What other records will Oliver assist in translating?
He will assist in the translating parts of the Bible and other records, such as the Book of Abraham.
What keys did Oliver Cowdery hold in conjunction with Joseph Smith? What is their purpose?
Oliver was blessed with the great honor of holding the keys of this dispensation with Joseph Smith. To bring the fullness of the gospel back to the inhabitants of the earth.
Why did Oliver Cowdery come to see Joseph Smith?
It was impressed upon his mind, that he should yet have the privilege of writing for Joseph. He want to be his scribe.
In what way were the verses, D&C 6:14–17, 22–24, a special witness to Oliver?
The Lord explains in D&C 6:14-17, 22-24 that Oliver has been receiving revelations before – That every time that he had studied it out in his mind and prayed about a question the Lord had enlightened him by the Spirit of truth.
How do you know when you have received revelation, according to President Harold B. Lee?
“…When things come to your mind that you do not know, when you have a sudden thought that comes to your mind. If you will learn to give heed to these things that come from the Lord, you will learn to walk be the spirit of revelation.”
Why did he fail to accomplish what he desired to do in translating?
Oliver began to have doubt and to lack the faith necessary to do the translating.
What is the greatest gift one can have from God? (See also 14:7.)
Wilford Woodruff said “the gift of a Spiritual Witness, the spirit of revelation – by means of the Holy Ghost, was the greatest gift.
Eternal life in the greatest of all the gifts of God.” D&C 14:7
What is the gift of Aaron?
The gift of Aaron, given to Oliver Cowdery was meant for Oliver to go before Joseph Smith. Whatever he should ask the Lord by power of this gift should be granted if asked in faith and in wisdom. Like Aaron, he became a spokesman on numerous occasions. It was Oliver who delivered the first public discourse in this dispensation.
What do you think is meant by “seek not for riches”?
Seeking for riches – which do not last beyond this life, is not as important as seeking for wisdom, and then the mysteries of God will be unfolded, then you would be rich.
What part did fear play in Oliver’s problem? How was this like Peter’s problem?
Oliver’s failure came because he did not continue as he commenced, and the task being a difficult one, his faith deserted him.
How does Oliver’s problem help us in receiving revelation?
We need to have faith and not doubt in the our Lord.
What is the relationship between the scriptures and the living oracles?
“There is the written word of God to us, concerning the work of God from the beginning of the world, almost, to our day.” “And now,” said he “when compared with the living oracles, those books are nothing to me; those books do not convey the word of God direct to us now, as do the words of a Prophet or a man bearing the Holy Priesthood in our day and generation.
The Living Oracle (prophet) gives us the word of God today, for the world today.
What is Oliver told he may now do and what implications does this have for D&C 9?
Oliver is to go before Joseph, like Aaron went before Moses, to be a spokesman on numerous occasions. He is told that that we will be able to assist in translating if he is obedient.
What are the implications of D&C 6:37?
The Savior paid the ultimate price for us through the crucifixion/resurrection – we need to believe in him and keep the commandments to be able to inherit the celestial kingdom.
What is the divine law of witnesses?
In the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established’ (2 Cor. 13:1)
President Kimball said by expecting the spectacular, one may not be fully alerted to what?
One may not be fully alerted to the constant flow of revealed communication - the communication line is unbroken, the authority is continuous, and light, brilliant and penetrating continues to shine. The sound of the voice of the Lord is a continuous melody and a thunderous appeal.
How does a person receive revelation by means of the Holy Ghost?
We receive it by the Holy Spirit speaking to our mind and heart. You can feel it spiritually and physically.
What was Peter promised?
Peter was promised that he would have his wish - desiredst that thou mightest speedily come unto me in my kingdom.
What is the meaning of “more, or a greater work”? Was John’s request better than Peter’s?
The wish to bring souls unto Christ and to build up the kingdom was a selfless desire. Peter desire was to return to heaven was good but service to others is better.
How does D&C 7 resolve the difference of opinion between Joseph and Oliver?
They were trying to understand if John had died or not - this shows that he was translated.
What is the nature and mission of translated beings?
Transleted beings - they are a resurrected or translated body with its spirit ministering to embodied spirits.
Translated bodies cannot enter into rest until they have undergone a change equivalent to death. Translated bodies are designed for future missions.
What is this revelation an example of?
This was a direct answer to the inquiry of Joseph and Oliver regarding John and the meaning of a scripture John 21:20-23.
What was John promised?
That he would be able to tarry on the earth to bring souls unto the Kingdom - until Christ returns again.