Speedback Lesson 08 Flashcards
When we fail to heed the Lord’s counsel, who becomes our shepherd?
What does Howard W. Hunter teach us about prayerfully watching for the Second Coming of the Lord?
It requires quiet, steady attention to present duties.
The Lord compared Edward Partridge to John the Baptist, both being forerunners that were prepared for great works. True or False
Which of the following individuals mentioned in sections 30 and 31 did not later leave the Church?
Peter Whitmer, Jr.
The 1831 Lamanite Mission was tremendously successful with thousands of Native Americans that were baptized. True or False
Section 36 is directed to which person?
Edward Partridge
Section 36 was given near Kirtland, Ohio, which was Edward Partridge and Sidney Rigdon’s place of residence. True or False
What did Spencer W. Kimball say about the Lamanites?
They will arise again in dignity and strength.
Who was not called on a mission to the Lamanites?
David Whitmer
Which of these brethren had no counselor over him but Joseph Smith, Jr.?
Oliver Cowdery
Before the coming of the Lord, the sun will be darkened, the moon will be turned to blood, and the stars shall refuse to shine. True or False
What character trait possessed by Edward Partridge caused the people of Kirtland to send Edward to New York to investigate the Church?
His integrity
Even before he joined the Church, Sidney Rigdon was being directed by the hand of the Lord in gathering many of the elect together. True or False
Thomas B. Marsh had many afflictions because of whom?
his family
Orson Pratt was one of the great mathematicians of modern times. True or False
Ezra Thayre and Northrop Sweet are commanded to be like the five righteous virgins from the parable of the Ten Virgins. True or False
What was meant by the call Thomas B. Marsh received to “be a physician unto the Church”?
He was a healer of souls.