Speedback Lesson 07 Flashcards
Eventually everyone will have to be baptized, including little children under the age of eight.
false - Little children under the age of eight are saved through the Atonement of Christ, and therefore, they need no baptism.
It is inappropriate to use brown bread when partaking of the sacrament. True or False
False - Although we are instructed to use bread and water as emblems for the sacrament, the important thing is that we partake of it with an eye single to Christ’s glory, remembering his Atonement, and not whether we are using white or brown bread.
Hiram Page
received a revelation from Satan
Emma Smith
was told not to murmur because she didn’t see the plates
Hyrum Smith
was told his duty was to the Church forever
Oliver Cowdery
called on a mission to the Lamanites
Joseph Smith
told to be patient in afflictions
According to Brigham Young, what did tribulations do for Joseph Smith?
Joseph became more perfect in 38 ½ years with persecution than he could have become in 1,000 years without it
What can suffering do for each of us?
Suffering can teach each of us patience.
Suffering can teach each of us long-suffering. Suffering can teach each of us to master ourselves.
Suffering can help make each of us saints.
What is each Church member’s right in receiving revelation?
to be inspired and receive manifestations by the Holy Spirit for personal guidance
Pride is essentially competitive in nature. We pit our will against God’s. True or False
President Benson told us that when we have pride, we pit our will against God’s will. See Commentary on D&C 23–23:1
Who is Elias?
Elias is not only a proper name but also a title; therefore, it applies to all of those listed: Raphael John Gabriel Elijah
An advocate is one who pleads for or in behalf of another. True or False
True. Joseph Fielding Smith defined an advocate as one defends and pleads for or in behalf of another.
In D&C 23, the Lord told four or five individuals that they were not under condemnation. Who of the following was not told this?
Joseph Knight, Sr
Every living thing that has ever breathed the breath of life will be resurrected. True or False
True. Every living thing that has ever breathed the breath of life – every man and animal – will come forth as immortal, resurrected beings and creatures.
Why does President Hinckley feel writing is so important?
It is a great discipline, an educational effort, and it blesses the lives of many.
What is the song of the heart?
a prayer to the Lord.
Why did the Lord call Emma Smith an elect lady?
She was elected to preside over the Relief Society
Hiram Page was receiving revelation by
a stone
Part of becoming a daughter of God is receiving temple ordinances. True or False
True - Receiving temple ordinances precedes attainment of that membership in the household of God that makes one a daughter of God.
The commandments are arbitrary edicts. True or False
False - Marion G. Romney taught that commandments set forth the laws and ordinances which produce – as a matter of cause and effect – peace, success, and happiness. They are not arbitrary edicts.
When the Lord told Emma she would be ordained, he was talking about her receiving the priesthood. True or False
False - Emma Smith was ordained, or set apart, to expound the scripture. She was never ordained to the priesthood.
What was one of Oliver Cowdery’s plaguing sins?
Pride. Oliver was told to beware of pride lest he should enter into temptation
Why is reading D&C 25 so important for all women?
The counsel given to Emma is applicable to all women.
I can refuse to sustain a person presented in church if I have a personal disagreement with him or her. True or False
False - Personal disagreement is not a reason we can oppose those we are asked to sustain. We can raise our hands in opposition to those we are asked to sustain only if the individual is guilty of wrongdoing or of transgression.
President Hinckley, using D&C 25, stated that the way to have happiness is by -
keeping the commandments.
Oliver Cowdery magnified his calling in all but one way. What was that?
-by never distancing himself from those in authority in the Church.
Oliver found fault with Church leaders and distanced himself from those in authority.
What is the major theme of D&C 23
beware of pride
What is the major theme of D&C 25
Emma Smith, an elect lady
What is the major theme of D&C 27
emblems of the sacrament
What is the major theme of D&C 28
false revelation
What is the major theme of D&C 29
signs of the times