Speedback Lesson 12 Flashcards
Who aspired to be the lieutenant-governor of New York before joining the Church? He also served as a member of the Church Presidency in Missouri.
W. W. Phelps
Besides becoming an elder, what calling was given to Sidney Gilbert by the Lord?
agent of the church
section 56 to the type of person described: Hearts are not broken
poor men
section 56 to the type of person described: will not give of substance
rich men
section 56 to the type of person described: cankered souls
rich men
section 56 to the type of person described: spirits are not contrite
poor men
section 56 to the type of person described: bellies not satisfied
poor men
section 56 to the type of person described: lament in the day of visitation
rich men
section 56 to the type of person described: will not labor with own hand
poor men
section 56 to the type of person described: eyes full of greediness
poor men
Who was the President of the Thompson, Ohio branch?
Newel Knight
Which of the following was not a “first” opportunity given to the Colesville Saints?
first to teach the gospel to the Lamanites
Which Prophet made the following remark, “Work should be the ruling principle in the lives of our Church members”?
Spencer W. Kimball
The first distinctive ordinations to the office of high priest were made at a conference in Kirtland in June 1831. True or False
The following were all measurements Edward Partridge was to use when distributing “inheritances” or “portions”: family, needs, circumstances, wants. True or False
Sidney Gilbert was called to what location with Joseph Smith, Jr. and Sidney Rigdon?
According to the Shakers, Ann Lee was the female manifestation of Christ. True or False
What advice does Boyd K. Packer give for those who are anxious about their present position and uncertain about the future?
Settle down and get established.
Who was the companion of: Joseph Smith, Jr.
Sidney Rigdon
Who was the companion of: Lyman Wight
John Corrill
Who was the companion of: John Murdock
Hyrum Smith
Who was the companion of: Thomas B. Marsh
Ezra Thayre
Who was the companion of: Issac Morley
Ezra Booth
Who was the companion of: Edward Partridge
Martin Harris
Who was the companion of: David Whitmer
Harvey Whitlock
Which of the following is not one of the beliefs of the Shakers?
- Christ appeared in the form of a woman at His Second Coming.
- Christ’s Second Coming had already occurred.
- *A celibate life was not considered higher than marriage.
- Baptism by water was not considered essential.
- The eating of pork was forbidden.
Who was the companion of: Parley P. Pratt
Orson Pratt
Who was the companion of: Solomon Hancock
Simeon Carter
Who was the companion of: Edson Fuller
Jacob Scott
Who was the companion of: Levi W. Hancock
Zebedee Coltrin
Who was the companion of: Reynolds Cahoon
Samuel H. Smith
Who was the companion of: Wheeler Baldwin
William Carter
Who was the companion of: Newel Knight
Selah J. Griffin
Who was the companion of: Joseph Wakefield
Solomon Humphrey
Consecration sets each man on a totally equal level with every other man in the Order. True or False
- D&C 51, Law of Consecration, first bullet.
Who was W. W. Phelps called to assist?
Oliver Cowdery
D&C 55:4.
Who was called in section 56 to be Thomas B. Marsh’s new companion?
Selah J. Griffin
D&C 56:5
What group, mentioned in section 55, in particular were to benefit from Brother Phelps’s work?
little children
Heber J. Grant gave the following gospel principles in the same order as presented as things that can save us when endeavoring to endure to the end:
- keep the commandments
- be honest in our dealings
- obey the Word of Wisdom
- perform our duty
To what office in the church does section 51 particularly apply?
Which of the following brethren was not called to preach to the Shakers?
Ziba Peterson
Who was not specifically named by Joseph Fielding Smith as fitting the description of “holy men that ye know not of” from D&C 49:8?
Moses - “Holy men that ye know not of,” who were without sin, and reserved unto the Lord, are translated persons such as John the Revelator and the Three Nephites, who do not belong to this generation and yet are in the flesh in the earth performing a special ministry until the coming of Jesus Christ.”