Speedback Lesson 04 Flashcards
The Lord told Peter Whitmer, Jr. that which only the Lord and Peter knew. True or False
Joseph Knight, Sr. was commanded to first obtain the word and then seek to declare it. True or False
he shall be humble and full of love, having faith, hope, and charity, being temperate in all things, whatsoever shall be entrusted to his care. (D&C 12:8)
What are the Whitmers, John and Peter, Jr. blessed for?
Speaking the words given them by the Lord
David Whitmer was promised that if he asked the Lord in faith that he would have the spirit and be a witness of the things that he would hear and see. True or False
What is the greatest of all the gifts of God?
Eternal life
Who served for a time as the Church Historian?
John Whitmer
In section 11 the Lord commanded Hyrum to do what?
Keep the Lord’s commandments and seek to bring forth Zion.
In what month in 1829 did Joseph Smith, Sr. visit Joseph Smith, Jr. and request to know the Lord’s will?
Who was called to be the first Church Patriarch?
Joseph Smith, Sr.
The Lord did not speak of Zion in this dispensation until after the organization of the Church. True or False
Commentary 11:6
Joseph Fielding Smith made which of the following comments regarding section 4?
It contains enough material for a lifetime of study.
Which one of the following was called to serve in the first mission to the Lamanites?
Peter Whitmer, Jr.
The Lord was speaking only to Joseph Knight, Sr. in this revelation. True or False
D&C 12:7.
Who was appointed President of the Church in Missouri, 1834?
David Whitmer
Which individual matches
Section 4
Joseph Smith, Sr.
Which individual matches
section 11
Hyrum Smith
Which individual matches
section 12
Joseph Knight, Sr.
Which individual matches
section 14
David Whitmer
Which individual matches
section 15
John Whitmer
Which individual matches
section 16
Peter Whitmer
Who said “After all that has been said, the greatest and most important duty is to preach the gospel.”
Joseph Smith, Jr.
Who said “[Every member] is a light, and it is his duty to not to have that light hidden under a bushel.”
David O. McKay
Who said “The scriptures are replete with commands and promises and calls and rewards for teaching the gospel.”
Spencer W. Kimball
Who said “My understanding is that the most important mission that I have in this life is: first to keep the commandments”
George Albert Smith
Why does Joseph Smith, Jr. make a special honorable mention of Joseph Knight, Sr. in his History of the Church?
He brought provisions during the translation of the Book of Mormon.
The Lord tells Hyrum that he needs to wait a little longer before he can preach. Hyrum must wait until he has obtained which of the following?
My gospel, my church, my word, my rock.
Which section displays these attributes in the following order: faith, virtue, knowledge, temperance, patience, brotherly kindness, godliness, charity, humility, diligence?
Section 4