Speedback Lesson 11 Flashcards
What is the Atonement of Christ?
It is the central point of world history.
Without it, the whole purpose for the creation of earth and our living upon it would have failed.
The Savior by his suffering paid the debt for the personal sins of every living soul that ever dwelt or that ever will dwell in mortality upon the earth
Who has a right to all of the gifts of the Spirit?
The prophet has the right to all of the gifts of the Spiri
What was John Whitmer’s reaction to his call as Church historian?
He said he would rather not keep the history of the Church. [John Witmer was commanded of the Lord to write the history of the Church, but he was a reluctant historian, stating he would rather not keep the history.]
What did President Spencer W. Kimball say about the importance of keeping a journal?
The angels may quote from it for eternity. [We rightly think keeping a journal will be a great benefit to our posterity, but President Kimball lifted our thinking by informing us that the angels may quote from it for eternity.]
What was not one of the things the early Saints were to do when they saw those signs that Christ had forewarned them about?
They were to take their weapons and flee into the mountains to defend themselves. [“Last Days,” each of these statements is true except taking their weapons and fleeing into the mountains to defend themselves.]
When did Joseph Smith begin translating the New Testament?
- [While Joseph Smith was translating the Old Testament, which he began in 1830, the revelation given March 7, 1831 instructed him to begin the translation of the New Testament, which he did the very next day]
What is the source of revelations
Revelation can be received from God, devils, or men. However, if we listen to revelation from devils or men, we will be deceived. [See Background on D&C 46:7]
According to Bruce R. McConkie, when will the Second Coming of Christ be?
The Lord comes in every watch of the night, on every occasion when men are called to face death and judgment. [How important it is for us to know that despite the many rumors concerning the time of the Second Coming, no generation prepares in vain for the Second Coming since Christ comes in every watch of the night, on every occasion when men are called to face death and judgement
Who has the right to discern the gifts of the Spirit?
Bishops are the ones designated in this revelation to discern the gifts of the Spirit, while the prophet has the right to all of the gifts of the Spirit. [D&C 46]
What is the oil that was in the lamps of the ten virgins?
It is symbolic of their taking the Holy Spirit for their guide. [So often, the scriptures use symbolism to teach us important doctrine. Thus, we learn from Marion G. Romney that taking the Holy Spirit for our guide is what is meant by the oil in the lamps of the ten virgins.]
How can we obtain many of the gifts of the Spirit?
by making our lives worthy and available for that purpose. [The gifts of the Spirit are distributed according to the faithfulness, circumstances, natural abilities, duties, and callings of the Saints.]
What is one of the major contributions of the Joseph Smith Translation to our understanding of Matthew 24?
We have a much clearer picture of the chronology of the events of the last days. [As is so often the case, the Joseph Smith Translation of the Bible gives us insight into the Bible that we cannot obtain elsewhere, including the chronology of the events of the last days.]
In 1992, Elder M. Russell Ballard said…
almost as many severe earthquakes had occurred between 1990 and 1992 as during the entire decade of the 1980s.
Why were the early Saints not killed in the destruction of the city of Jerusalem?
Obedient to revelation, they left the city and moved to Pella. [By being obedient to the instructions of the Savior, the early Saints were saved from destruction by leaving Jerusalem and moving to Pella, according to Eusebius.]
According to President Harold B. Lee, what is another reason we attend general conference?
to let conference guide our walk and talk during the following six months.
D&C 44:
The Saints are to organize according to the laws of the land.
D&C 45:
The signs of the Second Coming of Christ are given.
D&C 46:
The gifts of the Spirit are listed.
D&C 47:
John Whitmer is designated the Church historian.
D&C 48:
The location of the city of New Jerusalem is to be revealed.
President David O. McKay said there are four reasons we hold general conference. What are those reasons?
- to hear reports and general Church statistics
- to worship the Lord and to give and receive encouragement, exhortation, and instruction
- to approve or disapprove of those people whom the Lord has appointed
- to transact current Church business