Speedback Lesson 06 Flashcards
Church conferences are to be held.
What event does D&C 20:5-8 have reference to?
The First Vision
Which priesthood office is described in section 20 as having the following duties: “to preach, teach, expound, exhort, and baptize, and administer the sacrament, and visit the house of each member, and exhort them to pray vocally and in secret and attend to all family duties”?
D&C 20:46-47
Joseph Smith, Jr. was called to be the first preacher unto the Church. True or False
D&C 21:10-12
What does the Lord tell us in section 22 will get us into the gate to the straight and narrow path?
The new and everlasting covenant
D&C 22:1-2.
What vital key separates true baptism from the “dead works” described in section 22?
D&C 22:2.
Which section comprised the Articles and Covenants of the Church?
D&C 20, 22
What did Joseph F. Smith have to say regarding the date of the Church’s organization?
It must have been the anniversary of the Lord’s birth.
D&C 20:1, 23.
What is a revelator?
a revealer of truth
What is a seer?
one who sees with spiritual eyes–one who foresees the future.
What is a prophet?
an inspired teacher of known truths.
Oliver Cowdery’s standing as the “second elder” of the Church entitled him to joint authority over the priesthood keys with Joseph Smith, Jr. True or False
D&C 20:2-3
The term “new and everlasting covenant” refers only to the covenants that we make in this dispensation. True or False
D&C 22:1
Anthon H. Lund defined the Gates of Hell as being what?
they are those things that lead us to hell.
D&C 21:6
Who was warned to beware of pride?
Oliver Cowdery
By partaking of the sacrament, what do we witness, promise, and obligate ourselves to do?
take on the name of Christ and always remember Him.
In section 20, we learn what steps people who are seeking baptism are required to take. Which of the following is not included?
read some of the Book of Mormon
The “dead works” the Lord is referring to in section 22 has to do with the ordinance of baptism for the dead. True or False