Soul,Mind And Body- Knowledge Flashcards
What is behaviourism ?
Observing human behaviours and believing that our behaviour is influenced by our environment and that we learn all or behaviour
What is category error ?
A language problem when things are believed to be part of one category when in fact they belong to another
What is dualism ?
The belief that the mind and body work together
You can’t have one without the other
What is materialism ?
The only real things are those with matter
An individual is a physical thing and nothing else
What is monism ?
The opposite of dualism
We are only one substance
What is the nicene creed ?
Statement of belief on what the church believes about the nature of god
What does psyche mean ?
Greek term that mean mind
What is reductionism ?
Everything can be reduced to a statement about physical bodies
What does scepticism mean ?
Doubting the truth of something
What is the soul ?
The non physical part of you
What is substance dualism ?
There are two substances that exist which are the mental and physical and they are two different substances
What is lockes prince and pauper theory ?
There is a prince and a cobbler (shoe maker)
One night the memories and consciousness of the prince are transferred to the cobbler
And the other way round
What is Theseus ship theory ?
A ship which keeps being replaced until none of the ship has the original materials
If they kept back all the materials an built another ship , would that be the original ship or a new ship ?
Why is plato a dualist ?
He talks about a soul being separate from the body
What are the characteristics of the soul according to plato ?
Possesses knowledge
What are the characteristics of the body according to plato ?
Gives rise to opinions
Made up of parts
What does plato say our bodies are controlled by ?
The unreliable and perfect senses , which deceive us
Why does plato think the body is a prison for the soul ?
It chains us to our senses
The soul is real and trapped in the body
It longs to escape and return to the world of the forms
What is the analogy of the charioteer and horses ?
One of the horses behaves , the thr one doesn’t
The soul works best when the charioteer( or reason ) is in charge
The horses often pull in different directions
Our appetites can lead us to things that are not helpful
What are the three parts of the soul plato ?
What is reason in the soul ?
Searches for the truth
Rules the soul
What is desire in platos soul ?
Seeking pleasure for yourself
What is spirit in platos soul ?
Includes aspects that can be trained such as agressiveness , honour and emotion
Give reasons why plato argues that there is a soul
Our soul has witnessed things from th world of th forms , so that is why we cn recognise things as similar
Where was the soul in the past - plato ?
Realm of the forms
The soul has knowledge of the forms before being pulled to earth by the appetites
Where is the soul in the present ?- plato
Incarnated in the body
Experiences all the tension of the conflict between body and soul
Body= prison
Soul is liberated at death
Where will the soul go in the future ? - plato
Will be freed from the body
Reincarnated into another body
Or eventually return to the realm of the forms
What do christians believe about the soul?
God creates the soul
It has a beginning
God is omnipotent and can destroy anything he wants to
Immortality of the soul is a gift from god not something the soul has a right to
What do the two horses represent ?
Spirit and the physical appetites
What cause does Aristotle believe the body is ?
Material cause
What cause does Aristotle believe the soul is ?
Formal cause
What does Aristotle believe about the soul ?
Not distinct from the body
Can’t be separated from the body
Not a simple immortal substance
Doesn’t continue when you die
How does Aristotle know that there is a soul ?
Used observation and sense experience
What is the quote form Aristotle that states the soul is connected to the body ?
“It indubitably follows that the soul is insuperable from the body “
What are the three elements of the soul for risotto e ?
Vegetative soul
Appetitive soul
Intellectual soul
What is the vegetative soul ?
Shared with all living things